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windows icons

Quality icons from VistaICO

VistaICO is a site that offers only a few icons, but the ones they do have are very high quality. The site looks a bit like an adsense site, the navigation is […]

Opera and Webkit pass Acid3 test. Does anyone care?

Big news all around the Internet that a nightly build of Webkit and an internal build of Opera have passed the Acid 3 test. Users who favor one of the browsers now […]

Adobe Photoshop Express Launched

Every company seems to think that they have to port their applications to the Internet these days. Adobe is the latest to follow this trend with the release of Adobe Photoshop Express [link] which seems to be a combination of a photo album and imaged editing application. Don't expect it to be Photoshop on the web, it is not but it appears to be a solid web application with a nice interface.

Bad ISPs sorted by Country

Your P2P experience can change drastically depending on the Internet Service Provider that you use to connect to the Internet. Some providers use technical measures to throttle the Bittorrent traffic of their […]

How Stolen Credit Cards are sold

Have you ever wondered how criminals who hacked, phished or stole Credit Card information sell them later on? I mean, where would you go and sell the stuff and where would a […]

What’s Your Take on Downloading?

I was first introduced to the downloading phenomenon back in 2000 when a friend got me hooked on Napster. I thought it was cool that I could have songs on a CD […]

Get a Freelancer

Get a Freelancer is a website that brings together webmasters and freelancers. I have been using the service twice in the last two months and liked it that much that I thought […]

HD Wallpapers

I just realized that my last Wallpaper website recommendation dates a while back and thought it would be nice to give everyone the opportunity to add some new wallpapers to their collection. […]

Create a dynamic Twitter Signature

Twitter: Some love it while others would never even think of using the service that lets other people know what you are currently doing. Still it is widely popular and third party applications are beginning to be published that take advantage of this popularity.

File Dropper Simple File Hosting

Many file hosters require registration before you can use their service which is often sometimes that turns users away from the service. If you are looking for a simple file hoster that lets you upload files with a size of up to five Gigabyte without registration you might want to consider File Dropper.

eBay Auction Inquisitor

If you purchase and sell items regularly on eBay you surely had your share of auctions that did not go as well as intended. Most of the times it's just items that are send with delay or money transfers that go wrong. Sometimes however you run into fraudulent content which can be easily recognized by experienced eBay users while beginners will have a hard time collecting the facts that lead to a conclusion.

Opera Dragonfly page is live

Many rumors have emerged when it became public that the Opera team created a website that announced something called Opera Dragonfly without revealing what it really was at that time. The page […]

Microsoft HD View

HD View is a new technology that is developed by Microsoft Research that aids in the display and interaction with large images with sizes of one or more Gigapixels. I was very […]

Add Ping to Address Bar in Firefox and Opera

Found this useful tip on how to add a ping shortcut to your Firefox address bar over at Lifehacker. I love its simplicity. Pinging servers is a great way of finding out if they are currently up and running. The time it takes to receive a response is measured in milliseconds and a timeout is returned if it takes to long.

Read The Words Text to Speech Online Service

Read The Words is a text to speech service that is offering quite an impressive amount of options for a web application. It is not only possible to paste text that is […]

Opera History Search

The Opera team is constantly adding exciting new features to the beta version of the upcoming version of Opera which other web browsers do not support right now. This could give the […]

Speed Test: Firefox 3 vs. IE 8 vs Opera 9.5

I have not done any tests lately that would reveal the speed of each of the new upcoming browsers. The latest official builds have been tested, they are at the time of the test: Opera 9.5 build 9815/1834, Firefox 3 Gran Paradiso beta 4 and Internet Explorer 8 beta 1. I have been using the Webwait application for this test which monitors page loading times of pages that you select.

Random date and time value generator

There are tons of applications and other instances where you need to either test using dates, or you actually need random dates. If you want to write posts on your blog ahead […]

The best Usenet Search Engines

This article is going to list some of the best Usenet search engines that are freely available. The Usenet is considered by many a dark side of the Internet, something that those who know do not talk about and those who do not know don't want to know about because it seems utterly complicated to begin with.

Best Torrent Search Engines

Torrent websites are much like Linux distributions, there are so many out there that it is easy to lose the track. Torrent search engines can be divided into two categories: Site search engines and meta search engines. Site search engines obviously only search the torrents that are hosted on one selected website while meta search engines crawl the databases of several torrent websites which often leads to better results.

IndyWiki a desktop Wikipedia tool

Way back in February I found a cool tool to browse Wikipedia from the desktop called IndyWiki, so let's get our hats and whips ready and a take a look at the […]

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 Released - Your Thoughts ?

Microsoft released the first public beta of their upcoming flagship browser Internet Explorer 8 to the public and I would like to use this article - and the comments - to get some opinions about it. I know that a lot of you must have installed the new browser by now and surely must have something to say about this first version.

