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How to live without the music industry feedback

The article created a lot of feedback, mostly positive on the subject and I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their comments and present your thoughts in this new article.

Most visitors agreed that the decision of the RIAA to turn on its customers badly damaged their image and unfortunatly that of musicians as well. It seems to a lot that they don´t care as much about the music than they care about profits.

How to live without the Music Industry

We read it in the news everyday. The major music industry players like Sony BMG or EMI are reporting losses all over the place and blame it solely on internet pirates. Internet pirates are actually a very good excuse for bad times. Hard facts do not exist and no one is able to check on the numbers the MI provides for losses due to internet pirates.

They don´t seem to realize that they criminalize their own customers with measures like copy protected cd´s and rootkit software installed on customers pc.

Securely wipe hard disks

If you ever sold or bought a used hard disk you probably know about this already. For all others, even if you use delete and format to clear the hard disk before selling it there are possibilities to recover most and possibly all data that was once on the hard disk.

There have been numerous cases in the news where people bought used hard disk and found confidential files on them using tools to recover deleted data. Enter Darik's Boot and Nuke.

How to save real audio files to hard disk

Yesterday I´ve written a short tutorial about streamripping and one of the questions that occured was if its possible to rip real audio music as well. Today i present a guide on how to rip the real audio format.

Guide to streamripping

Streamripping means saving mp3 files from internet radio streams to your hard drive. All you need is the right tool that does the work for you and your favorite radio station that broadcasts on the internet and uses a format supported.

This article will give you a tutorial on how to start streamripping and legally download all the latest mp3 files to your computer. I can´t speak for all countries though so you better check out if recording music from radio is legal in your country.

World of Warcraft hackers using Sony BMG rootkit

It has come to our attention that World of Warcraft Hackers already are using Sonys Rootkit Software to hide their hacking from Blizzards Warden Client.
We reported earlier this week that some Music Cds by Sony labeled "Content enhanced & protected" would bring up an installation program when the music cd was put into a personal computer.

Can your computer run the game?

I found a website that tests the ability of your pc to run a certain game. They have most newly released and soon to be released games in their list, e.g. Age of Empires III and Civilization IV.

Watch free movies online

I thought this would be of interest to some of you. Watchfilms.com are offering more than 300 movies on their website that you can watch for free.

The movies are divided into six categories: Movies, Cartoons, Documentaries, Newsreels, Commercials and Short Films. Most films are black and white movies from 1930-1950.

A New Gaming Feature - Spyware

Greg Hoglund with some time at his hands performed a long reversing session on a game most of us played or have at least heard of: World of Warcraft.