Disable the Windows 10 Lock Screen (Anniversary Update)

As you may know, Microsoft disabled some policies from working on Windows 10 Pro systems in the Anniversary Update.
Among the things that Windows 10 Pro admins cannot configure anymore is the lock screen behavior, or more precisely, the policy to turn off the lock screen.
While the lock screen may have its uses on some systems, it is just a delay for others who don't require its functionality and want the sign in done as quickly as possible.
Another reason why Windows 10 users may not want to see the lock screen is that Microsoft did use it to display ads (in form of wallpapers) in the past. While it is still possible to turn off lock screen ads in Windows 10's Anniversary Update edition, disabling the lock screen entirely cannot be done anymore using the Group Policy.
Good news is, there is still a method to turn off the lock screen in the latest version of Windows 10 (discovered on the Quarter of Three forum).
Disable the Windows 10 Lock Screen (Anniversary Update)
Update: Better Method that disables the Lock Screen completely (also on boot) (Thanks Glen)
- Tap on the Windows-key, type Local Security Policy and open the item of the same name.
- Select Software Restriction Policies > Additional Rules.
- If you don't see the menu, select Action > New Software Restriction Policies to create it.
- Right-click on the right pane and select New Path Rule.
- Under Path, paste C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy
- Make sure the security level is set to Disallowed.
- Click ok.
Old Methods continued
The method below uses a Windows tasks for turning off the lock screen in the latest version of Windows 10. Please note that it will only take care of the lock screen when you lock the computer, but not on start.
It adds a key to the Registry that Windows seems to honor once only. That's why a task needs to be used and adding the key manually to the Registry won't make the fix permanent.
Step 1: Open the Windows Task Scheduler
First step is to open the Windows Task Scheduler to add a new task to it. Tap on the Windows-key, type Task Scheduler and select the matching entry from the results.
Step 2: Creating the Task
Click on Create Task under Actions on the right-sidebar of the Task Scheduler interface once it opens on the system.
Step 3: Disable Windows 10 Lock Screen: General Tab
The first tab that opens is the general tab. Make the following adjustments on it:
- Name: Disable Windows Lock Screen.
- Check "Run with highest privileges".
- Configure for: Windows 10.
Step 4: Disable Windows 10 Lock Screen: Triggers Tab
Add the following two triggers (one after the other) by switching to the Triggers tab and clicking on the new button.
The only change you need to make is select the following parameters under "begin the task". Leave everything as is, and hit okay to save the trigger.
- First trigger: at log on
- Second trigger: on workstation unlock of any user
Step 5: Actions
Open the Actions tab and click on the new button there.
Keep "start a program" selected there and add the following information to the settings fields:
- Program/script: reg
- Add arguments (optional): add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\SessionData /t REG_DWORD /v AllowLockScreen /d 0 /f
Click on ok to save the new action.
Once you have configured and added the new task, you may want to run tests to make sure it works correctly. The easiest way to do so is to use Windows-L to lock the desktop. You may also restart the PC if you prefer that to test that behavior as well.
You will notice that the lock screen is skipped automatically on log in again.
Update: Ghacks Reader Len White posted a solution in the comments that disables the Windows 10 Lockscreen completely. Please note that the published patch modifies the file C:\Windows\System32\LogonController.dll. We recommend that you back up the file before you run the patcher so that you can go back should the need arise.
Update: Check out this tool linked in the comments. It should do away with the lockscreen on Windows 10.

Thanks hate having to put passwords in, When I first installed win 10 I never put one in but then it did an update and I was forced to put in a password
Ragerds:Moses Brodin
Hi Ralf,
Just enabling SMBv1 doesn’t work – trust me on this, there are dozens of troubleshooting pages on the AVForums dedicated solely to this.
Hi, Pampoen
Enable SMBv1.
You’re using an obsolete W10 Pro. Upgrade it to at least 1709.
With it you can do this via gpedit.msc and set the directive.
Hi Ralf,
thanks, but the problem I have is that the 1709 update broke the Samba Master Browser functionality, and I am then unable to access my SMB shares from Oppo BluRay player.
So I have to stay on 1607 :(
I tried the Task Schedule method, and it worked until I restarted my laptop :(
Windows 10 Pro 1607 14393.2214
I think UEFI and then try to get to the windows advanced boot menu. Then restore.
I forgot if you can get there through the Boot manager
Hi Michael,
thanks a lot…
I entered bios, but I was familiar with bios old style, now in my tablet I have Aptio Setup Utility and in Boot I have only 2 options:
n.1 Windows Boot Manager
n.2 uefi built in EFI Shell
so I don’t have the possibility to add n.3 usb storage device… I’m searching solutions on web… :-(
Hi I’m quite desperate…
I have a windows 10 tablet, I was trying to disable lockscreen.
I opened as admin install.cmd of Dobbelina version LogonControllerx86
scrips said everything successfully and after 1 minute stand-by (this is time set up in control panel screen management – pls be patient with my english I’m from italy)
A BLACK SCREEN APPEARS and only pressing 4 seconds power button it appears tap to shut down pc…
I tried to restart… nothing… I clicked something (I’ve a usb keyboard attached) and I got vocal assistant but didn’t helped me………
How to solve??!!
Please… Emanuela
This hack is no longer necessary as Microsoft came to it’s senses and re-enabled the registry option to turn off the lock screen.
Now I would
1. Do a hard reboot
2. Use Method 4, 5 or 6 to get to Advanced Startup Options
For option 6, you may have to check with your computer manufacturer’s support site for
exact sequence for getting to the advanced startup screen (F11 is a common key). If you have an old computer with a legacy BIOS, F8 or Shift+F8 might work.
3. Do a system restore to a most recent bootable configuration.
Thank you @Ralf for the heads up on KB4016240. The “Do not display lock screen” group policy works again!
In a bizarre twist that can be only the work of OS development, management and configuration systems so complex it actually becomes surrealist art, here’s what the group policy help text has been saying:
“Note: This setting only applies to Enterprise, Education, and Server SKUs.”
Why not all the other variants is beyond anyones comprehension but it speaks of management overhead that is astronomical.
It works with all Editions. You can use “gpedit.msc” for W10 Pro and the setting in the Registry for W10 Home.
The text in the GPO is now :
“At least Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 or Windows RT”
Works since today after installation KB4016240.
“The existing Group Policy to disable the lock screen is now available for those on the Pro edition of Windows 10. Appreciate all who shared feedback on the subject. Note, the Group Policy text has not yet been updated to incorporate this change, that will happen with a later flight.”
Found this announcement in Insider Preview Build 16179 for PC.