Create Booklets

Booklet Creator is a free online script that turns pdf documents into small books by changing the order of the pages. If you take a look at a book lying next to you you will notice that the first page will be connected with the last of the book, the second with the second last and so on. That's that same system that the Booklet Creator script uses to order pdf document.

Watch Real-Time Air Traffic

A friend of mine asked me recently if I knew that it was possible to view real-time air traffic in Google Earth. I had to admit that I never heard about this before, the only thing that came close to it was the website where users could listen to live air traffic communications. He send me the link to the website which offered this service and told me that he was currently tracking a flight of a friend who was vising New Zealand.

Fake Gift Boxes

I'm pretty astonished that I never heard about fake gift boxes before, at least not ones that you could purchase in stores. I fell trap to custom ones more than once though but those gift boxes raise it to a whole new level. They look really professional and one could think that they are the real thing.

Flock - A Firefox beater?

I wrote a really long review on my blog recently on Flock, the community browser and thought I'd share some of my findings with you guys. Flock is basically a Mozilla based […]

Track your digged posts from your desktop

I just read about one of the best Digg tools ever on Make Use Of, immediately downloaded it and I love it already. Digg Alerter is a simple application designed to track […]

Flickr Wallpaper Search

Flickr hosts an unbelievable amount of images of all sizes on their website. One easy way to search Flickr for Wallpapers is to simply enter the term wallpaper in the search box on the Flickr homepage and browse through the results. Currently more than 260.000 images are found when searching for wallpapers.

Face in a Hole

It seems to be the tip day of the week because this is actually the third tip I received by email today. Carlos send me the tip, thanks for that. Face in a Hole is a website where you can put your face, or the face of someone else, on well known images. Ever wanted to have the Rock's muscles, Audrey Hepburn's body or Wolverine's claws ?

Aviary Invites

Max was nice enough to send me an invite for the online application service Aviary, or more precisely the main website and the image editor application which are freely accessible after registration. Users can access their dashboard through the main interface which displays a list of featured images, collaborations and recent images alongside your latest activities.

Convert 2D Images into 3D Images

Make 3D is a wonderful piece of code from the University of Stanford that transforms a normal 2D image into a 3D image. While the results are not true 3D images they […]

Find answers using your pictures

I just stumbled on to a very cool idea, a sort of picture research online community. The basics of PicAnswers is that you upload a photo, and ask a question related to […]

2008 will be an interesting year Browser wise

The year 2008 will see the release of three major versions of the most popular browsers. We will see the release of Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 8 and Opera 9.5. All promise new and exciting features for the new browser versions and users were already able to test beta versions of both Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5.

Record and Share your browser history with Hooeey

Duryodhan was so nice to send me a link to Hooeey, a website offering a button and toolbar for Firefox that record your browsing history. It's basically a combination of (bookmarking, tagging) and your browser history. The main benefit is that everything is recorded automatically and that you can add tags and comments to the links if you like. The recording feature can be disabled so that some websites do not get recorded.

When Bans go wrong. Pakistan vs. Youtube

Once again the leaders of a country decided to ban a website because of (pick one: religious beliefs, political beliefs, constitution, local laws, medieval mindsets) which reminds me a lot of the kid that goes crying to their mama if another kid is mean to them. The other kid being Youtube in this case and the crying baby Pakistan, or more precisely the leaders of Pakistan.

Q10: free portable dark-room editor

If you are a fan of dark-room type apps and editors which provide much more comfort in comparison with the regular ones in terms of eye strain as well as more intuitive controls, you don't wanna pass this one. Since the first port of the original Mac OS's darkroom type editor was created, several other progs and online services with similar features have appeared.

Finding out if someone clicked on a link

I'm not a huge fan of all those tracking scripts and applications that have popped up lately. It does not really matter if they track if an email was read or a link visited, they all invade other peoples privacy. I'm not saying that I can't see their uses, can't count the times that I asked myself if a recipient received and read the email that I have send to him.

Add Find as you type to Internet Explorer

The firefox Find as you type search is pretty useful; It's faster than the normal search box and it does not obscure part of the website with a search box. Internet Explorer users can now enhance their browser with a Find as you type add-on for Internet Explorer which adds this functionality to it.

Runonce Setup Running all the time in IE?

Microsoft thought it would be nice to present a configuration screen to users who have installed or upgraded to Internet Explorer 7. The user can change the default search provider in this initial setup or pick some additional plugins. This runonce page is not really needed in my opinion because all the changes can be made directly in the options as well.

Windows Live SkyDrive leaves Beta

Windows Live SkyDrive, the online storage service of Microsoft, has left beta status today and is now available for users in 38 countries including the United States, Canada and Great Britain. The limit of 500 Megabytes per user account has been raised to a maximum of 5 Gigabytes which comes closer to services like Aol Xdrive and even Google Gmail.