Windows 11 to alert OneDrive subscribers when storage space runs low

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 18, 2022
Updated • Nov 18, 2022
Windows 11 News

Microsoft continues to integrate its subscription services deeper into the Windows 11 operating system. The company released a new build to the Windows 11 Release Preview channel, which adds alerts for OneDrive storage to Windows 11's Settings application.

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Features that are rolled out to the Release Preview channel may be introduced quickly into stable versions of the Windows operating system. Microsoft won't release preview updates in December 2022, which suggests that the feature could be rolled out starting in January 2023.

Microsoft added two new OneDrive related options to the Settings application. The first brings OneDrive storage alerts to the Systems page of the Settings app. Subscribers receive alerts when OneDrive storage is getting low. Links to manage storage and to buy more storage are provided.

The second new feature displays the full storage amount of a subscriber's OneDrive subscriptions on the Accounts page in the Settings app.

New! We gave Microsoft OneDrive subscribers storage alerts on the Systems page in the Settings app. The alerts appear when you are close to your storage limit. You can also manage your storage and purchase additional storage, if needed.

New! We provided the full amount of storage capacity from all your OneDrive subscriptions. It also displays the total storage on the Accounts page in the Settings app.

The two OneDrive related features integrate the service even deeper into the Windows 11 operating system.

Closing Words

Microsoft announced recently that attachment data will count against a Microsoft user's OneDrive storage quota. The increased visibility helps subscribers keep an overview of their storage, but it will certainly also drive sales. Additional OneDrive storage is available starting at $19.99 per year for 100 gigabytes.

Microsoft account customers get just 5 gigabytes of free storage when they sign-up for the service. Grandfathered accounts may have more free storage at their disposal, but new customers get 5 gigabytes. Windows customers who get the storage alert may subscribe to the standalone 100 gigabyte of extra storage plan, or sign-up for Microsoft 365 Personal or Family, which both include 1 terabyte of storage.

Now You: do you use OneDrive to store files, or another service, or none at all?

Windows 11 to alert OneDrive subscribers when storage space runs low
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Windows 11 to alert OneDrive subscribers when storage space runs low
Windows 11 will display alerts to inform Windows users if their Microsoft OneDrive storage space is running low.
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  1. PhoebeGatesMusk said on November 20, 2022 at 10:10 pm

    I’ll venture a guess… Even though you don’t have a Microsoft account, it still occupies space in settings. Every year, these tech companies become more avaricious. Hopefully, end consumers will begin to see things. Quit utilizing these risky cloud services. All the money you worked so hard to get will be stolen from you.

  2. romance can blossom any old time said on November 19, 2022 at 2:10 am

    M$ is more powerful and better connected throughout the world than any mafia, and they’re like Scientology, if you can believe that!

    They have so many former employees in different companies, organizations, government, military, etc. it isn’t even funny. I consider all current and former M$ employees to be compromised. Other companies should refuse to hire them and CONSUMERS SHOULD STOP BUYING COMPUTERS AND HARDWARE/SOFTWARE from M$.

    Developers should cease cooperation with M$ and all open source all the time should be the standard.

    By refusing to use M$ Windows 10, 11, and so on, you are helping to weaken the company. Never buy a laptop or other type of computing device with Windows on it. Should you do, get a refund. I know, I know, it’s an impossibility, right? Well, they’ve been sued by at least one woman for the unwanted upgrade to Windows 10, so there’s that. Alternatives exist, just shop on-line and not in a brick and mortar store.

    M$ is gobbling up a big gaming company, they know full well a good portion of their users only use Windows BECAUSE OF GAMING. M$ should not be allowed to swallow any further companies. Unfortunately, M$ seems to be BALLS DEEP with the government, so nothing will be done to curtail their actions at the higher levels.

    You are an individual and M$ is huge, but together we can weaken the beast, together we are one powerful force against proprietary software and companies like M$ having root.

  3. Anonymous said on November 18, 2022 at 11:50 pm

    “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

    Keep you head and your files out of the cloud.

  4. Stefan said on November 18, 2022 at 10:03 pm

    Maybe instead of OneDrive, map your Onedrive cloud folder as a network drive:

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