“The existing Group Policy to disable the lock screen is now available for those on the Pro edition of Windows 10. Appreciate all who shared feedback on the subject. Note, the Group Policy text has not yet been updated to incorporate this change, that will happen with a later flight.”
The only method that really works! So great!
Many thanks for the patch. I disabled the Windows Update service. I hope I don’t encouner any more nags. Otherwise I will shift to Ubuntu although I couldn’t get used to it after many months of experience.
Thanks for the google drive link.
That patch works
Been using your patch since your released it. Many thanks.
Patch no longer works on home or pro.
logoncontroller.dll file version 10.014393.594
applying patch gives following error
There was an error applying patch: 0x80070057 (The parameter is incorrect)
Better you ask here https://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/72193-LockScreenGone-v1-0
Last edited by dobbelina; Today at 08:45. Reason: Patch updated
I hope someone can put this into the post so everyone can see because below is an official way to turn it off. I’m using Windows 10 Pro Anniversary Update and the type of account is local but other versions and online account might work as well. The option is hidden so these steps will bring it back up and set it as default.
1. Go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options
2. Under Password click Add, type in random password and hint, click Next and Finish.
3. Close the Settings window and repeat step 1.
4. Under Require sign-in, click and choose Never.
5. Under Password click Change, type in the random password in step 2, click Next twice and Finish.
You’re now free from being forced to click on any lock screen or Sign in button.
Surely this is only for disabling sign in after sleep or hibernation.
It says under ‘Require sign-in’.
“If you’ve been away, when should Windows require you to sign in again?”
In that case I think the only way is to lock it or sign out before you go out then Windows will ask you when you’re back. The method above works for me because I don’t want to have a password AND thus I don’t want to be asked me everytime since I have no password to enter. It’s just not so smart to me and it is a waste of time in my circumstances. :)
You could try running the command netplwiz and unchecking the box for the user that says “users must enter a username and password to use this computer “.
It’s available on the Home edition, and looks familiar to me.
Mine is unchecked.
More here
It’s written for versions before the Anniversary edition, but …. maybe …
Ron, if you ever remember what you did on those two computers that worked, I’d love to hear it, I don’t want a sign in screen, didn’t have one on win8 but didnt have to set anything there, just didnt set a password. For win10 I did a clean install instead of upgrade, and still have to click sign in. And the background picture doesn’t ever change, I assume something to do with the modified dll I found here that disables the lock screen (since my sign in screen is set to use the lockscreen background which is set to spotlight).
It would be a miracle for me to remember I’m afraid. I was just following instructions that I found online, and it was a long time ago now.
This Local Security Policy method worked brilliantly for me after unsuccessfully trying 5 or 6 other methods I had found on the Internet. I’ve now banished the Lockscreen on all of the laptops on my local network (for some reason I didn’t have the Lockscreen on my desktop PC either before or after the Anniversary Update to Windows 10).
The other methods mentioned all worked either erratically, not at all or only for two or three sessions.
hanks again
Do you have a link to the Local Security Policy method? Or is it in this thread some where?
Just out of interest, there must be a more simple solution to this problem.
I have two PCs, one tablet that was upgraded from Windows 8, and another notebook that was upgraded from Vista to Windows 8 then to 10.
In both cases, during the Windows 8 periods, I disabled the sign in screen, both on boot up and after sleep.
None of the updates since then have effected this, including the Anniversary edition.
Both these are W10 Home edition.
They both display a quick flash of the sign in screen, then go straight to the desktop.
Unfortunately I can’t remember what the fix was now, but I’m pretty sure it was a security policy thing that I was able to access in the Home edition.
There was no hacking with replacing files or modifying the registry.
Anyway, this makes me think there must be a relatively simple setting somewhere that can disable the sign in screen.
I already have no password (never set one when installing windows), but it still makes me click on the “sign in” box on a fairly blank screen after waking (not at boot tho). I just want it to go back to my desktop like win8 and earlier did, without an extra click.
That was my original goal, too, not to have to enter a password or PIN at all. Or set up face recognition… Just wake up directly to my Desktop, like in Win95. There used to be several places you could set no login, and Microsoft “fixed” all of them. There have been several hacks to get around the fixes, and Microsoft “fixed” all of those, too. I’ve given up. Unless someone as dedicated as Dobbelina takes on the no login challenge…
I’m trying to get rid of the ‘sign in’ screen that appears when I resume from sleep. I installed the logoncontroller patchv2 but it didn’t get rid of it, which I assume it’s supposed to right? I’m using Windows 10 Home x64 10.0.14393, clean installed yesterday….
No, it’s not supposed to. What you are talking about has nothing to do with the Lock Screen. If you mean that you don’t want to enter a password after “waking-up” there is an appropriate Windows setting for that. Still, I’m not sure if it will skip that sign-in screen.
Thank you for you’r hard work Dobbelina! It workd perfect for me. I gonne have a good sleep!
If you update Windows via WU, and you got a patched dll, you have to manually delete the LogonController.bak
file from System32 if the LogonController.dll gets replaced, otherwise the patcher wont run again.
(access denied message)
Latest Cumulative update KB3194798 10.0.14393.321 does not update LogonController.dll.
It’s still file version 10.0.14393.206
Stopped working again as of yesterday.
I tried Patch version 5-1 and it errors with unknown MD5 error.
File Version: 10.0.14393.953
Date Modified: 3/4/2017
Size: 691 KB
Please help!
You probably answered your own question a few posts above! The latest Cumulative Update creates a new .dll file and we can only wait for an updated version of the tool from Dobbelina.
The latest Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3213986) updated the Logoncontroller.dll . Now the patch is not working again.
Last edited by dobbelina; Today at 08:45. Reason: Patch updated
I have the same issues with patch like Andy Alford. I don’t have CTRL+ALT+DEL forced login. Well, this option is greyed out in User Accounts settings, so I can’t even turn it on.
Additional info: I use Win10x86 Asus T100 tablet with keyboard. I have Compact OS enabled.
Hi Andy Alford
I think I know what’s the issue some users are having with the lockscreen re-appearing, while for others it don’t.
You can’t have the secure sign-in option enabled!, (eg, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete)
This is not a standard setting and the hack doesn’t work.
I have updated the LogonController_Patchv2.zip again to resolve this issue as well as of 14:00 hours.
Try this new patch and choose “Restore lockscreen” first when running Install.cmd,
so the original dll file is restored before running the patcher again.
Windows 10 Home winver:14393.321 x64
ok, here is the fix, that i have to do, that this great lockscreen patcher have to work!
same issue that before.
i didnt have fullaccess over the file logoncontroller.dll, BUT the patcher says “patch applied” or something.
but this message was wrong and must be fix!
the patcher didnt patch the logoncontroller.dll because i didnt have the fullaccess right over this file.
but now, i can already became the fullaccess over the logoncontroller.dll as admin and user, that wasnt before.
after this, i use this patcher and became a *.bak (backup file) also and i see that the logoncontroller is patched, because the date was changed from 15.09.2016 to today 15.10.2016.
i shut down my pc and start it.
