Opera Software fixes Windows Reliability Monitor in browser

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 18, 2022

Opera Software has fixed the Windows Reliability Monitor issue in the company's Opera web browser. Last week, we reported that the Opera web browser was causing seemingly unrelated entries in the Windows Reliability Monitor whenever it was started.

While the issue did not impact the browser's functionality, stability or performance, it did raise questions. What was causing the entries to be generated and displayed by the Windows Reliability Monitor, and was there something that could be done about it.

Opera Software started to investigate the issue last week. Company developers identified the issue quickly and created patches to address it. The issue has been fixed in Opera 89 Stable and Opera development editions.

We verified that this is indeed the case by updating Opera to the latest version and monitoring the Windows Reliability Monitor log for changes during program start and terminations. No additional log entries were created in the latest version of the Opera browser.

You can test any application that you run on your Windows systems to find out if they generate issues that are logged by the Windows Reliability Monitor:

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut Windows-R to open the run box.
  2. Type perfmon /rel and hit the Enter-key to launch the Reliability Monitor.
  3. It takes a few seconds to populate the listing.
  4. Run or terminate the program that you want to test.
  5. Refresh the reliability monitor window by selecting View > Refresh.

Opera Software contacted us to provide some insight on the issue. According to the company, the issue was related to the new VPN Pro component of the browser. Opera used the Windows Installer Provider, and API calls generated the series of event logs that Windows Reliability Monitor logged as successful application reconfigurations.

Opera stated that the issue is not specific to the browser, and that it did not impact the browser's performance, stability or functionality in any way.

Closing Words

Opera Software reacted quickly and fixed the issue. Considering that the issue did not affect the browser's performance, functionality or stability, it is a good sign that the issue has been dealt with in a short period.

Now You: which browser do you use as your main driver, currently?

Article Name
Opera Software fixes Windows Reliability Monitor in browser
Opera Software has fixed the Windows Reliability Monitor issue in the company's Opera web browser.
Ghacks Technology News

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  1. Anonymous said on July 18, 2022 at 9:55 pm

    I was an Opera fanboy from beta thru v12.xx.
    It has been Opera in name only since bought out by China years ago.

    The Opera team went on to make Vivaldi and may someday be a nice browser.

    My daily driver is Palemoon.

  2. deleatur said on July 18, 2022 at 8:54 pm

    “Now You: which browser do you use as your main driver, currently?” >> Slimjet. So far, the best Chromium-derivative browser I’ve tried.

    1. owl said on July 19, 2022 at 2:12 pm

      Poor development support capability and lack of up-to-date security measures.
      Slimjet Version History:

      Slimjet is inferior to even Iridium-browser, which has poor development support capabilities.

    2. Anonymous said on July 19, 2022 at 6:43 am

      What makes you say that?

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