Here is why App Updates from Google Play may feel like they install faster now

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 30, 2024
Google Android

Google has tweaked how application updates are downloaded from the official Google Play Store. While it does not guarantee lightning speeds, the change should improve downloading for many Android users.

The details:

  • Google has changed the download limit from one to three.
  • Your device can now download updates for up to three apps at the same time.
  • The limit for new application installs was increased from two to three.

For years, Google Play has limited updates to one download at a time. This meant lots of waiting for Android users if multiple application updates were available.

While updating and downloading happens in the background, it still meant quite a bit of waiting time until all updates were processed.

Good to know: Google changed the download limit for new application installs earlier this year already. This feature lets you download several apps from Google Play store simultaneously to speed up the downloading and installation of the selected apps.

Google did not lift the limit for application updates back then, however. Unless you download lots of new apps, you may benefit more from a lifting when it comes to application updates.

9to5Google spotted the change on Google Play. It is unclear if this is a server-side change or if it is rolling out gradually to Android users. In other words, you may not get access to the feature right now.

It seems that downloads are limited to three, regardless of whether you are trying to download new apps or updates for already installed apps.

Other factors may play a role when it comes to determining how beneficial the download limit increase is. If a single download maxes out your Internet connection already, then you won't benefit much, or at all, from the new feature.

If, however, you have plenty of extra bandwidth while downloading a single app or update, then you may benefit from the change.

All in all, it is a welcome change that may remind PC users of the functionality that download managers provide. These split downloads into multiple chunks as well to speed up the downloading. The feature requires that the server supports this though.

All in all, unlocking simultaneous downloads for application updates should be beneficial to many Google Play users.

What is your take on the change? Do you download from Google Play at all or do you prefer to use third-party stores like F-Droid for that? Feel free to leave a comment down below.

Article Name
Here is why App Updates from Google Play may feel like they install faster now
Google has lifted the download limit for application updates to help users with enough bandwidth download and install Android app updates faster.
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  1. My 2cents said on September 5, 2024 at 1:14 pm

    F-Droid with the Aurora store app is my choice for Android updates. (Has the full google play store with No google account required, but account usage is optional).
    Some semblance of privacy through obscurity.

  2. Anonymous said on September 2, 2024 at 7:00 am

    I have slow internet, so I’m not interested in this feature.

    But I would like to get updates in a timely fashion.

    I have 3 Android devices.
    I check for updates every morning.
    For example, on Aug 23, only one device showed an Aug 21 update for Chrome.
    Why does it take 2 days to see the update if it is critical?

    The two other devices had to wait until Aug 26 to get this same updates.
    That’s 5 days for a critical update.

    Obviously, Google doesn’t really care about security.

    Also, since many people have slow internet, why don’t they introduce a feature like Windows Delivery Optimization, so all my devices can use the same download?

  3. Anonymous said on September 1, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    Why do we even have “apps” – can’t we just run this in a browser? It’s like having fifty versions of Chrome installed all going to different websites. Why?

    1. Anonymous said on September 6, 2024 at 2:42 pm

      There are things apps can do that a website in a browser cannot. It also means resources are stored locally on the device rather than potentially being downloaded every time.

      There certainly are apps that essentially behave like a website (and in many cases you get the same experience by going to their actual website) but plenty more are proper apps with more features available.

    2. boombam said on September 2, 2024 at 4:59 pm

      Because we have thousands (or millions) of language on earth

      1. Anonymous said on September 3, 2024 at 9:58 am

        Millions? Hmmm…. Apps are designed to give the illusion of choice but are really just the same version of Chrome that only goes to just one website. Imagine having a different car for every journey you make…. It’s wasteful of resources!

  4. John G. said on August 31, 2024 at 4:07 pm

    IMHO it’s very difficult to update Google Play Services, absolutely madness sometimes. Also it’s not easy to update the Google Store. There should be an option to update both at the same time. Thanks for the article! :]

  5. Tachy said on August 31, 2024 at 7:10 am

    I don’t understand why apps on android need to update nearly every day. Googles own apps have updates weekly.

    I have to wonder which way the data is actually flowing.

  6. Mammoth said on August 31, 2024 at 5:01 am

    Great news, thanks!

    Rant: What I don’t like however are updates which have no changelog/updated description on them and just a dot. Is they safe to update and why would I be seeing this?

  7. Dave Rader said on August 30, 2024 at 7:23 pm

    It is still rotten, with no ability to ignore updates for certain apps.

    1. boombam said on September 2, 2024 at 5:01 pm

      I turn off the automatic updates and just update manually whenever I want

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