Microsoft Edge for Business is here

Emre Çitak
Aug 24, 2023

Many users who saw the Microsoft Edge briefcase icon couldn't make sense of it, but eventually, the real deal was revealed.

Microsoft has unveiled the latest enhancement to its browser lineup – the introduction of "Edge for Business" in the Stable channel, precisely in version 116. Following rigorous testing, this advancement has come to fruition, promising a host of features that cater to both end users and IT professionals.

This long-awaited update is a testament to Microsoft's commitment to providing a seamless browsing experience for enterprises. Edge for Business introduces a dedicated work-oriented browsing experience, effectively separating work-related activities from personal ones. This not only enhances productivity but also reinforces security measures by keeping work data within a controlled environment.

Why does Microsoft Edge have a briefcase icon?

The briefcase icon seen on Microsoft Edge signifies the introduction of "Microsoft Edge for Business," a specialized version of the Edge browser tailored to work environments. When users interact with Edge in a work-related context, such as accessing work profiles, passwords, favorites, and data associated with their professional tasks, the browser adopts an updated icon featuring a briefcase.

This icon serves as a visual cue to differentiate between work and personal browsing instances. This distinction aligns with the browser's ability to separate work and personal browsing experiences, enhancing productivity and maintaining data security.

To customize this feature, users can go to Edge settings and enable the "Show briefcase icon on work profiles" option.

Microsoft Edge briefcase icon
Microsoft Edge briefcase icon was actually announcing the arrival of Edge for Business - Image courtesy of Microsoft

How to use Edge for Business

To use  Microsoft Edge for Business, follow these steps:

Start by logging into the browser using your Microsoft Entra (Azure Active Directory) account. This ensures that your browsing experience is associated with your organization's account, allowing for synchronized settings, preferences, and security features.

Visit the official download page to obtain Edge for Business. Download and install the browser on your preferred platform. During installation, you'll have the opportunity to customize settings based on your organization's requirements.

Microsoft Edge for Business is designed to enhance both productivity and security within an organizational context. It is built to enable seamless browsing that aligns with work-related tasks. The browser includes features to separate work and personal profiles, ensuring that sensitive work data remains within a controlled environment.

By integrating Microsoft Edge for Business into your work routine, you can benefit from a browser that is optimized for professional tasks, offers enhanced security measures, and promotes efficient collaboration within your organization. For more detailed guidance on using Edge for Business, refer to the official documentation.


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