Better URL Bar Improves Firefox's Address Bar Visibility

Martin Brinkmann
May 3, 2012
Firefox, Firefox add-ons

If you are working on a large computer monitor with standard font sizes you may have noticed that some screen elements are not as readable as they should be. You could now say that this is age related, and it probably is to a certain extent. Regardless of that, there may certainly be users who would like their browser's address bar to become more visible.

Improved visibility makes it easier to check up on the web page address, for instance to distinguish a legit site from a phishing site, and it also makes the editing of contents easier in the bar.

Better URL Bar

Better URL Bar for Firefox improves the readability of the browser's address bar by increasing the font size. Address bar in this regard includes both the url bar and the search box in the browser.

We have covered similar extensions in the past for the web browser. First Make Address Bar Font Size Bigger, which increases the font size of the address bar and the suggestion box beneath it, and second the Firefox theme font and size changer which can be used to change font sizes for all Firefox interface elements individually.

Better URL Bar increases the font size of the browser's address bar and search bar, but not of the suggestions box or other interface elements.  It furthermore disables the browser's domain highlighting, which puts emphasize on the domain part of the address.

The third and final option is the ability to remove redundant labels from the browser's identity box. This is disabled by default as it may affect the visibility of secure sites in the browser. When enabled, it will remove the domain name next to the site's favicon in the browser to make additional room for the site's address.

As you can see in the screenshot above, only the site's favicon is displayed. Better URL improves the visibility of the browsers address bar and search bar font. Users who want the suggestions' box font to increase as well should take a look at the other two extensions linked above.


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