WORKS, lockscreen disabled!
Great work and thanks for this patcher again, but please, fix the message of “patch applied” or something to patch can applied because no fullaccess to change the file or let the patcher before it patch, get fullacccess (or test) over logoncontroller.dll
sry, for my bad english, because i am a german.
Thanks for your continued work!
>>> Win 10 x64 Pro, patching to C:\windows\system32\logoncontroller.dll
>>> Surface Pro 4, 10.0.14393.206
>>> LogonController_Patchv1.zip, unzipped to dedicated location, right-click run as administrator “Install.cmd” – D for disable
Modes tested:
1. Lock workstation = No Lockscreen
>>> Works, can see a millisecond flash of the lockscreen after the password is entered and returning to Windows
2. Sleep = No Lockscreen
>>> Lock Screen STILL VISIBLE, then when dismissed Windows is visible but inaccessible (actually ‘locked’) until Ctrl-Alt-Del pressed
3. Logoff = No Lockscreen
>>> Works, I hadn’t tried this before as I never use this function, but it works!
4. Screen saver, on resume display log-on screen = No Lockscreen
>>> I have screen saver = None, so cannot test this one
5. Screen saver, on resume do not display log-on screen = No Lockscreen
>>> I have screen saver = None, so cannot test this one
6. From Boot = No Lockscreen
>>> Works perfectly, goes straight to PIN entry without lockscreen
How it works in 10.0.14393.321 ?
I have a difficult time to simulate this issue where the patch doesn’t work in my virtual machines.
But, I have done some additional patching & removed an obsolete version from the patcher.
It now patches these versions only:(Both 32bit & 64bit)
I’ve also added version number on the patch so to keep track of them.
Please try this updated LogonController_Patchv1.zip
Uninstall old dll first by running “Restore” option, and try this new one.
Modes tested:
1. Lock workstation = No Lockscreen
2. Sleep = No Lockscreen
3. Logoff = No Lockscreen
4. Screen saver, on resume display log-on screen = No Lockscreen
5. Screen saver, on resume do not display log-on screen = No Lockscreen
6. From Boot = No Lockscreen
Tell me if it’s working for you guys & gals
D, thanks for that patch; was leery of trying it as I’m a simple business user, but 24 hrs, working like a charm so far, conforming to the behavior you tested in modes 1-6 above. Any way to hit the tip jar to you?
“6. From Boot = No Lockscreen” don’t work for me.
When I start my computer I see the LockScreen.
WinVer: 10.0.14393.321
What can I do to disable it?
1) I applied the patch and ensured that it works
2) I then ran SFC /Scannow, which found faults and repaired them
3) Patch no longer working
4) I tried to apply the patch again, but am told it has already been applied
5) I try to remove patch, using the (R) option
6) I try to apply patch again, but am again told it has already been aplied
Clearly something is still missing
Hello again,
The file patched is located at C:\windows\system32 – is that what you mean?
It is Win10 Pro 64 bit edition, 1607, x64 based processor
Tried another download from same link – exact same results. Still can see lock screen, but the screen is locked after it is dismissed. Until Ctrl-Alt-Del.
I looked at the download and cannot see a difference. Is it worth rolling the version number to ensure the download is working right?
Thanks, Andy
I assume you are using the 32bit version of 10.0.14393.206, some other users have reported the same
The 32bit files were patched differently, but I have corrected that.
Download updated version of patcher from link above.
Uninstall old dll first by running “Restore” option, and try this new one.
Hello Dobbelina,
Thanks for your attempts, but sadly this one is not working for me (neither did your previous attempts)…
– I previously used Face recognition but disabled it… so settings are….
– Lock Screen settings = Picture, Fun facts = off, background on signon = off
– Sign-In Options: Never, Face Login removed, Password and PIN established, No picture pwd, Privacy = off
– Screen Timeout: 2minutes; Sleep 10 mins (battery), never (AC.) Wireless standby= On
– Adv Power Options: Slide Show=paused; Hibernate=30 minutes (battery) never (AC); Power Button=Sleep;
– Installed using Administrator, restarted a couple of times
– No lock screen at Restart, that’s working
– If I press Win-L, lock screen appears and I have to enter PIN to use computer, and then all as normal, so that’s working
– If I leave the PC for 2-3 minutes, screen goes blank, move mouse -> Lock Screen, swipe or press ESC to dismiss, and then lock screen changes to computer desktop but it is effectively locked
– I can see the desktop and applications, the mouse moves, keyboard no response to Alt-Tab or similar; only responds to Ctrl-Alt-Del
– I have removed the patch again until I hear from you.
Thanks!! Andy
Surface Pro 4, Win 10 PROFESSIONAL, LogonController v 10.0.14393.206
If you are right, Dobbelina, you are my hero
Meaning you will not get any problems when running SFC?
No problems with SFC using this patch, That has also been fixed.
LockScreenGone v1.0 Has been re-worked totally.
It’s now smarter, as It will scan your existing LogonController.dll for a MD5 match, before doing any changes
to the system.
The issue with the lockscreen re-appearing after Lock & Sleep mode have been resolved.
If you already have a patched dll, download this new patch and choose “Restore” first when running Install.cmd,
so the original dll file is restored before running the patch again.
The script will make a backup of your original LogonController.dll
Works for file versions:
You are my HERO!
I tried everything, but ONLY this one worked, even on boot!
Off-topic… but here’s how MS should handle this…
Windows 10 Home … should be a free version they provide forever to anyone, and it has all of this garbage preset and near-impossible to change. It monetizes the end-user as a way to make up for being free.
Windows 10 Pro … should be pay-for, and allow end-user to administer their computer as they see fit, making it easy to disable stupid things like a simple lock screen and to schedule updates when the user sees fit instead of auto-rolling them in. (Essentially it’s “Windows 10 Enterprise edition for Personal users”)
This would solve a lot of this. If folks wanted more control of their PC, they could just upgrade to Win 10 Pro right from within the Win 10 Home OS for like $100.
However, this would essentially make Windows 10 into a very large version of a freemium “app”. IE: “you get the base app for free, but you have to pay to remove the ads and add more features.” But, since that’s how the world’s going anyways… MS should just do that and get on with life.
Thanks for the DLL patching solution. Unfortunately it is not working for me. After choosing “Disable lockscreen” a notification popup of “HHD Software Hex Editor Neo Patch Apply” appears telling me “There was an error applying patch: 0x80070057 (Wrong parameter)”. I am on the latest Windows 10 1607 update level.
