windows folder view modes

Enable One View Mode For All Folders In Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer in Vista and Windows 7 makes use of different folder templates to present the files and folders to the user. A folder with mostly images for instance is displayed using […]

WordPress 3.0 Released, Download And Upgrade Now

The popular blogging platform WordPress has been updated to version 3.0. WordPress 3.0 contains more than 1200 bug fixes and enhancements including a new default theme and a redesigned admin area with […]

Kijio Is A Powerful Subtitle Editor

Subtitle editing is probably not something that the average user will ever come into contact with. But there are cases where a subtitle editor like Kijio might come in handy, the program […]

Wikipedia Gadgets Overview

Wikipedia users have access to so called gadgets which are Javascript snippets that extend the functionality of the popular online encyclopedia. They provide a similar functionality as userscripts with the difference that […]

Microsoft And Facebook Launch

Many Internet users who want to view and edit documents online use Google Docs to do so. There are other services besides Google Docs, but none that can compete with Google's service […]

Google Docs Rolls Out New Features

Hot off the press: Google has updated Google Docs with some major improvements. Google Docs is a document storage and editing service offered by Google. Users with a Google account can upload […]

10 Wikipedia Encyclopedia Usability Userscripts

Wikipedia: almost every Internet user has heard that name before and chance is they have been - intentionally or not - on the website of the popular online encyclopedia at least once. […]

Get your beat on with the Hydrogen drum machine

All too often the musically inclined seem to feel a bit left out of the Linux, open source community. At least that was the way for a long time. And then came […]

Correct tag errors in your music collection with Easy Tag

I have a number of large music directories on numerous drives. The files in these directories have been added (over the years) from various sources. The biggest problem with my collections is […]

12 Booster Apps For Windows 7

Experienced computer users have a specific routine that they go through whenever they install a new operating system. This includes playing around with the default configuration of the operating system, but also […]

Microsoft Photo Story

Microsoft Photo Story is a free software program by Microsoft for the Windows operating system that can be used to turn digital camera photos and pictures into small videos. It is possible […]

Create Free Microsoft Power Point Presentations

If you need to create a presentation but do not have access to Microsoft Power Point you can either use another software program like Open Office to create the presentations or use […]

Choosing a Web Hosting Company that’s Right for You

A few years ago, choosing a company to host your website was an exercise in frustration and confusion. But now, with so many web hosting companies competing for your business, you’re assured […]

Customize your Ubuntu GNOME theme

If you are using the standard, out of the box, Ubuntu theme with GNOME you might be interested in customizing this look. But for many users just now coming over from Windows […]

Submagic Is An All In One Subtitle Editor

Submagic is a computer software program for the Windows operating system that enables you to create, edit, or fix subtitle files. Edit in this regard means to create, edit, convert, synchronize or […]

Is WordPress 2.7 better?

I've only been using WordPress 2.7 for a bit since I'm building sites more than I'm blogging nowadays, but I have to say I love it. It looks much, much better, navigation […]

Window Always On Top With Power Menu

The Windows operating system lacks several basic options when you work with program windows on it. There is for instance no option to set windows to be always on top if they […]

Pictomio Photo Software

Pictomio is a beautiful picture and video organizer that comes with a wide variety of features and an impressive looking interface. The photo software uses a library like system to catalog images […]

Windows Live Writer Preview

The newest version of Windows Live Writer has been released as a technical preview, primarily to showcase changes to the SDK. That isn’t to say this build is simply internal changes, you’ll […]

Must have software for my new computer

I'm still not finished with the installation of all applications that I want to use on my new computer but the essential ones are there. Essential are those that are needed to […]

Aviary Invites

Max was nice enough to send me an invite for the online application service Aviary, or more precisely the main website and the image editor application which are freely accessible after registration. Users can access their dashboard through the main interface which displays a list of featured images, collaborations and recent images alongside your latest activities.

