Mozilla postpones Firefox 49 release

Mozilla plans to postpone the release of Firefox 49, the next stable version of the web browser, by a week to fix two so-called blocker bugs.
Firefox 49 was scheduled to be released on September 13, 2016 initially which would update all stable versions of the web browser to the new release on that day.
The organization is fixing two blocker bugs currently that prevent it from releasing Firefox 49 in time.
The two blocker bugs in question address issues when loading Giphly embeds on Twitter, and slow script / unresponsive script dialogs in Firefox when resuming Firefox.
Bug 1301138 --Â Clicking on a Giphly embed in Twitter loads about:blank -- highlights the first issue that blocks the release of Firefox 49.
Basically, what happens is that clicks on embeds don't display the media on a new page but a blank page. I followed the instructions outlined by the user who reported the bug, and you may too.
Visit this Twitter message page, click on the embed to load it, and then again on the embed to open the website it was posted on.
According to the bug report, the website should come up empty. This is indeed the case in the latest Firefox Beta release version (which will be the next Firefox Stable version). Things do work fine though if you follow the instructions in Firefox Stable 48.0.2.
Bug 1284511 -- Slow script/Unresponsive Script dialogs appear frequently when resuming app -- looked like an Android issue at first, but reports came in that it affected desktop versions of Firefox as well.
The user who reported the issue noticed slow script dialogues when switching back to Firefox on Android after working with other applications on the device. At least one user stated that he saw the issue come up after leaving sleep mode on a Windows 10 laptop and opening Firefox.
Mozilla needs to collect "several days of telemetry data" to analyze and fix the issue.
If things go well, Firefox 49 will be released on September 20, 2016. The postponing of the release will have no impact on the release of Firefox 50 which is still scheduled for November 8, 2016. Firefox 50 will be the last feature release of 2016. Mozilla does plan to release Firefox 50.0.1 however on December 13, 2016. (via Sören)
Now You: Did you experience those issues in Firefox?

It’s November now and this Firefox version 49.0.2 is a piece of junk as far as I’m concerned and I’ve been using Firefox for years.
To call it slow is an understatement and the stated cure all of using “refresh” does little more than waste a persons time as they go about putting the thing back to where it was.
Scrolling is more painful than watching grass grow.
They best fix it or plan on losing more market share!
Can someone please advise about the issue of updating FF that gmail now says it is not supporting :
I am not extremely tech savvy, & use Linux because it is not corporate & was on the very cheapest laptop available in Greece with greek keyboard.
In the current FF I have been experiencing that script issue & thanks for the advice to help with that.
Is the latest version to be trusted?
Is this just a matter of perks, quirks & new features or will the gmail stop working ? It often says oooo we’re having trouble.
And if anyone can suggest another good, free, alternative email server, let me know.
Just installed FF 49 and it definitely seems much slower. Apart from the new generally slower feeling, I notice my Speed Dial plugin is cocked up now too as only half the pages graphics load initially, then it loads fully about 3 seconds later. Performance has changed for the worse here. Please fix it back again.
Win x64
Intel i7 @4.2GHz
1250W PSU
Version 50 Congratz Mozilla
I wonder if this is why Gmail is now telling me:
Is it really possible that Google expects Firefox users to upgrade almost instantly when new versions are released, in particular versions that replace a release with known security holes? In an ideal world that would be a reasonable policy but is the Firefox release/update mechanism really that reliable?
On the flipside, if Google is unsupporting very recent releases within days, surely it needs to be aware of release delays like that documented in this article?
Also, WTF happened to the supposed reversal or loosening of the Firefox rapid release malarky? AFAIK it was announced roughly within the last 18 months. I was “off the air” so to be speak for a while, and I’m a bit lost now. It would seem we’re still seeing the 6 week, zero features, releases (that annoy the shit out of users who incur release/update bugs).
Hello all,
Getting (not responding) in both FireFox and Thunderbird. Script errors too. Use TM to shut them down. No use Twitter.
Hope 49 is stabler.
@Caspy Ther unresponsive script is a warning from firefox engine. You can change th value that triggers the warning by giving more time to load the scripts. Some heavy-loaded sites trigger the warning. By caching those pages you can make the load faster.
Only problem I sometimes have, is that after hibernation (“sleep to RAM”), FF becomes unusable and does no longer load sites (or very rarely). But this is known for years.
> Slow script/Unresponsive Script dialogs appear frequently when resuming app
Excellent. I get this almost daily when opening my laptop. Almost exclusively on gmail. I assumed it was related to an addon and I hadn’t yet tried to troubleshoot it.