Android Games on the cheap on Google Play

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 30, 2016
Google Android

I have to admit that I'm not a big gamer on mobile. While I did try a couple of free to play games on various Android smartphones that I owned over the years, I never really enjoyed the tiny screen experience that much.

This has not really changed all that much. I guess it would be different if I would own an Android tablet, but I don't.

Anyway, I bought my first ever paid Android game yesterday on Google Play. I had three reasons for that: first, one of the presents that I got Christmas was a Google Play gift card. Second, the game was on sale, and one of my all-time favorites. Three, it is not available as a digital download for Sony's new Playstation console.

The game in question was Final Fantasy Tactics, or more precisely, the updated version Final Fantasy Tactics: WotL.

Android games Year End 2016 Sale

If you are an Android gamer, or just starting out, you may find the following game offers on Google Play to your liking. Many games are discounted a lot, and some start at €0,10.

Many games are discounted, but there is no single page that lists all of the games that are.

The following selection are my suggestions. If you have spotted a game that is not on this list, let me know in the comments. I'm especially interested in why you'd recommend it.

  1. Final Fantasy Tactics: WotL for €6.99 -- One of the best turn-based role-playing games to grace this earth. I played the original on the Playstation. This version is the re-released version of the classic game that was first released for the PSP featuring new cutscenes, scenarios, and jobs.
  2. FINAL FANTASY VI for €6.99  -- I'm a big role-playing games fan. Always liked the Final Fantasy Series. This one is discounted 50%.
  3. Many Square Enix games besides the two mentioned above. Most Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy and other RPG games released for Android are discounted.
  4. Kingdom Rush Frontier for €1.09 -- A well made tower defense game. While you can play the Flash version on various sites, the app-version features additional heroes and other features.
  5. Star Wars Kotor for €3.29 -- Another classic role-playing game. I loved Knights of the Old Republic and its successor. Great games, great story and well worth the money.
  6. This War of Mine for €1.99 -- Another great game worth every penny. You play civilians in a war zone, and your only task is to survive for as long as you can. This game features lots of tough choices.
  7. Limbo for €0.50 -- This puzzle-platform indie game has received some of the highest ratings ever. It is beautiful, immersive, and can be really difficult at times as well.

There are plenty of games on sale on Google Play right now. Makes me wonder: do you game on your mobile devices? If so, which games do you play?

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Android Games on the cheap on Google Play
Google is holding a year's end sale on Google Play currently in which plenty of great Android games are discounted significantly.
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  1. ben said on December 31, 2016 at 1:53 am

    Yep, I bought a few, not even a gamer, not even sure if I’ll ever play them, but they were deep discounted, so figured why not, maybe some day!

    Lara Croft GO
    Ticket to Ride
    Asphalt 8
    The Room Three
    This War of Mine

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on December 31, 2016 at 5:30 am

      Some good choices there Ben ;)

  2. Yuliya said on December 30, 2016 at 11:10 pm

    There’s Frozen Bubble for Android which I recently discovered and quite enjoy. I mean I knew the game, just didn’t know there’s an Android version of it. What I(‘d) like are tower defense games, too bad that there aren’t many nice on Android (nor on iOS) – they’re either extremely boring and generic or, even worse, (and not that they have better gameplay, still dull) pay to win, otherise grind till.. you format the device and lose all the progress.

    You can’t do much in terms of controls with a touchscreen I’m affraid. I also liked the first Plants vs Zombies and Cut the rope.

    There’s also Sky Force for Android, but while the game was really great on my N95 with a real keypad, with touchscreen it is nearly unplayable, unfortunately.

  3. Miii said on December 30, 2016 at 10:51 pm

    ^Any Telltale game is worth at least checking. The Wolf Among Us is a charismatic game too for instance, although Tales from the Borderlands is leagues above as my preferred smartphone game. (Yet I played FF VI on smartphone, and I’m a guy whose almost favourite game of all time is FF VII)

    Different type of game: The Room, The Room Two and The Room Three. These are immersive puzzle games with a story, the first one is mostly puzzle, the others go further to make the game not unlike Myst. Games all make very good use of smartphone controls. The Two is the least pleasant of the bunch but still very nice.

  4. Miii said on December 30, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    I highly recommend Tales from the Borderlands. It’s a movie type of game where you pick the scenario trajectory through dialogue and sequence. All five episodes are definitely worth it.

    Exists on PC too.

  5. Antonio said on December 30, 2016 at 8:53 pm

    A couple of addictive math games (the second is totally free):
    Euclidea and Pythagorea

  6. Beyblat said on December 30, 2016 at 6:29 pm

    FFVI’s remake graphic is bad, just look at the screenshot.
    The old one is much better.

    I only play simple games in my phone sometimes. Games take too much battery life.

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