DTube is more than a YouTube alternative

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 2, 2018
Music and Video

YouTube is the world's largest video hosting platform but will it keep its position or will it drop in user popularity? And if it does, which service will pick the number one spot then?

DTube is a decentralized video platform that utilizes the Blockchain and P2P technology. The first thing that I noticed when I visited the start page of the platform was that it listed Dollar amounts underneath each video.

The main interface of DTube displays hot, trending and watched videos on the start page. You can run searches, or use the menu to explore trending tags and account related listings such as the "watch later" or "watch again" video lists.

A click on a video opens it in the interface and videos start automatically or manually. So far, no difference to how sites like YouTube operate.

Some videos may take a moment before they start, but I'm not entirely sure if that is a DTube issue or was caused on my end.

DTube raises some questions:

  • How is DTube content monetized if there are no ads (there are no ads)?
  • Where are videos hosted?
  • Are there restrictions in regards to videos that you can upload to the service?
  • How are videos ranked?

DTube is an ad-free platform. It uses the Steem blockchain to keep records. STEEM's advantages over comparable blockchain solutions is that it is entirely free. This means that users don't have to make initial deposits and that there are no transaction fees. Videos uploaded to DTube earn Steem crypto-currency rewards for seven days. DTube uses decentralized storage powered by IPFS to store videos.

Video publishers are not the only users who earn money on DTube. Users who leave comments may earn money too.

Content creators may create accounts on DTube and upload videos to the service. DTube supports regular, and NSFW videos; the latter is hidden by default but can be unlocked with a click on the settings icon and the NSFW Videos > Show in the menu that opens when you do.

The service claims that there is no content moderation (manual or through algorithms) by the makers of the service and that users are in control by using the upvote/downvote functionality. The reliance on users to moderate content works right now. You don't find unpleasant videos showcased under trending or hot videos

What about downsides? There is not too much content on the video platform yet. While the situation improves with every passing month, content is nowhere near the level of YouTube or other popular video hosting sites.

Closing Words

DTube gets a lot of things right. It is a decentralized platform without censorship or algorithms that artificially change the rankings if videos. It is ad-free, but creators and users may still earn revenue when they interact with the service.

The main downside right now is that it lacks content. It offers a good selection of content in niche categories such as cryptocurrency but lacks content in other areas such as gaming, fitness, or music. You will find videos but not the sheer mass of content that is uploaded to YouTube every day.

Now You: Which video platform do you favor, and why?

Article Name
DTube is more than a YouTube alternative
DTube is a decentralized video platform that utilizes the Blockchain and P2P technology that anyone may upload videos to and watch videos on.
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  1. Lucy said on October 8, 2019 at 10:40 am

    Total shite. Just made an account, uploaded videos from my popular accounts elsewhere. Dtube official down-voted each video by -15k despite them not having had a single view. I notice I can buy tokens to bring this back up to zero, or indeed as much as I can afford to make it seem like they are popular. So basically this is a shitter version of youtube that doesn’t get views or even need them. You pay for fake views and others can pay to get rid of any views their competitors get. Had high hopes for this but glad I tried it before I bought another shit coin

  2. POI said on December 20, 2018 at 10:55 am

    ‘DTube is more than a YouTube alternative’ ?! We thinks NOT.
    I’ve got 7 different browsers and none of them play videos on d.tube.
    Rock solid custom built Win 7 Pro 32bit, i7 w/ Asus Radeon HD 7850 Vid card.
    Not that it matters, but the WEI score is 7.8.

    On some browsers nothing shows up at all when clicking on video thumbnails (main page).
    On others, only a grey box shows. What gives?!

    So it appears the Truth (as we find it) is: ‘DTube is a lot LESS than a YouTube alternative!’

  3. Niraj said on April 2, 2018 at 8:21 am

    I like IDTBox.com, the platform is more efficient the DTube i think. They have both rewards for uploaders and video viewers, and more features of video, fast upload, download. No censorship.

    IDTbox is financially backed with cryptomining and daily payout in choice of crypto currency. So my vote is for IDTBox.com best site.

