The Steam Summer Sale 2019 has started

The Steam Summer Sale 2019 has started; it is one of the biggest sales on Steam of the year and runs from June 25, 2019 to July 9, 2019 this year.
Many games are discounted during the sales period and if you maintain a wishlist on Steam, now is the time to check it to see if any of the games on that list are discounted.
I have seen some games discounted by up to 93% but the average discount rate appears to be closer to 25% during the sale period. Discounts won't change during the period of the sales as there are not any flash sales anymore (unlike on Gog which offers these).
The overall theme of the 2019 Summer Sale is Grand Prix. The interactive event has customers join the races for a chance of winning free games if the selected racing team finishes among the top three teams on a race day. Put simple: it is a lottery.
You need to pick a team and may contribute to the success of the team by completing quests or making purchases on Steam on that day.
You need to fill the boost meter by completing quests, claiming achievements or making purchases during the Summer Sale period. Once you have accumulated points you may boot your steam to improve the distance and speed.
Games are picked from the wishlist of selected customers; means, you need to make sure that some games are on the wishlist as you won't receive anything if that is not the case.
As far as discounts and games are concerned: the old rule that newer games are discounted less or not at all still stands.
The top 10 games based on user reviews are the following ones:
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Expansion Pass for €9.99 (60% off)
- Planetarian HD for €3.49 (65% off)
- Portal Bundle for €1.22 (93% off)
- Portal 2 for €0.81 (90% off)
- One Finger Death Punch for €2.99 (40% off)
- Finding Paradise for €3.99 (60% off)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine for €7.99 (60% off)
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes for €4.94 (67% off)
- Epic Battle Fantasy Bundle for €12.37 (64% off)
- Ty the Taswmanian Tiger for €6.74 (50% off)
One of the better options to save big that you have is to search for franchise or bundle on Steam. Some publishers and game companies offer special discounts for a selection or even all of their games that are available on Steam. These include DLC often as well.
Here are a couple of suggestions:
- Left 4 Dead Bundle -- includes Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 for €1.83
- Orcs Must Die Franchise Bundle -- includes first and second part of the series as well as DLCs for €3.71
- Panzer Corps Gold Bundle -- includes Panzer Corps and all DLC for €30.89
- Resident Evil Deluxe Origins Bundle -- includes Resident Evil and Resident Evil 0, plus costume DLCs for €15.99
Games on my wishlist are really that discounted unfortunately. I have 21 games on the wishlist and the highest discount is just 35% and some games are not discounted at all (for example Yakuza Kiwami 2).
Now You: Found anything of interest? Let me know in the comments below.

I got tricked and spent a lot of money on this sale…
“Games on my wishlist are really that discounted unfortunately. I have 21 games on the wishlist and the highest discount is just 35% and some games are not discounted at all (for example Yakuza Kiwami 2).”
Just for the record, there are always new deals every day during Steam sales. So if a certain game isn’t on sale on a particular day, check the next day and it might be on sale. Or, if it was already on sale, then it might have an even bigger discount on another day!
STALKER (all three), METRO Redux 2033/LL, Tomb Raider (from 1st through to RoTR + discound on SoTR), BioShock (1, 2, Infinite), Borderlands (2 complete + Pre-Sequel), Dead Island (1, 2), Valve’s own games (Source games i.e HL, L4D).
Big discounts on these as boundles as well, all worth playing imo.
>Dead Island (1, 2)
By 2 I meant Riptide :|
I love these sales. I had Wicher hunt 3, but on Origin, now I can for a cheap prize add it to my Steam library instead..
The sale looks decent this year. I have bought FF15 and Legend of the Heroes Trails of Cold Steel.
The Witcher 3 Complete Edition for only 10 bucks could also interest some people.