Any ideas what could cause this behaviour?
How do you restore the backup logoncontroller.dll file?
LogonController.dll access denied.
no fullaccess as user or admin to the file now.
(after new windows update)
without file access, i cant patch them.
On some occasions there is no “pictures-without-extension” in ‘%localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.ContentDeliveryManager_[custom string of characters]\LocalState\Assets\’ which you could copy them to the test folder and rename them by adding ‘.jpg’ extension to reveal the true picture which MS intended to force us to watch during logon.
What I found is that this dreaded “leaving-cave-of-MSmadness” lock screen picture sits within location ‘C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\SystemData\S-1-5-18\ReadOnly\LockScreen_[letter]’
First you need to take ownership of that ‘SystemData’ folder in order to even open it up.
After replacing ‘LockScreen___[screen resolution]_notdimmed.jpg’ with the picture of my liking all things are showing on the lock screen, as I intended to :)
Hope my finding will help anyone :)
After the updated I was looking for a new method that will remove the lock screen…
Works like a charm!
Thank you.
Also spent some hours on the DLL patches. First I tried ‘dobbelina’s patch:
It seemed to work fine but I get errors when running this sequence:
dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
sfc /scannow
I get errors and SFC is not able to repair automatically. The error persists even after using the restore functionality.
The corruption was of course not present prior to installing the patch
I then restored a fresh image to my PC and tried Len Whites slightly older patch:
In this case my lock screen also disappeared as expected, but when running the above sequence of DISM and SFC the DISM tool didn’t report errors but the SFC found errors and REPAIRED them. As such I was back to having the lock screen again.
So…issues still persists and I would definitely advise to make a backup before trying
If that’s the case, you are right. I’d also expect the restore option to work 100% with no issues from an sfc scan.
SFC /scannow Issue confirmed and fixed.
For some reason the SFC /scannow command fails to repair the dll when patched directly in System32.
I fixed that by patching in a temp directory, and copying the dll back to System32.
Now the SFC /scannow command successfully repairs the file.
File link LogonController_Patch.zip has been updated.
You cannot expect the sfc scan to *not* report “errors”, since a Windows file has indeed been modified and it’s perfectly normal. Again, only Microsoft is to blame here for the caused inconvenience . I don’t know if it’s possible for any of these fine patches to ‘cloak’ themselves from the scan.
For the moment, I have my Lock screen perfectly disabled and don’t care much about the sfc scan results. If I need to run it for some reason, I’ll just re-patch afterwards.
That’s true, but for me it is a problem if the scan errors persists even when the original is restored as seems to be the case with doppelina’s patch
Correction – I still get the Lock Screen when if I put the Surface Pro 4 into Sleep by pressing the Button.
I don’t get the lock screen at Restart though. Should I use another technique to remove the Sleep lock screen???
Also, if I press Windows+L to Lock, I get the Windows Face signin, which sees me and then immediately goes back into the system (so it doesn’t lock for long, unless I hide!)
Cheers, Andy
Settings->Accounts->Sign in Options
First item should be “Require Sign-in”.
“If you’ve been away, when should Windows require you to sign in again?”
Set the toggle to “Never”.
I know this is a month later, but I hope it helps.
I have just spent a few hours on this. And in the hopes of saving others some time….
Surface Pro 4, Windows 10 Pro version 1607, Build 14393.187
Neither of the two ideas in this article work.
With some caution, I followed the instructions in the link below. And can confirm all working fine. Well done guys!!
I am glad the author of this article has made an update to their article, but a little disappointed this at the very end. And so I wasted all that time, trying their two ineffective methods. Perhaps they could consider reviewing their content if others are also finding that it is not actually working.
Thanks to all (apart from Microsoft of course, who are trying to waste all of our time!)
Thank You Dobbelina and Len White!!! Works like a charm! Much appreciated.
It’s been shared here:
I bundled the 2 architectures into 1 installer script.
It’s now very easy to use, Just run Install.cmd as Administrator.
I also made a restore script.
To restore the backed up LogonController.dll run Restore.cmd as Administrator.
Works for both Home & Pro and all Languages 32bit & 64bit.
Architecture x86
(Patches Offset:0x1C680 8B FF -> C3 90)
Architecture x64
(Patches Offset:0xBF50 48 89 5C 24 08 -> C3 90 90 90 90)
As a safety feature you can’t apply a patch twice, as you would then overwrite the backup file.
The script looks for LogonController.bak in the system32
folder which is the backupfiles name.
In the future, if MS updates the dll file, manually delete
that backupfile in order to run the autopatcher again.
I would then also suggest to move/copy the Restore.cmd file to the root of your systemdrive, as it will then be
quite easy to restore the dll from bootable installation media, should the need occur.
Great work !!!
Problem solved.
At first try it doesnt work, but i see my GData Internet Security have block LogonPatcher and put it in Quarantäne. And i didnt have access on LogonController.dll because i didnt have adminrights on this file that it cant get patched by your patcher but your file say it was allready patched.
i have disable my GData and but the LogonPatcher back from Quarantäne and get LogonController my adminrights to change the LogonController.dll by your LogonPatcher.
Problem solve, working Patch!
Thank you very much.
sorry for the bad english iam from germany.
One Question:
i hope, i have no Problem when comes out a new W10 Version/Build Update and i didnt get any installation error or freez when i had patched this file.
did you try and check it, with a windows version update?!
I don’t think this particular dll will be replaced anytime soon, first after next major update perhaps?
But don’t despair, If the dll gets replaced again, you can now easily re-patch it yourself!
(Manually delete backup file from system32 first)
If there would be a major update, and the patch location moved,(or they re-wrote it totally)
the patch engine will fail,
and not allow a patch to be made. That’s by design, and the way we want it to be.
Then just revisit https://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/71192-LockScreenGone-v1-0
and I’ll give you a new patch.
I had this patch available just a few hours after the last update replaced it !
It’s difficult for me to update several forum threads simultaneously, therefore I hope admin here
allows me to post the main thread above whom I’m the author of, thanks!
The local security policy method works for me in session but not on boot; I still have to have to dispel the lock screen before I can enter my password.
Hi all!
This topic is for those that don’t like the lockscreen.
When the anniversary update came, the option to disable this was removed.
There are a few tricks out there to somewhat disable it, but none of
those works from boot.
This solution does.
Earlier I made a patch for LogonController.dll, that has worked beatifully
until today, when the KB3189866 update came out and replaced it.
So I made an autopatcher instead.
Even if a new update replace the patched dll,
just run the autopatcher again!
(It is always the same bytes that need replacing), and it will probably
be a long time before they update this dll again.
