PicPick 7.2 screenshot tool adds Window Capture mode

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 5, 2023
Windows software

NGWIN, the company behind the popular screen capturing tool PicPick for Microsoft Windows devices, has released PicPick 7.2.0 to the public. The latest version is available as a manual update for home users and an automated update for users who have purchased the professional version of the application.

Home users can download PicPick 7.2 from the company website. The existing installation will be upgraded automatically when the downloaded setup file is launched on the device.

Windows users should take note that Microsoft plans to change the function of the PrintScreen key in Windows 11.

PicPick 7.2.0

The main new feature of the screen capturing tool is the new Window capture mode. This is the last mode that the tool lacked to make it an allrounder screen capturing application. The developers have added support for screen recordings and delayed screenshot captures last year.

PicPick supported capturing windows and scrolling windows already, and the new Window capture mode adds an option to the tool to capture the active window quickly.

The new capturing mode is available directly on start. The Home screen of the application lists it under Screen Capture and the new keyboard shortcut Alt-PrintScreen creates a screenshot of the active window automatically. Speaking of keyboard shortcuts, the new keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-S adds Save As functionality of PicPick. The Whiteboard feature supports keyboard shortcuts as well now.

PicPick's capture bar, does not list the new window capture option. It does list the window control and scrolling window capture options, however.

Users of the application may use any of the window capturing options to capture windows. Pressing Alt-PrintScreen may be quicker if the active window needs to be captured. The Window Control mode lets users pick a visible window on the screen to capture its content.

The new window capture option is not the only new feature. The application's screen recorder has been updated; it may now record multiple audio streams on the device while recording.

Other improvements include improved printing functionality. This includes an improved printing and preview quality, image scaling options, and better header, footer and margin settings. The program's PDF Export feature, which exports screenshots to PDF, has also been enhanced in the release, but the developers do not reveal how.

PicPick users who want to start over can use the new restore button in the settings to set everything back to its default value.

Closing words

PicPick is an excellent screen capturing tool for Windows that gets better with every major release. Windows users who use it regularly have two options to support the developers. There is the option to buy a lifetime license, which supports installing the program on two computer systems. The other option is subscription-based and supports installation on two devices as well.

Now You: which screenshot tool or tools do you use?

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  1. chesscanoe said on February 3, 2025 at 5:44 pm


  2. chesscanoe said on November 19, 2023 at 11:16 pm

    PicPick 7.2.5 with its widget works well under Windows 11 Home [x64] Version 23H2 [build 22631.2715]. If you had problems in the past, I suggest try again.

  3. Leo Feret said on August 4, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    NGWIN PicPick works well with Windows 11 22H2 22621.2070 .

  4. John G. said on June 5, 2023 at 5:53 pm

    The best tool in my opinion is Lightshot for W10 (it doesn’t work good with W11 because it hangs the taskbar in certain random scenarios). For W11 the best is the Snipping Tool (despite the lack of an editing option to add text, and also the worst UI ever since MS put the editing buttons at bottom). However, I agree @VioletMoon, I use screen capture more likely once time per week so it doesn’t really care, the easier the software the better the experience.

  5. VioletMoon said on June 5, 2023 at 4:18 pm

    Yes, PicPick works well. For quick capturing of scenes from a movie, I prefer VLC. OBS works well for the desktop. ShareX, Snipping Tool, Print Friendly for a PDF, Active Presenter, Win-G can work. Screenpresso, native Firefox screenshot, Alt-PrtScr and Paint.net?

    Wondering how often I really use such tools? Once a week?

    Now, since it’s so easy to record the desktop and click around a program to show off new and old features, why does gHacks rely solely on audio? Odd. Maybe a mini-how-to video.

  6. Clairvaux said on June 5, 2023 at 3:31 pm

    I don’t understand. You mean taking a screenshot of the active window is a new feature ? It’s not. I use version 4.2.6, and of course it can save the active window. It’s also free, with no ads.

  7. Tachy said on June 5, 2023 at 3:21 pm

    MSI Afterburner has screenshot and video capture built in. It’s free.

    It’s intention is to record gaming but it records the desktop just as easily.

  8. Roope said on June 5, 2023 at 3:13 pm

    I’ve been using Faststone Capture for years. Although it is paid software, it also includes an amazing screenshot editor. You know, for adding arrows and all that. Most importantly, it enables me to save screenshots as editable files, allowing me to later “move arrows” and highlight different portions of an image again and save a new result.

  9. Tom Hawack said on June 5, 2023 at 1:58 pm

    PicPick 7.2.0 installer (picpick_inst.exe), 62.6MB… maybe worth it yet I remain surprised by the weight of modern (recent) apps/software : do they really bring (that) more than their ancestors? If so maybe not always.

    At this time I use,

    System-wide : Greenshot (RELEASE- dated 2017) at [https://getgreenshot.org/], suits my needs .
    Browser (Firefox) : Page Saver WE [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pagesaver-we/]

    Practically all screenshots I process are within the browser hence ‘Greenshot’ is seldom used.

    1. Ben said on June 5, 2023 at 9:09 pm

      I use Greenshot as well, it’s a pity development stoppend.

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