Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 165 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Carol van Zyl
Mar 9, 2023
Updated • Mar 9, 2023
Apple, Browsers

Apple recently released Safari Technology Preview 165, a new version of its experimental browser with bug fixes and performance improvements. Interesting how this release comes only a few weeks after the company released the Safari Technology Preview 164!

Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 165 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Safari Technology Preview is a specialized version of Apple's Safari web browser. The design focuses on developers and advanced users who want to test the latest web technologies and provide feedback to Apple's development team. It is available to download for macOS from the Apple Developer site if it’s up your alley.

According to the release notes, Safari Technology Preview 165 includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Some notable improvements include better support for the WebGPU API, a new graphics rendering API designed to provide better performance and efficiency for web-based graphics applications. The excitement is high that this new API will revolutionize how it will render web-based graphics, and Safari Technology Preview is one of the first browsers to support it.

Safari Technology Preview 165 also includes improvements to the WebRTC API, a set of tools allowing developers to create real-time communications applications, such as video chat and voice calling. The upgrades feature overall audio and video quality improvement, reduce latency, and improve reliability.

In addition to these performance improvements, Safari Technology Preview 165 includes several bug fixes. These fixes address issues with the browser's user interface and compatibility issues with certain web technologies. One of the notable fixes is an issue that caused web pages to crash when using the "back" button, which frustrated many users.

Apple's commitment to improving Safari Technology Preview is a testament to its dedication to providing its customers with the best possible user experience. As with previous versions of Safari Technology Preview, this release is free from the Apple Developer website. However, it is an experimental browser not currently recommended for general use. 

Overall, Safari Technology Preview 165 is a promising release that should interest developers and advanced users. The performance improvements and bug fixes make it an attractive option for testing the latest web technologies, and the improved support for WebGPU and WebRTC is particularly noteworthy. 

As always, it's essential to approach this experimental browser cautiously. For those willing to take the risk, Safari Technology Preview 165 could be a valuable tool for staying on the cutting edge of web development.

Apple recently released the Safari Technology Preview 165


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