  4. techman said on March 31, 2018 at 8:06 pm

    I tried Dtube for a while but they only allow earnings for 7 days. DIY Tube Video site is like youtube crossed with dtube. It pays in crypto but they pay every month for your videos. And everyone can earn even by commenting. I am moving everything off YT and over to DIY Tube Videos

  5. Kubrick said on March 3, 2018 at 5:15 pm

    Doesnt work in palemoon browser at all.Just a white screen and thats it…Missing codecs maybe.?

  6. Pierre said on March 3, 2018 at 2:04 pm

    There is absolutely nothing in it !

    1. Tom Hawack said on March 3, 2018 at 3:08 pm

      EDITing my post above :
      Cookies not required
      Required 3rd-party sites : api.steemit.com, ipfs.io, ipfs.infura.io

      Was nice to discover but I won’t use it : money, as perfume, is nicer when discreet; seeing all those $ is cheap, inelegant, bling-bling, flashy. And above all videos’ resolution seems fixed on 480p : there is the video resolution option between 480p and ‘Source’, but the latter looks more like 720p than 1080p … full-screen not really good. IMXHO (eXtra!) of course :=)

      1. Pierre said on March 3, 2018 at 3:37 pm

        Anyway cookies are authorized
        Ublock desactivated doesn’t change anything, a priori
        I meant their video collection didn’t contain anything : for instance, there is practically nothing in classical music (my main center of interest in a video site !)
        And the rest is too complicated for me (money, etc)

      2. Tom Hawack said on March 3, 2018 at 3:51 pm

        @Pierre, OK! When you wrote above “There is absolutely nothing in it !” (with a space before the ! as a good Frenchman, à priori!, I assumed literally! (no space before the ! in English) :)

        I’m not fond of that place either. Maybe are you and I too European :=)

      3. Pierre said on March 3, 2018 at 4:03 pm

        It’s French too ‘absolutely nothing’ means : some things I need are missing
        “Il n’y a absolument rien” = il manque une chose ou deux (celles dont j’ai besoin)
        On the contrary :
        “il y a un certain nombre de choses” = “il y a tout”

      4. Tom Hawack said on March 3, 2018 at 4:28 pm

        Be it in French or English I linger to conceive ‘absolutely nothing’ as ‘what I need is missing’ unless maybe to consider my references as universal, somewhat in correlation with ladies who complain about having nothing to wear when their wardrobe is full :=)

        I’m not saying this with you in mind, Pierre, only expressing thoughts as they come. I have absolutely nothing more to entertain you with!

        Vive la francophonie !

      5. Pierre said on March 3, 2018 at 4:37 pm


    2. Tom Hawack said on March 3, 2018 at 2:47 pm

      @Pierre, that’s because either you’re using ‘uBlock Origin’ and haven’t authorized requirements and/or cookies are blocked : DTube, like a few other sites, requires cookies allowed.

  7. Anonymous said on March 3, 2018 at 3:33 am

    Maybe a cooparate with @Brave Software

  8. tony said on March 3, 2018 at 1:17 am

    taking forever to get a steemit account

  9. tony said on March 2, 2018 at 10:21 pm

    big issue for me is getting a Steemit login. filled out their form 3 times in the past 3 months and never heard back. never heard of bit shute and will check that out

  10. Anonymous said on March 2, 2018 at 6:09 pm

    “Only the users can censor it, through the power of their upvotes and downvotes.” Let me laugh.

  11. john said on March 2, 2018 at 4:25 pm

    yeah, ok, creators can earn money on it, but where does the money come from???

    1. Anonymous said on March 2, 2018 at 6:09 pm

      “Streaming video, Resistant to censorship, Peer to peer, Seeder”, etc. Sounds like more for pirates than “creators” IMO.

  12. Stefan said on March 2, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    PragerU CEO Marissa Streit: “YouTube Censors Conservatives, So We’re Suing” : https://youtu.be/xqmeZiqwFuM

    Twitter Is Being Sued For Censorship : https://youtu.be/Dp-AKNTnFdk

    1. Mike W. said on March 3, 2018 at 12:51 am

      YouTube and Twitter are private platforms/companies that are not obligated to allow whoever wants to, post videos to their platform. These lawsuits aren’t likely to go far, since I don’t see what legal basis the accusers have.

