Create Desktop Icons With Simply Icon

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 18, 2009
Updated • Mar 23, 2017
Software, Windows software

SimplyIcon is a free program for the Microsoft Windows operating system to create program icons in various sizes for Windows files and programs.

Every file on a Windows machine has an icon associated with it. This can be a custom icon, think of program icons for instance, or generic icons, for instance mp3, mkv or txt file icons.

Windows ships with tools to change icons on the system.

Desktop icons, or icons in general, come in handy in several situations but mainly to replace existing icons on the computer desktop or in applications.

It is for instance relatively easy to replace an existing icon in the Windows operating system with another; it depends on the data type though how easy it really is. System icons can for example be changed by right-clicking on the computer desktop and selecting Properties (or Personalize) from the menu.

Windows ships with a limited number of desktop icons that users can select, and some users might prefer to create their own icons for a more personal experience.

Simply Icon

simply icon

Simply Icon is a lightweight software program to create desktop icons. All the user needs to do is to drag and drop an image on the applications interface. The application will automatically create four different icons in the size 128x128, 64x64, 32x32 and 16x16.

The newly created icons are stored in one file in the same directory as the original file that was dropped on the application. Best suitable images for a conversion into icons are images that have the same height and width, as icons have the same height and width also.

It may help to process the image that you want to create icons from using an image editor before you drag and drop it on the interface. It allows you to select the area of an image that you want to turn into icons, and also make sure that the processed image has the same height and width.

Simply Icon can be downloaded from the developer's website. It does require the Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 which needs to be installed before the application can be executed.

Closing Words

Simply Icon offers a simple option to create icons for files and programs on Windows. The program is bare bones, which means that you don't get any preview or editing options. Just drag and drop, to create the icons.

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  1. OAlexander said on November 21, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    Well, is it any good?

  2. analmadness said on November 18, 2009 at 9:16 pm

    does this app apply any image filters to help maintain quality? I would love an app that doesnt produce pixelated icons.

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