Streaks is a simple daily task reminder app for Android

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 27, 2015
Updated • Jun 28, 2015
Google Android

If you have tasks that you want to complete every day but forget to do sometimes, you may find the free Android application Streaks useful as it can reminds you of tasks and keeps track of them for you.

Streaks works best if you need to complete daily tasks. This can be something as mundane as taking the trash out or feeding the cat, or something exciting like learning a language or completing 100 push-ups. Generally speaking, if it's a daily task it can be added to Streaks.

Apart from reminding you each day that the task is due, it is also keeping track of completed tasks, or more precisely, the number of days that you have completed the task without interruption.

The idea of the feature is to motivate you to keep going as you would end your "streak" if you don't complete the task on a day.

The application itself is simple to use. Tap on the plus icon in the interface to open the "new task" menu that you use to add a new task to it.

Add a short description for it, and select whether you want to be reminded of it each day or not. If you select to be reminded, you may pick the time of day that the reminder is shown to you.

The task is then listed in the application's main interface. It is displayed with its title and the number of days that you have completed it in a row.

A tap on the "complete" button underneath each task completes it for the day which increases the count by one.

As you may have noticed already, it is only possible to add daily tasks to the application. It would be useful if Streaks would not limit you in this regard so that it would accept bi-daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly tasks as well.

Options to do so would surely improve the usability of the application for Android.

Note: The free version of Streaks is limited to five tasks. You can purchase a pro version which unlocks unlimited tasks.

Closing Words

You may find Streaks useful if you forget daily tasks regularly or at times, and want to add a motivating factor to those tasks by keeping track of task completion streaks.

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  1. IgHive said on June 28, 2015 at 10:22 am

    Why not just use the alarm app with a custom label?

    1. Android said on June 28, 2015 at 6:33 pm

      Though a good idea, but unless you remember why you set the alarm, not every phone will show you that label on the screen, it simply rings. As for giving you a visual reminder without installing something new. Most Android phones have a built in calendar app. Simply set the engagement in there with an alarm and when the alarm goes off, the event / reminder is displayed. No app to check, or install. the calendar is standard for any Android phone.

  2. Inderjeet said on June 27, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    Seems like a good daily task reminder app but i love my ‘To Do Reminder’ android app.

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