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Overwhelmed by Your Inbox? Here’s How to Reclaim Control

Overwhelmed by your inbox? You're not alone. For many of us these days, email management has turned into a daily challenge that grows with each newsletter, receipt, and notification that keeps popping […]

Add actions to extend Nautilus functionality

GNOME's file manager, Nautilus, (as you would expect) is much more than just a plain file manager. There are so many configuration options and ways to extend the default GNOME file manager. […]

Queue music into Rhythmbox from Nautilus

Nautilus is one versatile file manager. The ability to add actions (with the help of Nautilus Actions) makes Nautils' ability seemingly endless. I have covered adding actions to Nautilus before (see my […]

Add a quick-access shortcuts to the GNOME right-click menu

I use the terminal A LOT. Why? Because I'm an old-school Linux user. Because of this I like to have multiple ways to quickly access my terminal. In my never-ending search for […]

Use Gloobus Preview to preview your files

There are many ways to preview your files in Linux. Most often there is a single application used to preview a different file type. You have the Eye of GNOME for images, […]

The latest Ubuntu Unity: Good or bad?

It's almost here. Ubuntu 11.04 will be arriving in less than two months and when it does, there will be reactions. Big reactions. Some of those reactions will not be so great. […]

Extend Thunar's "Send To" menu and media tags

In my recent exploration of various file managers I realized that my favorite of the lot hadn't received the attention it deserves. Here on Ghacks I have shown you how to do […]

emelFM2: Another fast file manager

Today I'm going to take a look at another lightweight Linux (and UNIX-like) file manager (and this time I WON'T get the name wrong) called emelFM2. This particular file manager will pull […]

Add CryptKeeper for on-the-fly encrypted folders in Linux

You've more than likely read Martins' piece about the outstanding encryption tool Truecrypt "TrueCrypt 6.1 Released" and have used it to create easy to use, encrypted file systems on Windows machines. Of […]

Get To Know Linux: The GNOME Panel

As far as PC desktops are concerned the Linux operating system runs the gamut of look and feel. But like most user-space applications, there are certain elements of the desktop that users […]

Getting to Know The GIMP Interface

For many people, the biggest hurdle to using The GIMP is the user interface. When The GIMP began it started out with a very different UI than any other application. That UI […]