Customize ChatGPT to generate personalized responses based on your interests, profession

Agencies Ghacks
Jan 21, 2025
Updated • Jan 22, 2025

OpenAI has rolled out some new customization features for ChatGPT, enhancing the way users interact with the AI chatbot. Available in the browser version and on Windows desktop, these updates allow individuals to dictate how ChatGPT responds, making interactions feel more personal and tailored.

You can now personalize your conversations with ChatGPT

The enhancements are available via the "Customize ChatGPT" screen that appears when you click on your profile icon. Here, you can specify how you would like to be addressed, share your occupation, and indicate preferred response traits such as being "chatty" or "witty."  Users may also choose to share their interests and values, to tailor the responses on a more personalized level. More details can be found here.

This streamlined interface is designed to save users from repeating instructions, allowing for a more efficient conversation. The customization options also include options for users to share their interests and values, thereby refining how ChatGPT engages with them with tailored responses.

While these improvements provide a welcome upgrade, there are certain limitations. ChatGPT does not provide users options to switch between multiple profiles, in case you want it to generate content in different tones or styles, i.e. formal or informal. This will require the user to make some manual adjustments in the customization settings, or while interacting with the AI. Despite this limitation, the personalization options are interesting, with users able to request responses in various styles, from casual banter or a more serious tone.

OpenAI launched ChatGPT Tasks a week ago, which will assist users with their calendar and to-do lists. These updates mark a meaningful step forward, but they are relatively trivial compared to the more ambitious features that OpenAI has in its roadmap for the year.

It is worth mentioning that users in the European Union, as well as those from Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, don't have access to these customization features at the moment, although OpenAI assures that it will be available soon. Additionally, the Mac app version is not included in this rollout but is expected to receive the updates in the coming weeks.

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Customize ChatGPT to generate personalized responses based on your interests, profession
ChatGPT now allows you to personalize its AI's response styles.
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