How To Take a Screenshot on Windows 11?

Dec 25, 2022
Updated • Dec 25, 2022
Tutorials, Windows

People have used screenshots for various purposes. The process of getting a screenshot has changed over the years. Gone are the days when users would use print screen and then modify screenshots. This article will look at a few ways to take a screenshot.

Copying the Entire Screen

If you want to take a screenshot of the entire screen in Windows 11, you will need to use print screen. This could be different buttons for different keyboards. Some would say PrtScr, while others say PrtScn or PrtScrn.

Most desktop keyboards would have the print screen key next to the F12 key. Some laptops would have the print screen key as part of the Fn function. In this case, you would need to press Fn and then print screen.

When you press print screen, you can paste it anywhere you want. Most paste it on the paint app, while others use Microsoft Word or similar apps.

Windows 11 Screenshot Process Different Methods

Saving the Screenshot as a File

If you want to take a screenshot and save it as a file instantly, you need to press the Windows key + print screen. Windows takes a screenshot of the entire screen and saves it as a PNG file. This is saved in the screenshot folder by default. If your print screen is part of the Fn function, you would need to press Windows+Fn+print screen for this to work.

Copy Window to Clipboard

To capture your active window and paste it to the clipboard, you need to press Alt+print screen. Once it has been pasted to the clipboard, you can paste it into any supporting app.

Capture a Portion of the Screen

This is one of the latest features on most Windows computers. You can now capture a portion of your screen by pressing Windows+Shift+S. This will open a clipping tool. You need to select the portion of the screen you want to capture and drag the clipping tool across it. From there, you just need to paste in any app you want.

Windows 11 Screenshot Process Different Methods

Taking a Screenshot Without the Print Screen Key

On many older Windows computers, there is no print screen button. A classic example is the Microsoft Surface tablet. You can take a screenshot on such devices by pressing the Windows button and Fn+space bar. You can also hold the Windows button and press the volume down button for a screenshot.

Snipping Tool

You can also use the inbuilt Windows snipping tool to take a screenshot. Go to the start menu and search for snipping. You will see the snipping tool app. Open the app and click new to take a screenshot. You can take screenshots of any shape (free form, rectangular, full screen, and window).

Xbox Game Bar

You can also take a screenshot with the Xbox game bar. For this, you need to open the game bar and press Windows+G. You can also press the Xbox logo on your controller. You can then use the capture widget to capture screenshots. This tool can even be used to record videos of your screen.

Snipping Is Very Easy

Now that you know how to take a screenshot, never miss out on important information. A screenshot is a great way to save important information you see on a site. You can even take stills from a video and save these for future reference.


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  1. slap my chicken and watermellons maaaaan said on December 27, 2022 at 1:54 am


    Everything is sent to M$, unless you use an alternate OS.

  2. VioletMoon said on December 26, 2022 at 4:45 pm

    Somehow the article failed to mention how to take a screenshot of the Login Window, not the Locked Window.

  3. Tachy said on December 26, 2022 at 5:38 am

    How? With a third party program unless you want it sent to M$.

  4. @HAL96661 said on December 25, 2022 at 5:46 pm

    Flameshot v12.1.0 is THE winner for me ;)

  5. John G. said on December 25, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    I use Lightshot, it has a lot of options.

  6. Shania said on December 25, 2022 at 2:24 pm

    Use greenshot, with a hotkey.

  7. John G. said on December 25, 2022 at 11:52 am

    The best software of this kind is Lightshot, it allows a lot of options while selecting the area and also before save the picture. Thanks @Shaun for the article. Happy Christmas day from Spain to you all! :]

    1. VioletMoon said on December 26, 2022 at 7:25 pm

      Thanks, wish I were there!

      Copy of comment made for new article on how to take screenshots on Windows 10. Looks like previous work by Martin and Ashwin is infinitely more valuable as a resource:


      Perhaps, but I perused gHacks for screenshot tools and found some excellent, wonderful ideas. Most of the site’s articles were produced by Martin, but Ashwin contributed to the batch of ideas. Notice the difference in style and depth–

      [Note the table at the end of the article that summarized the different Windows commands–brilliant work from long ago.]

      Another Martin article covering some great screenshot software; I just fell in love with ScreenShot Captor Portable–for blogging or tutorials it even beat Problem Steps Recorder:

      A couple of programs recommended by veteran users of screenshot programs:


      Aren’t the above articles those that we, the readers, applauded and needed for our own growth?

      Addictive Tips was the only other site I found with superb recommendations:


      Why the “dummying down” of gHacks? Truly bewildered!

      I better have the comment saved since so many of mine are being deleted. I seriously require the information.

  8. ilev said on December 25, 2022 at 10:52 am

    I use use print screen and then modify screenshots with Paint app.
    All other option are terrible.

    1. Seeprime said on December 25, 2022 at 4:39 pm

      Snipping tool works well for me.

  9. 790 said on December 25, 2022 at 10:14 am

    Regarding this false statement: “Windows takes a screenshot […] saves it as a PGN file.”

    No, Windows doesn’t default to something called “PGN” format for screenshot images, please stop spreading inaccurate information. I suggest consider looking at Portable Network Graphics (PNG):

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on December 25, 2022 at 10:53 am

      Thanks for pointing this out. Typos happen.

  10. ShintoPlasm said on December 25, 2022 at 10:02 am

    Following this article, I am a changed man. Thanks Shaun for making the world a better place, one moronic adverticle at a time!

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