Today marks the end of Microsoft Paint 3D - but not for everyone

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 4, 2024
Windows 10, Windows 11 News

If you have been using Windows PCs for at least a decade, you may remember a time when Microsoft started to push creativity. This culminated in the release of the Windows 10 Creators Update and also several apps designed for creators.

One of them was Microsoft Paint 3D. The app set out to do the unthinkable: replace the old grandpa of image editing apps on Windows. Microsoft Paint was a bare bones app at the time. It supported few image types and editing options.

That did not keep users from creating astonishing works of art using the editor. It also had a dedicated fanbase.

Microsoft Paint 3D was designed to support 2D and 3D image creation. Most users would probably not have minded that, if Microsoft did not revamp the entire interface of the application as well.

There were noticeable differences. Paint 3D was optimized for touch input; it featured large icons and controls..

Microsoft is removing Paint 3D from the Microsoft Store

When Microsoft realized that Paint 3D would never be as popular as Paint, it reversed course. It erased Microsoft Paint from the list of deprecated apps and services and put Microsoft Paint 3D on it instead.

The company stopped installing Paint 3D and the equally disliked 3D Viewer from new Windows installations in 2021.

Microsoft announced in early 2024 that it would remove the app from the Store on November 4th, 2024. Back then, Microsoft wrote: "Paint 3D is deprecated and will be removed from the Microsoft Store on November 4, 2024. To view and edit 2D images, you can use Paint or Photos. For viewing 3D content, you can use 3D Viewer".

Today is that day. If you are reading this on November 4th, you may have a few hours left to download Paint 3D to your Windows machine.

While Paint 3D is being erased from the Microsoft Store, it is not touched if installed on user devices. If you have installed the app, it will remain accessible.

Note: Microsoft does not offer any kind of support for the app. There won't be updates or new features. Over time, there is a chance of security issues and non-security bugs.

Microsoft recommends to use the classic Paint app (or Photos) for image editing on Windows and 3D Viewer for viewing 3D models .

Microsoft Paint is getting updates

Microsoft has updated several classic Windows apps in the past couple of years. Paint received several updates that added more tools and options. Notable are a background removal tool, dark mode support, and several AI-features.

The makeover is subtle, as Microsoft was careful this time to keep the essence of the application untouched.

What is your take on Paint 3D's removal from the Store? Should Microsoft keep the app around? Feel free to leave a comment down below.

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Today marks the end of Microsoft Paint 3D - but not for everyone
Microsoft is removing Paint 3D from the Microsoft Store. Some users may continue using it though.
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  1. JT said on February 7, 2025 at 4:57 pm

    Do away with AI. Not crazy about a computer trying to do my thinking.
    Or make where it can be turned off.

  2. MY BLANKET! said on November 6, 2024 at 8:16 am

    > One less application I have to uninstall on a clean Windows install.

    Don’t stop there — abandon M$ and let their stocks rocket down to nothing and join the party and laugh your head off when more jobs at M$ are cut.

    Open source will triumph.

  3. Tom Hawack said on November 5, 2024 at 9:04 pm

    Whatever Microsoft OS I’ve never used any of its native applications, or, rather, I never continued using them after having tried them and after having discovered that external applications always did the job far better, always. Not to mention that external applications do not all or as much as Microsoft phone home.
    The scheme is this one : user tracking and product quality. Some developers have great products bur are inquisitive (Google for instance), some are not inquisitive but offer a lousy quality and some, such as Microsoft, track systematically mainly by means of its software which is far from being flawless to put it mildly.

  4. Tachy said on November 5, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    In reality it was the fact that the marketing profile created from the data gathered from your childs art projects was too unreliable and that led to the depreciation of this app. A simple cost/benefit calculation.


    You nailed it.

    “Most users would probably not have minded that, if Microsoft did not revamp the entire interface of the application as well.”

    The new UI is obtuse. It was supposed to be an upgrade instead we got a new alien language.

  5. John said on November 5, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    One less application I have to uninstall on a clean Windows install.

    1. ANG-NewsPlus said on November 5, 2024 at 10:19 pm

      Nice Colors,Somthing new

  6. ShipOver said on November 5, 2024 at 8:37 am

    Paint is for children. No single Paint here, even less Paint 3D. They both are like magnets for children to take away your computer for a long time. However there are dozens of alternatives for Android and they can play on their tablets while you can continue with your work on the computer.

  7. eWaste11 said on November 5, 2024 at 12:22 am

    It’s unlikely that anyone I know used it. Even in my 3000 user environment. The UI/UX was made for touch only and it had no familiarly to Paint. With the new Paint in Windows 11, they did it correctly.

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