MoveQueue: move files efficiently on Windows

MoveQueue is a free, handy program for Windows that helps you move files more efficiently, especially if you run move operations regularly.
You can copy, move or cut files on Windows by default if you use Windows Explorer. If you happen to move files regularly to new destinations, you may have noticed that the operation can become quite time consuming.
I run move and delete operations regularly on the download folder of a Windows PC that I use. The folder accumulates files quickly over time and grows to a point where it is taking up a considerable amount of space on the computer.
This is when I start to move files out of the folder that I still need, and delete those that I don't require anymore.
Handling multiple Explorer windows for the operation works, but it is anything but comfortable. MoveQueue, a free program for Windows, was designed to improve the process significantly.
At its core, it is a program that lets you move (or delete) files stored in a target folder using the keyboard, or drag and drop.
Like the name suggests, it supports queued operations as well.
First thing you do when you run it is to add one or multiple destinations to the "active destination list". These are the locations that you want to move files to.
Each destination requires a target folder at the very least. You may add a hotkey to the destination as well for selecting it faster. If you don't do that, you need to use drag and drop operations to move files to that folder.
Sequence is only useful if you either need more descriptive shortcuts, or run out of simple shortcuts to use.
You can use most keys as a shortcut, including single-keys such as T or F.
All that is left then is to select a root directory that you want to organize. The scan should happen automatically, but if it does not, hit the scan button to populate the file listing. MoveQueue ignores folders by default, but you can include folders, or use the recurse folders option instead. The latter is useful if files are also stored in subfolders under the selected directory path.
Once you get the files, either drag and drop them to a target destination, highlight files and use a shortcut to mark them for the move action to the linked destination, or right-click to use other actions such as marking files for deletion, or use drag and drop to drop them on a target location.
All that is left then is to click on execute actions to run all selected actions. You can check the queued items at any time with a click on the the action list link at the bottom of the screen. This lists all queued items including the desired action.
The program runs all queued operations when you click on the execute actions button.
The only other options provided are located in the settings. You may configure the default action for name conflicts (if a file with the same name and extension exists in the target location) among other things.
The default action is to rename the file that is moved. You can however switch to overwrite or skip instead.
Closing Words
MoveQueue is a useful program for Windows, especially if you run move or delete operations regularly. The program remembers the target destinations, making it useful for repeat operations.
One thing that is missing is a filter option, for instance to display only certain file types for easier selection.
Now You: Do you have a folder with lots of files on your system that you need to move files out of?

The ultimate (Unfortunately not free) tool the Rolls Royce under the copiers/movers for me stay’s Beyond compare.
I also use an improved file manager (xyplorer). Most handle file operations better than the stock windows file manager, obviously. One thing I find they all lack is a proper and updated way of disposing of the source files. This utility, as described here, does not look any better at it.
With xyplorer, I had to write a small script that renames before deleting on ssd and secure erase on HDD. Secure file operations with less user intervention would be welcome. Scripts were fine 20 years ago; not funny any more :)
I’ve been meaning to try Total Commander for a while, particularly after the MS ads in File Explorer feature. My go-to for moving files has been the unsupported MS Rich Copy utility. It’s not the most intuitive but lets you select how many cpu cores to use and has lots of options for validating and retrying file copies, and bypasses whatever slows File Explorer to a crawl. Really handy for rescuing files from dying hard drives.
Although I don’t use Total Commander but another very configurable multi-pane file manager (Xplorer2 Pro) I do agree with the Total Commander fans here.
If you already use a dual-pane file manager (any one of the many that exist, as long as it has a quick folder bookmarks dropdown) then moving large numbers of files is a piece of cake anyway, and you won’t need extra software like this.
If you’re still stuck with the inefficient and user-unfriendly Windows Explorer for daily file management, then installing this MoveQueue utility would solve only a single one of its problems. If instead of this you would install a decent multi-panel file manager, it would solve all those problems in one stroke.
BizzB, I also use Total Commander all the time, and it is my favorite utility. I agree with you that it does all of the above and more, but it’s not free.
Thanks Yoda San for your suggestion. It seems very interesting.
At home, I use Send To Toys 2.71:
After clicking on Folder…, you can copy or move files/folders into your home network.
It works flawlessly too with Windows 10 Pro x64.
Don’t see why one would want to add endless additional utilities when a well rounded program like Total COmmander can do what this one does – and much much more?
I totally agree, using the great ‘Total Commander’ myself ever since 1997! when it was then called ‘Win Commander’. One lifetime license but nevertheless not freeware… but nevertheless worth it. As you mention it, TC performs much much more. Invaluable. Not a year-renewable license but lifetime : hey!
My fav one to do similar file copy move is :
easy GUI , fast and simple.
take notice it works flawlessly under windows 10 X64 anniversary.