All the News from Capcom Spotlight

Yesterday, the Capcom Spotlight event was held online at Capcom’s official YouTube channels and website. There was a lot of expectation about the soon-to-be-released Resident Evil 4 remake, Exosuit, and other highlights.
Another intriguing question was why Capcom didn’t mention anything about Street Fighter 6, and if it would be featured at all during the event.
Well, the event is behind us now, and here’s what it was about, so let’s see whether it fulfilled your expectations!
Resident Evil 4 Demo
The fact that the Resident Evil 4 remake is releasing soon evidently means there’s not much else to “spotlight” about the title at this point, so Capcom decided to offer Resident Evil fans a nice gift: the company released a demo, more specifically, a Chainsaw Demo. Best of all? It’s not time or launch limited, so you can play as much as you like.
You’ve got dinosaurs and you’ve got mech-like suits. What’s not to love here? Capcom showed more footage about its upcoming team online shooter Exoprimal, this time more story-oriented. The title is packed with optionals too, such as a season pass, pre-order goodies, skins, and more.
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
The HD remaster of this Nintendo DS title was also showcased at the Capcom Spotlight event. It highlighted the main concepts of the game, mentioning that this port had high-res graphics, a higher frame rate, and a better user interface than the original. There’s also a Challenge feature where you can get illustrations and music by meeting certain conditions.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Another highlight of this event was Monster Hunter Rise expansion Sunbreak. It’ll offer revamped combat mechanics, a new difficulty level, new hunting places, and – wait for it – more monsters among other things. It’ll get another virtual event later on, where the next major update will be discussed.
Resident Evil: Death Island
Yes, more Resident Evil stuff is coming! Another important piece of news was some footage from the upcoming Resident Evil: Death Island film. This is a CG (computer-generated) film, and it’s shaping up to be pretty cool, jailbreaks and zombies included.
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection
The longest-named Capcom title was also present, and it includes 10 iterations of the Game Boy Advance series. But that’s not all. Masakazu Eguchi himself took up the stage to present new stuff, including the new Buster “MAX” mode and the 499 physical cards which are virtually included here to interact with the most recent games.
Street Fighter 6
Yes. Capcom appeased fans who were eager for Street Fighter 6 news, at least to some extent. This time Hikaru Takahashi was the commentator and showed a couple of fights between popular characters such as Zangief. The game is set to be released on June 2.
As you can see, the event had a bit of everything, even though it was somewhat predictable. It looks like the upcoming months will be full of exosuit-dinosaur-zombie-fighting action for lots of people.
not capstone?