      1. paul said on March 2, 2019 at 9:08 pm

        @Mike W.
        There is a LOT more going on with these lawsuits than the public realizes. You do know that the US Government accepts and/or requires either a Google, Facebook, or Twitter login to access some services on .Gov websites?. As well, they have social media Widgets, (read: tracking ability) on many, many .Gov sites. In addition, our personal data (i.e. the public) is managed, stored, and indexed on and with private servers and software from Microsoft, Google, Amazon etc.

        Therefore, the argument can and is being made, that they cannot, legally and Constitutionally, censor or abrogate our Rights as determined by US Code, Court decisions, or the Constitution itself.

        Lastly, you said “This idea that YouTube/Twitter is actively looking to censor all right wing voices is absurd”. Really? They have admitted it, and we have seen the algorithms.


        This doesn’t have a noticeable effect on me, I’m a middle of the road guy. In fact, I’m a social Libertarian and an “unaffiliated” (i.e. no party) voter. But I weep for our Country and those that will be affected by our demise.

      2. Dave said on September 14, 2018 at 6:17 pm

        The problem is that they don’t position themselves as such. Twitter has repeatedly said that they facilitate discussion in the “public square”.

        I suspect that the eventual point of contention will be that they are not who they claim (and contractually represent) they are – and they will either face fines in that area, or, will have to cease and desist until they factually represent in their user policies.

      3. Conservative said on March 4, 2018 at 7:01 am


      4. Mike W. said on March 7, 2018 at 12:27 am

        LOL, okay. If that is their argument, they probably won’t get far at all. All YouTube has to point out is that Conservative/right-wing opinions are allowed on their platform so long as the content of the videos does not conflict with their terms of service.

        This idea that YouTube/Twitter is actively looking to censor all right wing voices is absurd.

  13. Tom Hawack said on March 2, 2018 at 2:00 pm

    Had a quick look.
    I set ‘uBlock Origin’ to accept minimum required for page & video rendering and left aside coinmarketcap.com as 3rd-party. I noticed limited video resolutions (are they all in 480 only?).
    I’ll have to spare time for a deeper look.

  14. Yuliya said on March 2, 2018 at 1:44 pm

    YouTube is bad, and Google is evil (seriously), but something is better than nothing:

    They’re not just worse, but straight up terrible! And YT can be made tolerable with a few entries in your content blocker of choice. Btw, VLC and MPV are capable of running YT videos by themselves, so you can also open the links from the search results straight into these players and they will play it:

    I did this manually, but afaik you can automate this process with an extension called OpenWith for FireFox.

    1. Corporate Feudalism said on March 4, 2018 at 1:24 am

      “YouTube is bad, and Google is evil” Youtube IS Google. iCloud also turns out to be hosted on Google’s servers. Google & Amazon control a massive chunk of the internet through their datacenters spread GLOBALLY. These datacenters are filtering internet traffic going through their proxies, collecting “metadata”. They are a loophole for espionage, besides making hundred of billions of dollars. We need international laws passed to stop all governments AND tech companies spying this way. Why is it legal for a corporation but illegal for an individual?

    2. Albion Robertson Huxlexion-Rammsey said on March 3, 2018 at 10:09 pm

      Didn’t know that. Thanks.

    3. Jessica said on March 2, 2018 at 3:51 pm

      mpv doesn’t play it by itself, it needs youtube-dl.

  15. Kubrick said on March 2, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    Google has enough resources to gobble all these alternatives up and spit out the bones.I dont see how comments like “this is going to be the next you-tube.” are going to occur.

    Nice to have alternatives of course but to take on google is somewhat immature.
    Why is there an assumption that you-tube is “dying”…?.With google backing i cannot see this happening.

