Samsung data breach confirmed

Emre Çitak
Nov 17, 2023

Samsung Electronics is notifying some of its customers in the UK of a recent Samsung data breach that exposed their personal information to an unauthorized individual.

The company says that the cyberattack impacted only customers who made purchases from the Samsung UK online store between July 1, 2019, and June 30, 2020.

Samsung discovered the data breach on November 13, 2023, and determined that it was the result of a hacker exploiting a vulnerability in a third-party application the company used.

Samsung has shared the following message with their customers who might be affected by the recent Samsung data breach.

Samsung has notified their users about the situation - Image courtesy of Michael Valentine/X

Samsung data breach exposes personal information

The company has not provided details about the security issue or the vulnerable application but has notified Samsung data breach affected customers that their personal information, including:

  • Names
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses

May have been exposed in the Samsung data breach.

The company emphasizes that financial information and customer passwords were not affected.

Note: According to information available so far the Samsung data breach only affected the customers from the UK.

This is the third Samsung data breach in two years

This is the third data breach Samsung has suffered in two years. The previous one occurred in late July 2022, when hackers accessed and stole Samsung customers' names, contacts and demographic information, dates of birth, and product registration data.

Read alsoSamsung's response to data breach: AI ban for staff.

In March 2022, the data extortion group Lapsus$ breached Samsung's network and stole confidential information, including the source code for Galaxy smartphones. Samsung confirmed that "certain internal data" had fallen into the unauthorized hands of Lapsus$ after the group leaked about 190GB of archived files along with a description of the contents.

This is the third Samsung data breach we have seen in two years

What if you are affected?

While Samsung has taken steps to address the breach, affected customers should take proactive measures to protect their personal information.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Change your passwords for all online accounts, including your Samsung account, email, bank, and social media accounts
  • Be cautious of phishing scams that may ask for your personal information
  • Regularly review your bank and credit card statements for any unauthorized transactions
  • Consider signing up for a credit monitoring service to help you detect and address fraudulent activity
  • Stay informed about the latest developments regarding the breach by following Samsung's official communications and news sources

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  1. Funkyy said on November 17, 2023 at 8:28 pm

    Talk about shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted…3 to 4 years ago.

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