Create Ringtones with Audacity and Youtube

It is possible to create ringtones from any song you like with free tools. Yes, that's right, you don't have to pay a dime for software, the music or the ringtone. All you need is some time and patience. You do need several utilities to create the ringtones: Audacity, the Lame Encoder if you do not have it installed already, FLV Extract, a browser and a video downloader. I suggest using Firefox and the excellent Download Helper extension. Install everything, look at the Download Helper article that I wrote a few weeks ago if you have troubles installing the Firefox add-on.

Alter all websites in the world

The following is a nice trick that I learned in a webmaster forum. I thought it would be nice to describe it to my readers as well because you can have some fun with it. It allows you to manipulate all elements of a website. You could for instance create number one positions on Google, add your own products to Amazon or write a cover story at CNN.

Selectively deleting entries from you Firefox history

Selectively deleting your history entries seems like something you do in adolescence and while I hope I may help my young friends in this area, my reason for wanting to do this […]

Blank out part of the screen

It is sometimes important to concentrate on a task at hand and blend out everything that is not related to it. This could be the case when reading an interesting article, editing a Microsoft Word document or playing a flash game. Everything around the needed area could be a distraction.

Widgetize you website with Yourminis

Have you ever wanted to improve your website by adding widgets that would provide some kind of interesting or important information about local weather, time, events, news or whatever else that might benefit your website without the need to write the code yourself or make a third-party script work on your own site?

Firefox: Open Links and Mailto's in external applications

I prefer to watch videos in my favorite video player VLC instead of watching them embedded on the web. If you click on a video file on a website you open it either in your default video viewer or view it right in your browser using a plugin. You may also open websites in different browsers which is great for developers who were using several add-ons to view a website in different browsers.

Just right-click the link and select the application that you want to use to view it from the menu. Launchy, that is the name of the Firefox add-on, supports more than 60 applications right out of the box with the ability to add more applications using an XML file.

Adobe Multi-touch Interface Presentation

If you thought that the last Multi-touch technology videos that I have been showing here at Ghacks have been cool then you should see this one. This one is a presentation by Jeff Han who is a research scientist for NYU's Media Research Lab during TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) 2006. Jeff Han describes his technique the following way: "Our technique is force-sensitive, and provides unprecedented resolution and scalability, allowing us to create sophisticated multi-point widgets for applications large enough to accommodate both hands and multiple users."

Paint is a real image editor

For the average user Microsoft Paint is just a basic image editor with limited functionality. It never occured to me that artists could great pro images even with such a basic image editor. I probably would never get in contact with works of those artists if video sites such as Youtube would not exist. Thankfully they do exist and I was able to select some handpicked images that have been created with the Microsoft Paint image editor.

Use Multiple Screens over Network

Using multiple screens on one computer is nothing unusual these days. All you need is a graphics adapter that supports two screens and a operating system that supports it. Setup is really simple and many professionals that do web design or work with image editing software use it to increase their workflow.

How to join, split and create mp4, mov and 3gp files

A long timer reader asked in the forum if I knew of a program that would be able to join mp4 files. I was not able to give the answer immediately but after a short research I found a program called Yamb which is able to join, split and create mp4, mov and 3gp files. You do need the mpeg 4 converter mp4 box because Yamb uses it for the conversions. Yamb is mainly a gui for mp4 box, the hardcore users could simply use the command line to work with mp4 box, all others should better use Yamb.

Top XP Freeware that every user needs Part 2

I promised to write a second part of the article Top XP Freeware that every user needs and here it comes. I was concentrating on security aspects in the first article and will not write about every other freeware that every windows user should have on his system. I might miss one or two but I know that you will comment on this and help you me out.

Burn Audio CDs using exotic audio formats

Most burning tools that support the creation of audio CDs support only the most common formats by default. Those formats are normally mp3, wav or wma. Some suits support other formats as well but I never found a burning suit that supported all of the formats that I needed. One way to solve this issue would be to use plugins that would increase the supported formats, one plugin pack for Nero can be downloaded here. (Click on Nero Audio-Plug-Ins..)


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