It’s very easy to use, first run the “Take_Ownership.cmd” file as
Administrator, then run LogonController_Patch.exe also as Admin
and point it to:
And click Start, Done!
It automatically creates a backup of your old LogonController.dll.
Works for both Home & Pro and all Languages, just choose
right architecture.
Architecture x86
(Use d/l arrow up in the right corner to get the zip file)
Architecture x64
(Use d/l arrow up in the right corner to get the zip file)
That’s it folks !
Thanks “Len White” for the inspiration to patch LogonController.dll !
Thank you for this. That ridiculous forced splash screen was my only real gripe about W10 after the anniversary update. Sadly, with forced updates and an projected installed base of almost 1 billion W10 systems, MS can drive this OS in any direction they want; towards whatever future vision of computing THEY have.
Oh well. C’est la vie.
Many thanks Dobbelina!
You know what, I change my mind.
My perception that the patched dll isn’t perfect is wrong!
The blackscreen issue had nothing to do with the patch, but was/is a quirk with VMware when going into sleep mode.
The patch works 100% perfect! and the only fix that works from boot.
I have patched & compiled both files for d/l for you guys & gals here:
(Works for both Home and Pro, same MD5, Works For All Languages)
Architechture x86
File version 10.0.14393.0 (Anniversary Edition)
MD5 Original LogonController.dll:
LogonControllerx86.zip (Use d/l arrow up in the right corner to get the zip file)
Architechture x64
File version 10.0.14393.0 (Anniversary Edition)
MD5 Original LogonController.dll:
LogonControllerx64.zip (Use d/l arrow up in the right corner to get the zip file)
They come with an install & Restore script, so you can always roll-back if you miss the “curtain”.
When you install it automatically makes a backup.
If you aren’t on “Anniversary Edition” but previous 1511,
you don’t need the patched dll.
This reg entry will kill the lockscreen for you:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Thanks “Len White” for the inspiration to patch LogonController.dll !
There is a new LogonController.dll from Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3189866).
Date : 9/6/2016
MD5: 460DA0C05CCB0CFF811D21899EFD93CB
Unfortunately, this will always be the weakness of this technique.
Yes unfortunately the Lock screen is back, just went through the update. I guess congratulations are in order for the geniuses at Microsoft for removing features and wasting so much of their users’ time.
I will now create a text file to keep track of the various changes, fixes and hacks required for W10…
Many thanks Dobbelina, Len White and everyone involved! It works :)
Thank you!
Back to (almost) normal.
Indeed, on my system ( Win10 Pro) I see this lockscreen about one second and it dissapears………….
The “better method” does not work on Windows 10 Pro Anniversary edition. When I restart, I can see the lock screen flickering, as though the fix is fighting with the OS for control of the screen. The OS wins. I see the lock screen after booting.
” it all helps for pro!
there is not fix or help out for this for windows home and boot windows!!!! ”
All these tricks dont work in Win10 PRO neither………….
Guys learn! please write for which Windows Version it works from begin!
the most People have Windows 10 1607 Home ! Not Pro
When it only for Pro than write it direkt.
so many people try it out for nothing!
it all helps for pro!
there is not fix or help out for this for windows home and boot windows!!!!
I use W10ProX64, I tried the “Local Security Policy” way to disable the lockscreen, but after reboot iI still get it.
pfffff………,so guess we have to live with this blody lockscreen, nothing really disables it…………
Possible Reason: On Boot time that reg key is not used AND on boot time Lockapp.exe is not loaded but the lockshit functionality is provided by the LoginUI. It is only requesting the policy that is not working on pro and home editions
another tool was published on chip magazine web page. it installs as a service and monitors the registry key and sets it to 0 when it is on 1.
Testing and hoping this will work on boot too and block that damnd lock crap screen!
source code and binaries here:
Does not work during the boot.
> https://bitbucket.org/arbv/lockscreen-disabler
> This little program helps one effectively disable the Lock Screen during operating
> system usage (except on boot time).
Its not possible for me to open Local Security Policy.
Unfortunately anything I’ve tried to disable the lockscreen basically just changes it to a new login screen that I still have to click on. I don’t have my PC locked with a password or pin and want it to just turn on but if I disable the lockscreen I still have to click “Sign in” even though I have no password. MS is so annoying to change the group policy like this. What if someone bought the Pro version of windows specifically for this feature? Unacceptable.
It’d be interesting to know of any requested (and issued?) refunds because of this.
The “Local Security Policy : Software Restriction Policies > Additional Rules (C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy = Disallowed)” method actually stopped the cave-beach lock screen from appearing on my Surface Book with Pro and AU. BUT now I get the actual PIN/Password login every time the system boots or wakes from power button off or timeout!
Before that Policy change I only got the cave-beach lock screen, no PIN/Password required. Settings -> Accounts -> Sign-in options -> Require sign-in still says Never. All the things I know of that should stop the login requirement are still set to disable it. Strange! At least the login screen provides a bit of protection; the lock screen does nothing useful for me.
Tried the “Local Security Policy : Software Restriction Policies > Additional Rules (C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy = Disallowed)” method. But DOES NOT WORK : still that annoying lock screen after boot and/or restart.
Actual OS version = Windows 10 Pro Version 1607 OS Build 14393.51
Would be glad to hear confirmation from those who found this method effectively worked (circumstances relevant to the action; extra steps done to make it work,…)
Did not work for me either.
Here is what I have found ; ” Actually Lock Screen is shown by an exe file LockApp.exe present in C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy folder and if you delete or rename this folder, Windows will be unable to find the file and will never show Lock Screen. ”
This is , so far , the only way to get totally rid of this useless lockscreen !
thats not correct, because on boot time or when pc is locked for about one minute the lock screen shows up again. it does not need the lockapp.exe in this case but is originated somewhere else (maybe lockapphost.exe?)
The only thing renaming lockapp folder does is not to show up lock screen for the first minute after Win-L :(
I think Microsoft needs a shit storm about this on social media to re enable that policy!
Have to do some more research, let you know soon.
what do you mean – removing what folder, pete?
lockapp-folder in systemapps AND in WinSXS?
what about lockapphost.exe?? can this be blocked too?
Have seen a lot of “solutions” so far, but the only real working solution is to completely remove the lockscreen-folder from the PC.
what lockscreen folder do you mean?
contents of lockapp folder? renaming or blocking it does not take away lock screen on boot or reappearing after 1 mins of locktime :(
I tried the scheduled task hack by way of a pre-prepared scheduled task xml file that I found on winhelponline, and, unless there’s something wrong with their xml file, I found an unintended consequence of doing it — it unpredictably interfers with the sign-in and switch user screens’ background picture that I selected in the lock screen Personalization settings.
