panda batch file renamer

Panda Batch File Renamer

Most digital cameras save photos in a cryptic format that is not descriptive at all. The same can be true for other files, for instance for images or videos that have been […]

Microsoft Windows Update Overview, All You Need To Know

Windows Update is a free computer service provided by Microsoft that provides Operating System (OS) patches and service packs to computers running the many versions of Microsoft Windows. These updates are either […]

Dropbox 1.0 Released, Download Now

The announcement that Dropbox 1.0 final has been released has just been posted at the Dropbox Blog which means that existing users can update their version to the latest one. It also […]

How To Protect USB Sticks And The Data On Them

Carrying an USB-stick around with you can be beneficial in numerous situations. USB devices are for instance ideal to copy data without having to carry a larger device like a notebook or […]

Quick and easy Linux security

You've just set up your Linux desktop. Naturally you want it to be as secure as possible. You've heard the rumors that, out of the box, Linux has outstanding security. Is it […]

Create And Restore System Snapshots With Comodo Time Machine

An effective method of keeping a system clean is by reverting it to an original system snapshot regularly. Returnil can do that for instance. It loads a clone of the operating system […]

List Of Microsoft Fix It Solutions

Microsoft Fix It is a relative new way of solving problems that occur in the Windows operating system. These fix it solutions are basically one-click solutions for fixing problems. The Fix It […]

Homedale is a Wi-Fi networking monitor

Homedale is a free wireless networking monitor for Windows that you may use to monitor WiFi access points and their signal strength. Not all wireless networking hardware comes with the appropriate software […]

Gmail: 90 Tools And Tips To Make You A Gmail Pro

Gmail (Google Mail) is without doubt one of the most popular online email services. What makes it so interesting is the functionality that it provides out of the box, but also the […]

Ubuntu Privacy Remix

Ubuntu Privacy Remix is a live CD that is based on Ubuntu 8.04 currently. The sole purpose of this Ubuntu spin off is to create a secure working environment for private data. […]

Google's Browser Security Handbook

Google has publicly released a Browser Security Handbook on Google Code. The handbook "is meant to provide web application developers, browser engineers, and information security researchers with a one-stop reference to key […]

Password Protect Applications

If you do not want that your kids are playing the latest ID software blockbuster, that someone snoops around in your email client or that someone destroys your perfect win streak in […]

Internet Explorer 7 Tweak Utility

The IE7 Tweak Utility is a portable software program that allows you to change a few settings in Internet Explorer 7 that cannot be changed directly in the browser. I assume they […]

Mount Zip To Virtual Folders

Zip files have to be extracted before the content can be accessed usually. This is especially true for installation packages that come as a zip file. Executing the setup from within the […]

Yuck new Windows Vista Ultimate Extras

There were basically two editions of Windows XP for home users, namely Home and Professional. While this was confusing for some it turned out to be a minor problem. When0 Vista launched, […]

A look at the XeroBank Browser

XeroBank Browser, or xB Browser which was previously called Torpark, is a portable browser based on Firefox with security and privacy add-ons that can be run out of the box. The burden of installing all those extensions and softwares and making sure that they work correctly is taken of the users hand which should appeal to many users who do not have the time or knowledge to take care of that by themselves.

Secure USB Device called Flash Padlock

I barely finished the article about the first USB devices with an build in Iris scanner when the next developer announced a system to secure data on USB devices called Flash Padlock. It is basically a a USB stick with one or two Gigabytes of space that is protected by a pin that has to be entered on the device itself to be able to access the data on the stick.

Thunderbird Email Client News Archive

If you are an early adopter and don't want to wait a few more days to download and install the email client Thunderbird you could head out to the Mozilla ftp and download it for your operating system and language right away. The Mozilla team is usually upping the latest version of either Thunderbird or Firefox on their ftp mirrors to ensure that they can serve the server load when they publish the links on the official program pages. This is indeed a good way to download Thunderbird 2 fast because the servers will not be that populated at this time.

Dial a Fix Freeware

Dial-a-fix is a collection of 'known fixes' that have been compiled over the past year that really knock out some serious Windows problems, all with one or two clicks. It tackles issues with SSL/Cryptography, Windows Update, Microsoft Installer, and many miscellaneous shell problems. Most of the fixes it uses are found in various Microsoft Knowledgebase articles, and articles written by Microsoft MVPs. When you see a list of DLLs that need to be registered using REGSVR32.EXE, chances are they are already listed in Dial-a-fix. Mouseover a checkbox or button to obtain more information about what will be executed, or what DLLs will be registered.