File Server OneHTTPD

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 28, 2010
Updated • Aug 4, 2016
Software, Windows software

OneHTTPD is a tiny file server for Windows and Linux devices that allows remote users to connect to a local directory over the Internet.

Internet users have many different options to share files with other users. They can upload files to file hosts or cloud storage services, upload them to a remote web server or ftp server, or use a program on the local computer system to share files with anyone that is connecting to it.

The last option works best on devices using unlimited broadband connections, and not so much if the connection speed is slow or if data transfers are limited.

OneHTTPD is a basic file server that is available for Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

The server has a size of less than 70 Kilobytes. It can be configured from the command line or by dragging and dropping a folder on the executable in Windows. Doing the latter starts the file server on the device right away.

The basic command to start the file server is onehttpd directory,with directory being a locally accessible folder.

You may configure extra parameters to change the default listening port of the server, and the level of status messages that program echos when it is run from the command line.


OneHTTPD can be used to run a file server in less than a minute which is the greatest strength of the application.

It lacks several features like user authorization or access filters that most users may require from their file server. Windows users who want a sophisticated program that offers more features may want to take a look at HTTP File Server which supports authentication. Another option is the excellent FileZilla Server application.

Update: The original OneHTTPd project website is no longer available. While you can still download the program from third-party download sites like Softpedia, it is not recommended to do so anymore.

First, the program has not been updated in years. What weights more than that are vulnerabilities that were discovered in recent versions of the application that are not fixed (and won't likely be fixed).

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  1. Ronan said on March 28, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    Also, if you have python, you can do the same with a single command:
    python -m SimpleHTTPServer
    Note: you must be root to use ports < 1024

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