Google Chrome 129: new features and security fixes arrive on all platforms

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 18, 2024
Google Chrome

Google released Chrome 129 Stable for all supported channels. The update fixes several security issues in the browser and introduces new and changed features.

As always, desktop users may select Menu > Help > About Google Chrome to check for the new version and get it installed right away. Mobile users need to wait until the app store pushes the update to their devices.

Note: Google has dropped support for macOS 10.15. The update won't be offered for that version of the operating system. Updating the system is the only option to receive continued support.

Chrome 129: the security fixes

Safety Check improvements are still rolling out to Chrome users.

Google patched nine different security issues in Chrome Stable. Six of those are listed on the official Chrome Releases blog. Severity ranges from high to low, with no exploits in the wild mentioned by Google.

Other Chromium-based browsers will release security updates in the coming hours and days as well.

New and changed features

More interesting from a user's point of view are the implemented changes. Here you need to be aware that some may not land for all users immediately.

Here is the overview:

  • Tab Compare is a new AI feature that generates an overview of products open in multiple tabs.
  • Chrome 129 ships with a new certificate manager on Windows and Mac, which is accessible through Settings > Security, or by loading chrome://certificate-manager directly in the address bar. The operating system's certificate manager is still accessible as well.
  • Chrome on Android hides inactive tabs under a new Inactive Tabs section in the tab switcher. These tabs will be deleted automatically after 60 days.
  • New Balance Mode for HTTPSOnlyMode, which omits prompts when Chrome knows that HTTP fallback connections are not working.
  • New toolbar customization feature, which allows Chrome users to pin and unpin icons to their toolbar using a side panel. Most icons pinned are fixed. The only exception appears to the Forward. You may add Chrome or Tool icons like Copy Link or Reading List however.
  • Tab Groups are saved on iOS and also synced, if syncing is enabled.
  • Security: is deprecated for Private Network Access.
  • Enterprise: Screenshot protections aims to hide sensitive data in screenshots or during screen sharing.
  • Enterprise: Safe Browsing Extended reporting is deprecated.
  • Enterprise: Chrome Security Insights is now available to monitor insider risk.

Developers may check out the Chrome Status website for information on development-related changes.

What is your take on the new release? Anything that sticks out? Feel free to leave a comment down below.

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Google Chrome 129: new features and security fixes arrive on all platforms
A review of Google Chrome 129, a new security and feature update of the browser.
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  1. Anonymous said on September 20, 2024 at 11:56 am

    Oh all these “security updates”, or is it sothat old implanted vulns must be updated with new ones so the agents can keep on snooping on ppl!?!?
    whatever when certain security extensions wont work I am NOT going to update the browser anymore for as long as possible, decades of internet user and privacy security hardening of browser and OS I will say this, the most secure borwser is when the user uses some common logic and can use security extensions that helps much more than any damn “security update”would, I have NEVER in my 30 years got any problems of any vulns discovered using long outdated browsers, common sense and functional security extensions are much mor eimportant.

  2. Guest said on September 19, 2024 at 11:17 am

    > Chrome on Android hides inactive tabs under a new Inactive Tabs section in the tab switcher. These tabs will be deleted automatically after 60 days.

    Haha, big nope. That’s data loss right there. I’ll stick with Firefox on Android, as rubbish as it is.

  3. John said on September 18, 2024 at 12:57 pm

    I get many warnings for non https sites now. That is in privacy mode.

  4. 45 RPM said on September 18, 2024 at 8:50 am

    Next update to article should be “And how to disable AI feature that generates an overview of products open in multiple tabs”

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