DoNoSpy11 1.1: Windows privacy tool updated with Windows 10 and 11 22H2 support

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 7, 2023
Windows software

DoNotSpy is a well-known privacy tool for Windows. Our first review dates back to 2015, when the first version of DoNotspy10 was released to help tame the data hungriness of Microsoft's then-new Windows 10 operating system.

It is on our list of the best Windows 10 privacy tools. DoNotSpy11 is for Windows 10 and 11, and the developer of the application has just released version 1.1 of it. The new version adds support for Windows 10 version 22H2 and Windows 11 version 22H2.

DoNotspy11 users may select About > Check for Updates in the application interface to run a check for updates. The new version is also available as a direct download from the developer website.

This is the first version of the application since May 2022.

DoNotspy 11

donotspy 1.1

The interface of the application has not really changed. It displays the full list of tweaks in list form when launched. A search is provided to find tweaks for certain keywords quickly. Color coding is still supported, with blue colored tweaks safe to use, red not recommended, and orange requiring a case-by-case decision.

One of the main changes of DoNotspy11 1.1 is that policies that are disabled are now removed entirely to make sure that they are reset to their defaults. Previously, Windows or Microsoft Edge might display a "managed by your organization" warning for certain disabled policies.

Microsoft, Edge, Microsoft Office and Privacy in general are the three main areas with new tweaks. Microsoft Edge has over a dozen tweaks, including options to turn off Telemetry, disable the hubs sidebar and Discover Bar, or blocking websites from querying Edge for payment methods.

Microsoft Office, similarly, has over two dozen tweaks, most of which related to various Telemetry features. Other privacy tweaks including disabling the logging in Word and Outlook, the One Drive sign-in, or the disabling of Connected Experiences.

As for Privacy in general, most apply to Device Usage, but there are also tweaks to disable the Chat button on the Windows taskbar, advanced gaming services, or Clipboard syncing across devices.

You can check out the full changelog here.

Closing Words

DoNotspy11 is a powerful tweaker for Windows that focuses on privacy for the most part. It is easy to use, supports the latest versions of Windows 10 and 11, and includes options to create system restore points for backup purposes.

Now you: do you use Windows tweak apps?

DoNoSpy11 1.1: Windows privacy tool updated with Windows 10 and 11 22H2 support
Article Name
DoNoSpy11 1.1: Windows privacy tool updated with Windows 10 and 11 22H2 support
A review of DoNotspy11 1.1, a new version of the privacy tool for Microsoft's Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems.
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  1. fritz said on May 30, 2024 at 6:33 pm

    Linux is …

  2. TelV said on April 9, 2023 at 1:46 pm

    The problem I found was that there’s so many options in these tweaker apps and you need a month of Sundays initially to configure everything.

    I installed Win10Privacy when I first booted Windows 11 Pro up and only checkmarked the options considered safe. However, at a given moment a Windows message appeared saying “Access denied” to the action I was taking at the time and I ultimately had to run System Restore to undo the damage.

    This means you have to checkmark an option and then test it first before going on to the next one. That’s time consuming which is probably why Microsoft has configured Windows 11 that way to make if as difficult as possible to get rid of all the bloatware they’ve installed and changes they’ve made to enable them to collect your private data and sell it on to third parties.

    I absolutely hate Microsoft now. Once upon a time Microsoft created user-friendly operating systems, but come Windows 10 that all changed and now it’s a case of screw the user for all eternity.

  3. [email protected] said on April 9, 2023 at 1:22 am

    So, everyone is so afraid of Microsoft spying on them that they will gleefully install OpenCandy adware on their systems?

    1. Jonas said on April 9, 2023 at 12:03 pm

      What are you talking about? OpenCandy has terminated its business years ago and the installer has been ad-free for quite some time.

  4. Gerard Bunson said on April 8, 2023 at 2:59 pm

    I use all tweak apps for windows but all in VM where capture registry change and make into reg file for future updates no again use tools.

  5. VioletMoon said on April 8, 2023 at 12:34 am

    Been working with Portmaster Firewall during the week; somewhat unbelievable the number of questionable connections being blocked. Default mode works best; but there are some other settings. Includes “block” lists, etc.

    I was having some problems with a WiFi connection, but there’s a tweak in gpedit.msc that took care of the problem.

    Works well with ProtonVPN.

    If a user is looking for some superb blocking, it’s worth the installation. Beautiful UI.

  6. Robert said on April 8, 2023 at 12:26 am

    I just downloaded and gave a $10 dollar donation for the Pro version. It seems to be doing everything Win10Privacy offers but with a simpler interface. I also firewall as many Windows services as I can that call out to the cloud by using the NetLimiter5 app. Both of these apps together should make Windows pretty spyware free and secure.

  7. CrazyHick7403 said on April 7, 2023 at 10:02 pm

    Not a bad addition to my collection of anti-telemetry tools.

  8. Someone said on April 7, 2023 at 9:52 pm

    ..ready to rock, and UNbloat our win machines…

  9. boris said on April 7, 2023 at 9:22 pm

    I have nothing against DoNoSpy, but I got used to Winaero Tweaker and O&O Shutup.

  10. Tachy said on April 7, 2023 at 8:44 pm

    Everything I see in that screenshot is found in the windows (10) settings if you take the time to look through it all, and I do so this app would not be of any use to me.

    I do use Winaero Tweaker as it lets me change things I would have to dig into the Regsitry for and it has a clear explanation of exactly what every option actually does and how it does it.

    1. Anonymous said on April 8, 2023 at 1:43 am

      “… if you take the time to look through it all…” sums it up.

      A lot of users would opt for the easy way no matter what. Unfortunately, for lazy people explanations of settings are brief and there is no warning about unintended consequences. Other than that, it is handy and will find any setting changes that resulted from Windows Update or other updates quickly making it far better for auditing every month than the manual method.

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