Windows Hello sign-in may not work after upgrade to Windows 11 version 22h2

Microsoft confirmed another issue today on the Windows 11 release health website. According to the information published by the company, Windows Hello sign-in authentication may not work after upgrading to the Windows 11 2022 Upgrade.
The bug report provides additional information on the issue. According to Microsoft's description, Windows Hello authentication via PIN, fingerprint and face may be affected by the issue. Only devices that are upgraded to Windows 11 version 22H2 are affected, but only if Windows Hello was configured prior to the execution of the upgrade.
Devices on which Windows Hello was configured after the upgrade to Windows 11 version 22H2 or a clean installation of Windows 11, should not be affected by the issue, according to Microsoft.
Good news is that Microsoft addressed the issue already in the preview update for Windows 11 version 22H2, which it released on September 30, 2022. Microsoft will include the patch in today's cumulative security updates for Windows 11 version 22H2.
The preliminary release notes make no mention of the fix, however.
A safeguard hold has been put in place until mid-October 2022 to prevent that users on affected systems update to the new version of Windows 11. Microsoft advises administrators not to update to the new feature update for Windows 11 manually, either by selecting the "check for updates" button or through other means, such as using ISO images.
"We recommend that you do not attempt to manually upgrade using the?Update now?button or the Media Creation Tool until this issue has been resolved and the safeguard removed."
Users who have run into the issue already are asked to use the account password to sign-in to the account on the device. Microsoft Windows users who have enabled passwordless sign-in may not be able to sign-in to the system at all, depending on which authentication option they have selected during setup.
Administrators may install the preview update on affected devices to resolve the issue right away. Considering that the stable cumulative update for October will be released later today, it may be better to wait for its release to address the issue. Still, in some cases it may be required to fix the issue early, and that is the only option until later today.
It is unclear at this point whether removing Windows Hello and then configuring it again may resolve the issue.
Now You: how do you authenticate when signing in to your devices?
I had this issue with my laptop’s fingerprint reader when moving to windows 11. Fingerprint reader was working fine on Windows 10 until I updated to Windows 11 then windows broke it.
On the same page Microsoft said the problem has been resolved with KB KB5017389 back in Sept 30.
Oh my..that TPM requirement just crapped its pants didn’t it.. Clearly a useful, well thought out, extensively tested, fail-proof and rock solid security feature. Fort Knox material. I’m sure there’s a way to blame this too on the users.
Now You: how do you authenticate when signing in to your devices?
I only use a local account (username/password) for the computer and a PIN for the smartphone.
As to biometrics (ex. fingerprint, face, physical characteristic), I would never use them as a primary method to authenticate into a device as they are too unique and not easily changed. Instead they are best used as a secondary/additional authentication to a primary PIN or password.
Windows 11 is a worse failure than 10. Microsoft did not gain any knowledge from version 10. Microsoft needs to reestablish a quality control team finally.
I had this issue after the update, at least it seems the same as it’s a vague description, my Hello camera would not come online so had to use the PIN.
The camera was fine everywhere else.
I fixed it by logging in, disconnecting then reconnecting the camera and it’s been fine ever since.
The best W11 is W10, for sure.
Thanks for the article. :]
More and more I am reading about the Windows 11 version becoming the most unstable of all releases going back to Windows 3.1.
Not even counting the not realized functions like the possibility to attach Android and work with Android on Windows 11. The minimalistic improvements like those of the file explorer were not reason enough to “upgrade” to a newer release.
And I am not the only one who thinks this when you read the statistics which are saying that maybe 2,6 percent of companies, think it’s safe to install Windows 11
Private people are also not convinced because only 19.7 percent have installed Windows11. But personally, I think it less. I think it’s a good guess to a number between 7 percent to 14 percent.
@ Paul(us) “Private people are also not convinced because only 19.7 percent have installed Windows11.”
Statistics can be misleading–not so sure that users remain on Windows 10 for any reason other than hardware issues and software compatibility:
“Recent research has also shown that at least a third of laptops and desktops do not meet the technical requirements for Windows 11. A report from Riverbed says that 19.45% of devices need to upgrade memory, 11% upgrade to TPM 2.0, and another 8% need to be upgraded using UEFI. 12% of office computers are not suitable for Windows 11, they have to be completely replaced.”
Paul Thurrott, a highly respected author, podcaster, and blogger, provides a different perspective:
“Now, Windows accounts for 16.1 percent [January 2022] of all supported PCs out in the world, up 7.5 percentage points. And while Windows 10 versions 21H1 and 20H2 are still the two most-used Windows versions, their respective shares have dropped, to 28.6 percent and 26.3 percent.”
Thurrott goes on to cite various other statistics that don’t correlate with other figures, but, thankfully, he admits the uncertainty: “These numbers don’t directly correlate.” He’s referring to another statistic: “AdDuplex adds, ‘Windows 10 21H2 more than tripled in the same period.'”
Locally, I’ve noticed the hospital, the public library, the school district, and the County offices have all upgraded to Windows 11. Apparently, enough local IT talent found it “safe” to upgrade and had the money to spend on hardware to meet new requirements.
From the comments I’ve read on gHacks, most users who aren’t upgrading aren’t upgrading because they don’t want to purchase a new computer or don’t want to make a backup and proceed with caution.
Log on via Local Account and password bypass–bypass Windows password with netplwiz.
I just use local account and skip all of Microsoft’s crappy integration that seems to have its share of bugs.
That’s not Microsoft Hello. Read the article again to work out what it is.