Here’s the wonky behavior that I saw; with no rhyme or reason to it.
After the scheduled task was configured, I’d go to set the lock screen background picture in the Personalization settings, then would lock the computer to test it, and one of the following would occur:
1.) the sign-in screen and the switch user screen backgrounds would be properly set on just the first lock
2.) just the switch user screen background would get set
3.) just the sign-in screen would get set
4.) *both* would remain the default cave-beach picture.
After unlocking and locking the machine, one or both would go back to the default cave-beach background and then stay that way.
My theory is that by disabling the lock screen code from running, it also bypasses whatever Windows does to set the background of the sign-in and switch user screens. However, even if you just temporarily disable the scheduled task and then try locking the computer to “set it”, this also doesn’t work — as soon as the scheduled task runs again, the background picture setting seems to breaks yet again.
I also tried the software restriction policy hack, and while that doesn’t seem to interfere with the background picture, it doesn’t seem to work on boot up or after the computer has been locked for a period of time.
agree. setting the software restriction brings back the lock screen after having locked for one minute. same when just renaming the folder lockapp* to Nolockapp.
patching the DLL has fatal problems after a few minutes resulting in having to restore original dll
bad idea!
Hey guys, is there an easier way to disable lock screen at startup. We’re simpletons.
Yes I posted an easier hack here https://www.ghacks.net/2016/08/05/disable-windows-10-lock-screen/#comment-3954221, drop the patched DLL in your system32 folder and voila.
“One issue I did see – the boot logon screen is a much darker blue than the logon screen when locking. Both were the same blue when coming out of the lock screen before the DLL replacement.”
Yeah, even without any of the hacks, I think Windows adds shading to the background image/color in certain instances, making it look darker. I noticed this when trying to solve a different issue where I’m stuck with the default cave/beach background.
Len – Nice work. Bookmarked the link.
One issue I did see – the boot logon screen is a much darker blue than the logon screen when locking. Both were the same blue when coming out of the lock screen before the DLL replacement.
I’m not sure if I explained that very well.
Hi Len, love your work!
Patched LogonController.dll Works perfect for me, only caveat is when/if you return from hibernation/sleep you could be
met by a black screen, then don’t worry, login screen is actually there, just start typing
your password and click enter and you’re back in.
In all other aspects works fine for me, from boot ok, from logoff ok,
from hibernation/sleep most of the times ok.
if the hibernation/sleep issue could be solved it would be perfect
I am using Windows 10 Home. This works after user logout or timeout, but after rebooting I still get the lock screen. I tried adding a trigger at startup; but that did not help.
Should I try changing the task setting to “run whether user is logged-on or not” (and save the password)?
Thank you so much for the article. It works using the lock screen so I made a shortcut to it and now it resides on my start menu and on my quick launch bar. Just click and the logon screen comes up. Life is good.
Does not work in Win10 Pro , lockscreen still “alive” at log-off/log-on !
But when restart , the lockscreen does not appear again……..??
there is an other possible workaround using the “Software Restriction Policies”, don’t know this is better:
If it works, that is probably a better solution for Win10 Pro. Doesn’t appear to work on Win10 Home though, while my solution does. (Have confirmation from another site.)
Update– it seems to work at first, but when you sit locked for a minute the lockscreen comes back! No go.
This a practical interesting topic, but for me personally, I like the lock screen function with my personally chosen image displayed, and will keep it this way.
The issue at hand is about choice, though. MS is not offering users the choice to choose if they want a lock screen or not; they are just forcing it upon everyone. And, they’re making it difficult to remove even by normal IT administration routes (eg: policy editor and such).
Now, for Windows Home edition, I could understand this. Keep it as simple as possible with a few options as possible, so when users switch to a new Win 10 Home device it all pretty much looks the same.
But, us Win Pro users (eg: I was on Win 7 Pro and upgraded to Win 10 Pro) … the reason we get “Professional” editions is because we’re power users that want IT Administration capability in our personal version of Windows.
If I don’t want to have a lock screen delaying me with a click or button tap every time I start my computer or come back from screensaver, then I (as the power user of a Professional edition) should have an easy option to disable it. You, as another user, should have an easy way to keep it on. This would make everyone happy, because it provides the end-user choice.
MS, however, is making it clear that users are not allowed choices. They are making even a simple thing like disabling the lock screen practically impossible unless you’re a comp sci wizard with a hex editor, or bending over backwards to do things in group policy editor or task scheduler. This is outlandish. It should just be a simple tick mark on a settings page for login. It shouldn’t require advanced IT administration skills or decompiling a .dll file to figure it out.
The greater issue is that MS is making their software for themselves, not the end user. We are no longer customers. We are consumers.
This has been the major paradigm shift in IT, software and even just business as a whole for the past couple of decades. They use distancing language to make end-users sound like mindless animals in a pasture grazing on something they create. It gives the software developers an “us vs. them” mentality, and a “we’re better then them (because we’re developers… CREATORS .. they’re just … *spit on the ground* CONSUMERS … they don’t do ANYTHING).
MS has taken this “customer vs. consumer” mentality to heart, and has decided to start making an OS the way THEY want it, and forcing users to use it or go find an alternative. And, since most folks are indoctrinated to Windows (from school to college to business), it’s daunting to try to go find an alternative. MS knows this, and that’s why they’re leveraging it.
“We’re doing this for your own good. There’s a reason it’s designed like this.” a) it’s not for your own good. b) it’s designed like this so they can monetize everything about you… since you’re a consumer.
Every minor thing I see, like not being able to disable the lock screen in PROFESSIONAL edition, is just another slap in my face from Microsoft making it clear that they are the masters of my OS, not me. I’m just a dumb animal that’s too stupid to be allowed to decide if I want a lock screen or not (especially when they were using it to shove ads down our throats).
The big tift is also … I would be ok with this if MS gave away an edition of Windows 10 for free, forever, that was setup to monetize some ad revenue. I’d be perfectly fine with that.
But, when you go and build a new computer, and you pay the Microsoft Tax to pay licensing for the OS… I’m PAYING for the OS at that point. I’m not getting a free lunch anymore. I shouldn’t be treated like a free lunch slave at a time share meeting being forced to listen to an advertisement. I should be allowed to do as I god damn well please with the OS, because I’m a paying customer.
But, they’re not doing that.
They gave away Windows 10 for free for a year. Now it costs like $100+ to get an upgrade for it if you didn’t get it for free. However, MS has gotten this “we’re a generous God, we gave you something for nothing, and you should be grateful” attitude about themselves, and are treating EVERYONE like that… even folks that are now paying the OS license premium to upgrade or install it on a new comp build.
