macOS 15 Sequoia announced with Window Tiling, iPhone Mirroring, Passwords app and more

Jun 13, 2024

Apple has announced the next version of macOS. Here are the best features in macOS 15 Sequoia.

What's new in macOS 15 Sequoia

Continuity - iPhone Mirroring

The Continuity feature in macOS 15 now lets you view your iPhone screen on your Mac. Apple calls this iPhone Mirroring. You can use your Mac's trackpad or mouse, keyboard, to interact with all apps and notifications on your iPhone. As for your phone, it stays locked even when you access it via your Mac.

Continuity - iPhone Mirroring in macOS 15 Sequoia

Android has supported this feature for a long time, but it's good to see Apple add it for iOS/macOS. iPhone Mirroring will also allow users to drag and drop files between devices easily.

Live audio transcription, Math expressions in Notes

The Notes app can now be used to record audio sessions. It generates live audio transcriptions for the notes, which you can use to search for content, or add it to other documents.

Live audio transcription, Math expressions in Notes macOS 15 Sequoia

Notes will solve math expressions inline when you type an equals sign. It can be used to assign variables and evaluate expressions. Section headers can be collapsed to make notes easier to read, and you can highlight important sentences with colors.

Window Tiling

Apple has added support for Window Tiling in macOS 15 Sequoia . This allows you to snap app windows in different places on your screen, such as snapping a window to the left or right side of the screen. When you place an app on a location, macOS will automatically suggest a tile location for other apps. This will let you use multiple apps simultaneously. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to arrange your app windows.

Window Tiling in macOS 15 Sequoia

Window Tiling could potentially disrupt third-party apps like Rectangle, Magnet. But such apps offer more functionality. Besides, these apps are the only way to get window tiling on older Macs that cannot run Sequoia, so I think they may continue to be developed.

Safari - Highlights, Reader, Viewer

The new Highlights feature in Apple's Safari browser uses machine learning to automatically detect relevant information on a page, and highlight it in a pop-up panel. It can display information like directions, summaries, quick links to learn more about people, music, movies, and TV shows.

Apple Safari browser features in macOS 15 Sequoia

The new Reader mode not only removes distractions on a web page, but also places a table of contents and high-level summary of the article on the page. Safari's Video Viewer lets you switch to a video mode quickly to watch content without distractions. Clicking away from the Viewer automatically switches to picture-in-picture mode.

Apple Safari - Highlights, Reader, Viewer

Passwords app

The new Passwords app allows you to create secure passwords for your accounts, store existing credentials, verification codes, Passkeys, and use them to login quickly on websites. Passwords are synchronized across your devices. It supports Autofill. The Passwords app is available on macOS, iOS, iPadOS, Vision OS, and even on Windows with the iCloud for Windows app.

Password app in iOS 18 iPadOS 18 mac OS 15

macOS 15 Sequoia also supports Text Effects, Emoji Tapbacks, Send Later in Messages, Apple Intelligence, topographic maps in the Maps app, Reminders in Calendar, the redesigned Photos app and more. These features are also available in iOS 18, so don't forget to read our previous coverage of the new stuff.

List of Macs compatible with macOS Sequoia

macOS 15 Sequoia is compatible with the following devices.

  • iMac 2019 and later
  • iMac Pro 2017 and later
  • Mac Studio 2022
  • MacBook Air 2020 and later
  • Mac mini 2018 and later
  • MacBook Pro 2018 and later
  • Mac Pro 2019 and later

List of devices compatible with macOS 15 Sequoia

Learn more about macOS 15 on Apple's website. The final release will be available for users this fall.

macOS 15 Sequoia announced with Window Tiling, iPhone Mirroring, Passwords app and more
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macOS 15 Sequoia announced with Window Tiling, iPhone Mirroring, Passwords app and more
Let's take a look at what's new in macOS 15 Sequoia
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  1. Kohn G. said on June 15, 2024 at 2:12 am

    Really enjoy replying to myself over and over again.

  2. iSheeps said on June 13, 2024 at 11:00 pm

    Did I wake up in 2001? Apple ran out of ideas to keep their iSheeps coming. Windows had all these features for years.

  3. John said on June 13, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    I have spent months dealing with Sonoma’s buggy mess of a OS. I think its going to be some time before I upgrade to Sequoia. A lot of early beta testers say a lot of these features don’t even work yet. I definitely would not install on a working Mac. Apple has a habit of making big pitches before the product is even ready for testing.

  4. John G. said on June 13, 2024 at 9:58 am

    Thanks @Ashwin for your always good articles about the MacOS world! :]

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