    1. Anonymous said on March 3, 2018 at 6:55 pm

      Paranoid privacy people say that

    2. Steve N said on March 2, 2018 at 10:33 pm

      You can’t gobble up and spit out a decentralized platform, it’s not a competing business playing by the same set of rules. As far as taking on youtube or google, How long did AOL rein supreme over the internet in EVERY WAY! They had a lock on stuff FAR more than Google does now, how’d that work out for them?

      1. John Fenderson said on March 5, 2018 at 6:56 pm

        @Steve N: “You can’t gobble up and spit out a decentralized platform”

        Microsoft managed to do it with Skype.

    3. John Fenderson said on March 2, 2018 at 5:34 pm

      @Kubrick: “Why is there an assumption that you-tube is “dying”…?”

      I think it depends on what you mean by “dying”. As a business? It’s probably not. However, from my point of view it’s already more than half dead in terms of usefulness. The YouTube of today is a pale shadow of what YouTube was just a few years ago in terms of providing the sort of content I enjoy watching.

  16. Matt said on March 2, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    I like Bitchute’s decentralized platform and think it’s going to be the next youtube.

  17. TelV said on March 2, 2018 at 12:19 pm

    I noticed there are bottrackers available although I’m not quite sure what the intention is: https://steembottracker.com/

    The dropdown menu options don’t seem to work in any event.

    As for Dtube, some videos don’t seem to work with just the throbber spinning in the centre. I think they’ll have to sort that problem out first if they want to promote the site.

  18. Franck said on March 2, 2018 at 11:36 am

    Very promising, thanks for sharing !

  19. AnorKnee Merce said on March 2, 2018 at 9:19 am

    Similar to torrenting, P2P likely means DTube is using your unused Internet bandwidth and stored video files towards generating revenue, eg for coin-mining, email spamming services, etc.

    The Holadotorg or Hola Better Internet browser add-on/extension for free VPN also uses P2P.


  20. AnorKnee Merce said on March 2, 2018 at 9:18 am

    Similar to torrenting, P2P likely means DTube is using your unused Internet bandwidth and stored video files towards generating revenue, eg for coin-mining, email spamming services, etc.
    ……. The Holadotorg or Hola Better Internet browser add-on/extension for free VPN also uses P2P.

  21. Tony said on March 2, 2018 at 8:46 am

    Tried it. Only got audio. No video.

  22. Noir said on March 2, 2018 at 8:39 am

    I’m slowly transitioning to BitChute. Watching any video there rather than on youtube if possible. Though it will take some time before YT really dies.

    1. Darren said on March 2, 2018 at 10:37 pm

      BitChute unfortunately uses Disqus. Tracking across many sites. Owned by a marketing company if I remember. Never will enable that domain (disqus) but prob wouldn’t miss the comments anyway.

    2. Darren said on March 2, 2018 at 10:37 pm

      BitChute unfortunately uses Disqus. Tracking across many sites. Owned by a marketing company if I remember. Never will enable that domain.

      1. Gregory Opera said on August 26, 2018 at 10:32 am

        I just created a BitChute and you can disable to Disqus functionality (it’s enabled by default though), thereby forcing you to sign-in to a separate Disqus account in order to leave comments… But if you don’t sign-in to a Disqus account, you can still use the site (BitChute); you just won’t be able to comment on content.

    3. Stefan said on March 2, 2018 at 4:21 pm

      I’m also moving to BitChute. It will definitely become the new Youtube. Most of the channels i watched on Youtube are on Bitchute.

      Gab.ai will replace Twitter.

    4. jupe said on March 2, 2018 at 1:35 pm

      I don’t think it will die, it may morph into something different though.

      1. iambigbrotheryourdataissafe said on March 4, 2018 at 11:28 pm

        It already has morphed into something different. Youtube started out as way for users to share videos with the world but now it’s focus is making an advertiser friendly environment. Geo Blocking, Erroneous copyright violations, Top trending is always ad enabled videos. It’s already turned into Cable 2.0 with Youtube TV service with the typical pay extra for additional channels. Modern day Google is in bed with big media. I am surprised YouTube wasn’t forced to use widevine DRM yet.

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