How to enable the new Google Chrome 2023 design early

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 10, 2023
Google Chrome

Google is working on a new design for its Chrome web browser. The 2023 design refresh of Google Chrome will launch on all supported desktop platforms later this year, if development is going according to plans.

Chrome users who would like to be among the first to test the new Chrome design may enable parts of it already in all available channels.

The 2023 redesign of Chrome is a work in progress at this stage, which means that some things may change, others may be removed or added at a later point in time.

Chrome Stable is more limited when it comes to enabling the new design, as not all features have been integrated into the latest stable versions of the browser yet.

Enable the Chrome 2023 Design

chrome design refresh

The screenshot above shows all available design bits in the latest Chrome Canary version. To enable the design, do the following:

  1. Load chrome://flags/#chrome-refresh-2023 in the address bar of Chrome and set the feature to Enabled.
  2. The following three options are not available in Chrome Stable currently:
    1. Load chrome://flags/#omnibox-cr23-expanded-state-height and set the feature to Enabled.
    2. Load chrome://flags/#omnibox-cr23-expanded-state-shape and set the feature to Enabled.
    3. Load chrome://flags/#omnibox-cr23-steady-state-icons and set the feature to Enabled.
  3. Restart the Chrome web browser.

Google Chrome's design has changed in several regards after the restart. Chrome Stable looks in the following way after the restart.

google chrome 2023 design

The Canary version includes additional changes, including new icons attached to the three-dots menu, different height of the address bar, a smaller font size in the adress bar, rounded corners everywhere, especially in menus.

The titlebar has a different background color in the new design, but this may be temporary and not permanent. There are new icons displayed on the address bar. The lock icon has been replaced with another icon that looks more generic, maybe to indicate that users may access security and other settings when they activate the icon.

Closing Words

The redesign of Chrome is a work in progress, and some things will likely change before the feature lands in stable desktop builds of the web browser. Users may follow development by enabling the experimental options listed above.

Now You: what is your take on the redesign? (via Techdows)

How to enable the new Google Chrome 2023 design early
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How to enable the new Google Chrome 2023 design early
Google is working on a new design for its Chrome web browser. Find out how to enable the new Chrome design right now.
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  1. Anonymous said on April 10, 2023 at 7:30 pm

    I wish these businesses would quit changing the design each year. We don’t require a fresh design every minute.

  2. Someone said on April 10, 2023 at 3:28 pm

    new design; WE f*d up.

  3. Leopeva64 said on April 10, 2023 at 12:29 pm

    And speaking of Chrome, a very useful (in my opinion) feature is coming to this browser soon, the translation of live captions:


    1. Paul(us) said on April 10, 2023 at 6:36 pm

      Indeed and with five ( French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish) languages starting I hope it’s a good beginning.

      Still, I prefer momentarily the design of my Firefox 112.0.

  4. Leopeva64 said on April 10, 2023 at 12:09 pm

    One of the most important changes has to do with the menus, they are significantly longer, Google has increased the padding of the buttons, in this post (where I spotted this) I showed the difference between the current menus and the new menus:


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