Speed up Firefox with Quick Drag

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 22, 2008
Updated • Feb 7, 2015
Firefox, Firefox add-ons

I'm always looking for new Firefox add-ons that speed up my browsing and Quick Drag is exactly one of those useful add-ons.

It basically makes it possible to drag and drop elements on a website to process them faster. Quick Drag has three main functions and I could not really tell which of them is the most useful one because they are, at least for me, all useful.

If you drag an image on a website with your mouse you download that image automatically to your computer. This is great if you download images regularly and think that the right-click -> save image dialog is taking too ling.

The images are saved to the default download folder of Firefox automatically. So, instead of right-clicking multiple images on a page to select the save image option from the context menu, you simply drag them on the page a bit to save them instead.

URLs, those that you can click on and those that you cannot click on, can be dragged to open them in a new tab in Firefox.

This saves some time especially if the url is not clickable, for example if the webmaster did not use the http://www part of the url, if the web address contains an error, say hxxp instead of http, or if just the domain name is listed on the page.

The last feature performs a search in the default search engine if you drag and drop text. Just mark anything and drag it for a bit and a new tab will open that displays the search results of the default search engine for that term that you selected.

Update: QuickDrag has not been updated since 2011 and while it can still be installed in Firefox, it does not seem to work anymore. When you drag and drop an image for example, it won't be saved to the system automatically anymore.

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  1. Syahid A. said on April 29, 2008 at 4:55 am

    Useful add-on Martin. Is there any add-on that can save images with Ctrl + Left click, which enabled by default in Maxthon?

  2. Abhijeet from Jeet Blog said on April 23, 2008 at 9:17 pm

    Good find! Certainly looks like an extension worth trying. Can be very useful for bloggers. Thanks.

  3. archer said on April 22, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    i’ve been using super drag and go for years, which functions as you describe this extension, and at this point i would be lost if suddenly without it.

    one of the most handy uses is dragging/dropping images from web pages into gmail when composing.

  4. Bruno 'ReX' Barbieri said on April 22, 2008 at 3:47 pm

    Thanks, you’re always posting useful things. :D

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