Apple announced a big update to Apple Maps. Here's what it looks like

What Google Maps is for Android users, that's Apple Maps for iOS users. In addition to this, Google and Apple are competing with each other even in this field, leaving Windows Maps behind. For that reason, Apple has recently announced that they are publishing a new version of Apple Maps. Looking at the current reviews on the Apple Maps in the Apple Store, it will be better than this new version has outstanding features. So, take a look at what's new in Apple Maps and whether it will improve the 2.7 rating of the Map.
According to their announcement, the new version focuses more on business locations. This means all those businesses can add new images, buttons/options, and promotions on their business page in Apple Store. With these options, Apple offers its users the possibility to seek other information, not just directions to that place, be it a hotel, a bar, a flat, or any other service whose information is available on Apple Maps.
This means that when you type a hotel address in Apple Maps, you will get information on the distance and directions on how to get there as well as its working hours, its rate and cost, the possibility to book a room or any other service they offer. There will also be a link to the service website and other social media accounts.
Services that offer food and drinks will have a button/option with which a user can order a takeaway or have it inside the service. Isn't it great? Ordering in advance and just picking it up. Shops and supermarkets will have the option to notify about sales and all kinds of promotions. Users will be notified via the app if they turn on the notifications for this.
Where's the catch? Well, all business owners need to update every piece of information on Apple Maps if they want their customers to be satisfied with both Apple Store and the business' offer. Let's look at what information is there for the same hotel on Apple Maps and Google Maps. Big companies can connect their accounts with other software and apps, such as Booking, Yext, Reputation, and many more. Also, businesses will have data on people's interactions with their Apple Maps page. This will help them to improve their offer and attract more customers.
Let's see what it looks like in practice. We want to search for the Hilton hotel in Munich, Germany. If you type it in Google Maps, you will get this information:
This is how it looks like in the Apple Store:
To conclude, there is no doubt that Apple has significantly improved Apple Maps for its users and has come closer to beating Google in this field. Let's hope that all users of Apple Maps will enjoy all these new features and get what they are searching for.
Until they make it cross-platform, they have no hope of competing
I really don’t understand why they don’t. At least they should make a fully-featured web version.