Control Animations in Vivaldi

Vivaldi Software is working hard on the next version of the popular web browser, Vivaldi 1.11. The company pushes out development builds regularly that enthusiasts can install to get a glimpse at features before they are released in stable versions of the browser.
Users who test these development builds provide Vivaldi with important feedback on these new features and other issues, and also what they like and don't like.
The most recent Vivaldi 1.11 development build, Vivaldi 1.11.917.17 comes with two new features that the company will launch in the stable version of the browser.
The first provides Vivaldi users with options to control animations in the browser. Animations can be fun in the browser, but they can also be annoying as hell. If you ever visited Producthunt, you know how irritating too many animations can be on a website.
Tip: if you use Google Chrome, use this guide to control animations.
Vivaldi: manage animations and gesture sensitivity
Vivaldi plans to launch the next stable version of the browser with an option to control the loading of animations in the browser.
The company has integrated the new feature in the latest development build. You can access it with a click on the "image" icon in the browser's status bar. This loads the image loading controls of the browser, and now also the animation loading controls.
Vivaldi users can set animation loading to three states: always, once, and never. The always state is the default. Vivaldi plays animations when it encounters them, and won't stop doing so.
You can switch that to once, to have the animation play once and then stopped, or never, to never play any animations in the browser.
If you are particularly annoyed by animated gifs and the like in the browser, you may want to switch the load animations setting to never to end that once and for all. Note that animations includes only image-type animation formats such as gif, and not video.
Another feature that is part of the most recent build is an option to manage the mouse gesture sensitivity. The new control can be used to change the minimum stroke length of gestures. The default minimum stroke length is set to 5 pixels, and you may increase it up to 100 pixels in the options.
The easiest way to get there is to load vivaldi://settings/mouse/in the browser's address bar. You find the new Gesture Sensitivity option on the page, and may use a slider to change the minimum stroke length on it.
This can be useful if Vivaldi recognized some of your mouse actions as gestures when they were not.
Interested users can download the most recent Vivaldi 1.11 development build from the official blog.
I absolutely LOVE vivaldi
Anything is better than Edge, Chrome comes with spyware and Opera belongs to the Chinese, so its really in between Vivaldi or Firefox.
the developers of vivaldi and moderators of their website are so rude and proud of themselves … asking them to add a feature or fix a problem is like cursing their mothers
Vivaldi, a browser which cannot properly render it’s speed dial page fonts since it was presented. Total disaster. No fixes, no forum responses. See it for yourself.
P.S. No, the disable write-caching does not work and it’s not even an option in the latest Crapvaldi.
I like the basic idea in Vivaldi, it´s a little bit slower than other but has integrated features that I like und often use without installing addons.
Some time ago Vivaldi had “delta updates” on development builds, now they don´t work… what happened?
Anyone knows?
“popular web browser, Vivaldi”
Well, that’s an exaggeration for a browser with 0.04% market share!
:)) Spot on!
Waiting for 2.0
Well, I would argue I am not quite a basic user, but most of “the power” feel excessive to me, while some critical things are missing. No bookmarks menu, really? I wish it was just Vivaldi, but it seems to be a part of the modern digital idiocy trends. Opera is halfway there – literally halfway – to see the other part of your bookmarks in the drop-down menu you need to click “show more” and go to the modern bookmarks interface in the new tab. Chrome for once is a champion of bookmarks. Alas, only on OS X. For now. There is an extension Popup my Bookmarks, which kind of helps. But overall it appears to me that they are trying to replace anything that works with modern stuff just for the sake of eye candy replacement and an off-chance of attracting a few hipsters. Or maybe it is the way it works with damn hipsters. They just drop everything in one folder, call it a day and expect for it to be sorted out automatically through some “cloud” or “smart assistant”. The IT industry is catering to them and then everyone’s wondering why we have so many lazy idiots.
Damn. I used to really like technology and IT things.
I’m always pissed that Vivaldi keeps poring time and effort into bookmarks, which I rarely use.
What is better somewhere else and Vivaldi lacks an equivalent for?
I don’t like vivaldi’s bookmarking since day 1…
But it has changed a lot since day 1.
Did you try how it works in day today?
I like Vivaldi and the control that they give the user, but I can’t help but wonder if they aren’t running the risk of making their browser WAY too complicated for the average user. I mean, I can’t imagine giving my Mom & Dad a computer with Vivaldi installed/their primary browser.
The average idiots have their Chrome/IE/Edge. Vivaldi is not designed for the average idiots.
It’s just for you, right ?
Found some fanboys… So you changed the looks and feel, is that why you consider yourself not an idiot but power user? Please tell us what do you do to config a browers as smart power user as you does.
Vivaldi is not meant or designed to be a browser for everyone, it is designed with the powet user in mind. Vivaldi is not trying to compete with Chrome, Edge, or Firefox it istrying to be a haven for power users who are fining more often the mainstream browsers are not targeting them anymore. Vivaldi is all about giving the user the ability to make the browser work for them and not the other way around. As Vivaldi stated in their 1.0 launch blogpost it’s “Not for everybody, just you”.
What is this crap about Vivaldi being complicated for “the average user”.
How is it complicated? Where does this bullshit come from?!
Tell me the use case in which “the average user” will be able to use Chrome and NOT be able to use Vivaldi!
Vivaldi does not intend to compete with Chrome or Firefox, if Vivaldi captures 2% of the market share it will be a major victory for the browser. It is about the power user not the average user and so it probably won’t be a #1 browser, and that’s just fine.
Sure, I get all that, but can they really capture much market share by JUST focusing their product towards power users? Vivaldi must not have significant plans to capture market share, because right now their product is extremely niche.
Another spyware browser. But hey, the Sheeple have nothing to hide…
I tried the Vivaldi version before the above mentioned update and was quite disappointed. Startup was very slow and loading web sites was on the same level. Don’t know what happened but Vivaldi was only crawling. Uninstalled and switched to Opera which is much faster. Don’t see the need to change back to Vivaldi.