This attitude is not flying with customers that feel slapped in the face after paying for the OS license…. especially power-user customers that bought Professional editions to try to avoid this marketing, monetization, spyware, “you have to take it as we give it, and can’t do as you please” garbage.
So,… yeah, ok… it’s just a stupid little lock screen. But, it is another tip on an ice berg of a much bigger, massive issue that is just royally pissing off a LOT of us end-users. I’m tired of being treated like cattle / consumer. I want to be treated like a customer again. I want to have more options on my PC then just what they locked in for standardization across the board using tablets as the role-model for EVERYTHING Windows 10 allows (lock screens and other stupid tablet-centric bullshit). I’m just sick of this shit. I’m tired of having to google up solutions to seemingly stupid, simple stuff.
I don’t know who you are but I’m officially stealing your work and posting it everywhere (I’ll be sure to give credit) I want to see if we can’t get Microsoft to revert back to the good old days. I know they listened to the community when it came to the Xbox one used DVD fiasco. I’m hoping we can change their minds about this $#!T as well.
Thanks for this!
If you’re on a laptop you’ll also need to go into the Conditions tab and un-check “Start the task only if the computer is on AC power”.
Excellent point.
Does this do the same as the netplwiz utilty in Windows? Or does that not work anymore either? I haven’t had the opportunity to try it yet.
The lock screen we’re talking about here is new. It’s like the lock screen on your mobile phone, that comes up BEFORE you slide to unlock. It shows the time, a nice wallpaper, and widgets for your email, messaging, etc.
After you wake your computer from sleep, you need to hit a button, wait 3-4 seconds for the lock screen to respond and slide up to the top of the screen exposing your username and a password entry field, and then it will allow you to unlock with your password.
You’re talking about allowing users to login without a password; that’s a different thing entirely.
Oh ok, thanks for the clarification stusser.
That new lock screen seems like a huge pain in the behind.
At some point you have to wonder if all the effort (for all of the tweaking not just this complex one) is worth it. Especially when the next update may break some or all of the current tweaks.
This might not be an issue if you only manage one PC. But if you manage several, this can he a real headache.
Finally someone with common sense, thank u pHROZEN gHOST!…Prior to the ridiculous Anniversary-Update; one could easily disable the lock screen and go directly to login. Also I could disable Cortana, completely. Post A-U Microsoft in its heavy-handedness has taken that control away. The lock screen is simply a one click nuisance. I’m over it. As for Cortana, I’m over he-she-it also as u can turn off most of the functionality. The only thing I talk to is my wife, friends, neighbors, my cats and my phone! I really liked my W-10 set-up till pre A-U update. With no control over which up-dates u can/can’t install, it’s simply a crap shoot. That’s why I do weekly image-back-ups on my three machines, one of which is for test purposes with W-7 with a virtual drive with W-10. I reverted to the previous weeks back-up, after the messy A-U update and all my settings are back but only till the next reboot. You can’t stop the A-U up-date….BTW, A-U up-date, also took away my pin login and I could only login with my Microsoft account password…yeah…think about that for a moment! It took a few minutes to figure it out. But what “if” you couldn’t log back in to “your machine?” I don’t even want to go there. That happen to other folks as well. Even my prior password wouldn’t work. You can feel the panic setting in. My other machines, same song same dance. Wife was highly pissed…As for all these registry hacks, it’s just counterproductive…every new up-date will change it back anyway…
Sorry for my rant…maybe someone will get some use from it…
Well you can export the task scheduler entry, but then you need to edit the XML before applying it to each machine you manage.
What Microsoft is saying here is that if you manage someone else’s PC, you should be running Enterprise. Don’t want to do that? Too bad, suck it.
That’s the message.
Microsoft will just change something in an update and the complex patch provided here will no longer work.
I am now officially spending more time on searching/applying Windows 10 tweaks and fixes, than actually using the OS. This isn’t right.
(thanks for the tip, Martin)
Works for me for lock screen (Win+L) and after wake up from sleep.
Doesn’t work after (re)boot.
Not using Hibernate, I can’t say but I assume it’d work.
Thanks for the hack! This will keep my sanity until someone programs and releases a “disable lockscreen” service.
Really, Microsoft. I was shocked, SHOCKED, to find my Win 10 Pro had been crippled after the “upgrade” that is AE.
I log in without a password and its working fine, when using a password it does not,apperently………..
This works fine for me with a password. However I only tested on Win10 Pro, not Home.
Definitely creating the reg key under “TH1” and successfully disabled the lockscreen, then upgrade to anniversary build the lockscreen is back. Tested on 4 machines.
Therefore I will try this new priviliged one.
I had it disabled with regkey before the update and its still disabled after the update as well.
Without making a task.
Are you running win10 enterprise or education? If you’re running pro or home, I have no clue why you lucked out, but be glad you did.
Windows 10 Home.
Still have lock screen.
reg entry has been created by the task, but it doesn’t honor it.
When i start computer, it shows a spinning circle for a bit then defaults back to the lock screen.
This doesn’t work on reboot or when you first start your computer, only when you unlock it.
Same for me. Works perfectly with WIN+L or after after resuming from sleep; but not after reboot or initial start-up.
Doesn’t work on my Windows 10 Home. I noticed there’s no folder in regedit named “CurrentVersion” in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows. Could it be the problem?
Argument to be addes is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\SessionData /t REG_DWORD /v AllowLockScreen /d 0 /f
Huh? Are you sure? If you do not have “CurrentVersion” under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows then you have a lot more and bigger problems than the lock screen. There is a huge amount of stuff under CurrentVersion that Windows needs to run, unless it is all put there dynamically, which I don’t think so.
I didn’t test on home, does it work once you add that key?
I am testing it on Home, it does not work. The task runs when manually started and sets the key correctly, but the task start fails when triggered by the logon. From what I found, this seems to be related to a setting for ‘Log On As Batch Job’, which can only be set using the local policies, that cannot be set on Home.
I found a way around that however, instead of running it as my own user, I run it as the SYSTEM user. This can be done on the first screen of Step 3, click the button to ‘Change User or Group’ and enter System in the only editable field.
It’s normal: the value will be added by this command.
Something I would note about this: If you disable it prior to the Anniversary Update, and upgrade to it, it holds the settings.
For example, Cortana is forever disabled on my system. I have no options to turn it back on nor disable it anymore.
Correction. If I go to Administrative Templates > System > All Settings in Group Policy Editor, the ability to enable or disable Cortana appears.
I had the lockscreen disabled before upgrading to the AU, and it did NOT remain disabled. This hack worked fine. (I’m the guy that sent it in to ghacks).
Sorry, I didn’t fully explain why I use it.
I have messenger apps that display notifications on the lock screen. This is why I use it and lock my computer.
