BiglyBT, new Vuze-based torrent client without ads

BiglyBT is a new cross-platform open source torrent client that can be best described as a fork of Vuze / Azureus that is ad-free and without other pasted on features.
The first version of BiglyBT is pretty similar to Vuze right now, but the developers have big plans for the torrent client.
It is developed by two long-standing Azureus and Vuze developers, who have worked on the client for a long time.
Azureus launched back in 2003 when BitTorrent was still in its infancy. The client shipped with new features and options, and quickly became a favorite of many users.
Vuze includes features such as device playback, meta search options and media playback. There is also a plus version available that does away with the advertisement that is displayed in the client, and ships wiht add-on features such as built-in antivirus protection, DVD burning, or media playback while downloading.
Note: BiglyBT requires Java. It comes with an integrated Java Runtime Environment so that Java does not need to be installed globally on the system to use the torrent client.
Vuze users will notice the similarities to the client. Basically, BiglyBT's first version is just like Vuze, but without the advertisement that Vuze displays in the free version of the client, and some tacked on features according to Torrentfreak.
The features that were removed are the content network, game promotions, DVD burning, and the offers in the installer. At least the DVD burning feature is a Vuze+ feature that is not part of the free version anyway.
Another difference between Vuze and BiglyBT is that the latter is strictly open source, while the former includes proprietary code.
Here is a short list of features that BiglyBT supports (besides the obvious such as downloading and seeding torrents):
- Swarm merging across torrents that share the common files. BiglyBT detects similar files in multiple torrents automatically, and merges swarms to download files faster and, if possible, fix incomplete torrents.
- Rate limiting to limit rates globally, by download, by tag, peer-set (e.g. peers from a country, by network, and by individual peer.
- Web Torrent support.
- Remote control support through an Android application.
- Tagging and the creation of categories.
- RSS feed subscriptions.
- View ratings and comments before adding torrents to the torrent client.
- Decentralized public and anonymous chat.
- VPN detection for better integration of virtual private networks.
- I2P Support.
- Tor support to proxy search results, subscriptions and browser connections.
- Media playback.
- Media conversion.
- UPnP Media Server and DLNA support.
Closing Words
BiglyBTÂ is basically a better version of Vuze, as it comes without advertisement, is fully open source, and does not include proprietary code. The developers have big plans for the program while Vuze's development seems to have stalled in recent time.
Now You: Which BitTorrent client do you use?

I’m still running the free version of Vuze (v5.7.6.0, the last version ever released by Vuze), and I run it AD FREE. How, you might ask? It’s simple: replace the files in the folder ..\Azureus\plugins\azpromo with dummy text files, and then change the permissions of the text files so that no process can delete, modify, execute, etc. said files.
When I first start Vuze, I get two error messages (the exclamation mark in the lower right-hand corner of the client): 1) a “Class Not Found” error (i.e., Azureus can’t find the plugin class called by the client for running ads), and 2) an “Access denied” error, which is created when Azureus tries to install a valid ad plugin. I’ll then clear these warnings and go on my merry way without the annoying in-client ads.
You’re welcome.
BiglyBT is really awesome & I really liked it & it didn’t consume a bunch of resources on my ancient machine. I don’t care if it is java, it seems quite light & a powerful piece of software. So everyone can stop bitching & give it a try or stick to their own favorites.
McAfee stopped BiglyBT from connecting to the internet, IP Address:
This page shows details and results of our analysis on the IP address
Threat Detail
City: Samara
Region: 65
Country: Russian Federation
Location: 53.1835 N, 50.1182 E
provided by MaxMind
Threat Risk: HIGH.
Biglybit defo best. ppl who spam against it just cant use brain or dont know how to set it up. When once its fine tuned you can forget about it , it automates all. Fun was to read #who needs dvd burning, pirates?# LOL …this kind of comment from torrent user is just too funny to even comment on. But…tell me little one, WHY do you use torrents then? To download books and cooking recipes? ahahahahahaha…Brainless, total :)
I have used Vuze used for donkey’s years to my satisfaction. Mind you I only use it too download. Any way I was aware it is bloatware. So I thought why not give this offshoot a whirl.
So BiglyBit (BB) uses JRE which in my mind is different than Java which is blocked by Firefox. Just keep in mind I am not really tech savy.
When I installed BB Avira came up with this message:”BiglyBit_BT_FW.exe containing the pattern of HEUR/APC (cloud)”.
MS Firewall gave me this message:”Windows firewall has blocked some features of this app.
What is all that about?.
That’s about false positives, a common problem of most antivirus software.
qBittorrent and Transmission are currently the best clients – at least the ones I’d suggest. Deluge is also good, but a bit resources-hungry for my taste.
BiglyBT might be interesting, but still a long way to go. We’ll see.
Why do they still use Java? Are they insane?
Portable uTorrent.
Programs need to stop requiring Java in general.
BiglyBT requires Java. No thanks! I will stick with uTorrent 2.2.1.
I use to have for many years installed (Azureus) Vuze before it became bloatware. In the first few years before Vuze became bloated, like nothing before I could tune it and than it was still ferry usable. But I had to go back to µTorrent because it became total unusabel because of the slow reaction of command’s and much less tunabell because of the many new functions who I never used.
Nowadays I use Tixati (64 bit installer and nice mobile 32 bit version is also available) and µTorrent.
And could I also mention the ferry underpraised download program eMulev0.50a.- version MorphXTv12.7 (Last update was on 2012-11-26 but it still works like a charm on Windows 10 – 64 bit systems)!
I know that the EMulev0.50a.- version: MorphXTv12.7progam is not more developed but do anybody know or is any change that anybody, will take over the project and will develop a newer version?
qBittorrent and nothing wrong with it.
java? no thanks. my utorrent is below 400kb and no ads too.
on another note, I never heard dvd burning feature in torrent client, seriously who needs it? pirates?
deluge has always worked well for me
deluge is the boss
Tixati or qBittorrent are enough for me.
uTorrent ftw
This software does have a popup ad begging for donations.
Far more annoying than in app ads.
I tried it and uninstalled it….
ancient uTorrent here too. java.. no thanks.
no, Tixati ftw