There are many times of the day where I’m doing other work away from the computer but if I need to grab a tool or part I can also quickly glance at my monitor to see if someone is trying to reach me.
I’m well aware of what the lock screen does. I just had some bad wording with it lol
I think you’re confused by the same thing as the guy at the bottom of the comments. The lock screen we’re talking about is like the lock screen on your cellphone, it only shows the time, a nice wallpaper, and any lockscreen widgets you may have enabled.
You can’t enter your password from the lockscreen; first you need to hit a button to slide it up to the top of your monitor, exposing your username and password entry field. Then, you can enter your password and log on.
Interesting to know. I, myself, use the lock screen because I have people who like to do stupid things on a computer (like download malware thinking it’s legit software lol).
Did you check in the Group Policy to see if it was still disabled?
Currently I have a setting of “Do not display the lock screen” in mine. Since they changed how the lock screen works, that value might have been reset.
It failed for me.
I tried :
– setting relevant Group Policy back to Not Configured ;
– setting the task to work even if user is not logged in ;
– adding a 3 second delay …
I get the lock screen but without a background image (black version of the lock screen).
Hi guys,
I found a much better way of solving this problem. I decompiled the file that was causing the key to be set back on and successfully disabled it. The culprit is in C:\windows\system32\LogonController.dll
You will need to get a hex editor to do this. This is for the 64-bit version, 10.0.14393.0, with md5sum of 3a12a4ce74b958564c0e4346869fcd8c.
This address location jump to file location 0x156EE, It should look like this:
75 4A 48 8B 8C 24 etc
Change the 75 to 74 (jump not zero to jump zero), save it and replace the LogonController.dll in your system folder.
You’ll have to take ownership and then rename the file, and drop the new one in its place. Reboot and voila!
Some details of what is going on:
.text:0000000180016270 ; __int32 __fastcall CProcessStateManager::put_IsLockScreenAllowed(CProcessStateManager *__hidden this, unsigned __int8)
.text:0000000180016270 ?put_IsLockScreenAllowed@CProcessStateManager@@UEAAJE@Z proc near
text:00000001800162E4 call cs:__imp_RegCreateKeyExW
.text:00000001800162EA mov ebx, eax
.text:00000001800162EC test eax, eax
This line below is what we’re patching:
.text:00000001800162EE jnz short loc_18001633A
.text:00000001800162F0 mov rcx, [rsp+78h+hKey] ; hKey
.text:00000001800162F8 lea rax, [rsp+78h+Data]
.text:0000000180016300 mov [rsp+78h+samDesired], 4 ; cbData
.text:0000000180016308 lea r9d, [rsi+3] ; dwType
.text:000000018001630C xor r8d, r8d ; Reserved
.text:000000018001630F mov qword ptr [rsp+78h+dwOptions], rax ; __int32
.text:0000000180016314 lea rdx, aAllowlockscree ; “AllowLockScreen”
.text:000000018001631B call cs:__imp_RegSetValueExW
.text:0000000180016321 mov rcx, [rsp+78h+hKey] ; hKey
.text:0000000180016329 mov ebx, eax
.text:000000018001632B cmp rcx, 0FFFFFFFF80000002h
.text:0000000180016332 jz short loc_18001633A
.text:0000000180016334 call cs:__imp_RegCloseKey
this hack does not work here , , i put laptop on sleeping mode after 20 min im back and see that pc freezes at locking , so i must reboot because pc is frozen. I would be glad to get that locking message away forever.
I posted your fix on winclassic boards too :
We are a community trying to bring back the classic theme , currently we got problems with a taskbar that does not work so well…
Could you please help us fix the taskbar in classictheme mode?
Lex white any way you can fix the bug in win10 when schedule service is disabled the taskbar crashes , also fix the classic theme taskbar when ibmpad classictheme is on ?
post the logon fix in this forum http://winclassic.boards.net/board/4/windows
Len White, when you make the little programm, can you please upload it to github as well? So that we can report issues etc there instead of having to reply to this topic. Also thanks a lot for your solution, I found it to be the only working one :)
If i replace the dll with your version 3 after reboot it works once, but after a few minutes you cannot shutdown your system any more. if you cold boot the system it boots and displays a black screen once reaching the patched dll then does not continue.
Tested on 2 win10.14393.51 pro (DE) machines, only way out is restore the original dll via recovery console.
I think windows keeps an eye on that dll and detects patched version that will not be loaded. Theres no notice in defender about this nor in the event log
No problem guys, Thanks for being patient testing the other versions that didn’t work on your machines.
I will be making a 32bit patch soon, and also plan on making a little GUI program that will allow people to easily patch the DLL’s themselves to disable lock and/or the telemetry functions.
I will keep updating the patches as new versions of the DLL come out until the day Microsoft comes to their senses and reverts that stupidity.
Keep hxxp://repo.ezzi.net/nolock/ bookmarked it will all be there from now on
Thanks Len White :)
Oh yeah!!! It’s working! :-)
Many thanks, you are the man of the year!
I was able to replicate it not working on my tablet, and redid the patch targeting a different function, this seems to work better.
0xBF50 48 89 5C 24 08 -> C3 90 90 90 90
0x156E0: 75 -> 74 (note: 0x156EE was not present)
0x15732: 74 -> 75
Didn’t work for me, either. I also tried the .dll file you posted, but the lock screen still shows up on every boot. The only thing that changed was that the system hung with a black screen if I used Lock from the start menu.
0x156E: 75 -> 74
0x15732: 74 -> 75
Don’t work for me. Reg key “AllowLockScreen” is after each reboot deleted.
I think I figured out why it didn’t work for you, that hex patch only disables it from re-adding a deleted or disabled AllowLockScreen. So if it was still set as AllowLockScreen 1 it wouldn’t work
0x15732 74 06 -> 75 06
Should fix that for you (in addition to the other)
I’ve posted a patched 64-bit version here that works, it also disables some of the telemetry functions: hxxp://repo.ezzi.net/LogonController.rar
Hi Len,
I used your suggestion to change the hex value unfortunately it don’t worked for me. Correct version and so on… :/
I’m sure that works, but any time that file is upgraded or replaced (sfc, windows update, etc) the changes would revert.
The method works very well for me when locking the operating system while it is running, but I noticed that it won’t go straight to the login form during sign in. I have to investigate more.
Got it ! I had set the trigger to On workstation lock…” instead of *unlock*.
And I had an odd copy-paste error (some \ had disappeared).
For those reading this : the logic is that, in the Registry, AllowLockScreen automatically switches itself back to 1 as soon as you log in (at least, with the Windows 10 Anniversary update). So this task says, as soon as I log on, set it back to 0. It’s a loop that should remove the extra Lock Screen most times.