This computer will soon stop receiving Google Chrome updates

If you are running Chrome on a Windows XP or Vista machine, you will have received a notification by now on the browser's new tab page that informs you that support for that browser will end soon.
The message reads "This computer will soon stop receiving Google Chrome updates because Windows XP and Windows vista will no longer be supported".
Google announced back in November 2015 that it would end support for XP and Vista, and several other operating systems in April 2016.
The announcement may have come as a surprise for users running Windows Vista, as the operating system is still supported by Microsoft until April 2017.
Windows is not the only operating system that is affected by this, as supports ends for some Linux and Mac versions as well.
The following systems are no longer supported by Google Chrome as of April 1, 2016.
- Windows XP and Windows Vista.
- Windows Server 2003 and 2008.
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8.
- Any 32-bit version of Linux.
- Ubuntu 12.04.
- Debian 7.
What does it mean?
Google Chrome continues to run on those systems, but the browser won't receive updates anymore including security patches. Basically, Chrome 49 will be the last version of the browser provided for these systems.
Yes, Chrome will continue to function as normal on these platforms. However, you will no longer receive updates and security fixes.
What is Google's suggestion?
A FAQ on the Google Chrome Help forum is rather blunt when it comes to suggestions. Google recommends that Windows users upgrade to Windows 10, Mac OS X users to OS X El Capitain, and Linux users to 64-bit versions of Linux.
And if the computers cannot run those operating system versions, Google recommends investing in a modern computer, Mac or Chromebook.
If your computer is not able to support these newer operating systems, you may want to consider investing in a modern computer, Mac or Chromebook.
What can you do?
You have a couple of options if you don't want to upgrade to a newer operating system or buy a new computer.
- Switch to a Chromium-based web browser that is not Google Chrome. Both Vivaldi and Opera are based on Chromium and will continue to support the dropped operating systems. The advantage of running a Chromium-based browser is that extensions will work for the most part, and that the technology behind the browser and its functionality is similar to Chrome.
- Switch to a non-Chromium-based browser. Firefox or Pale Moon support these unsupported operating systems. Switching to those browsers is a bigger change however than switching to a Chromium-based version as the interface differs more and most extensions are likely also not available as ports.
- Keep on running Chrome 49. This is not bad advise from a security point of view, but you could use sandboxing or virtualization software to improve security. If at all, this is only a temporary solution.
Now You: Are you affected by the change?

This computer will no longer receive Google Chrome updates because Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 are no longer supported. Learn more
How do I turn OFF!!! this notifications every time I open the app… ???????????
I get it, no more support, i understand i can upgrade my operating system. All i am asking for is stop forcing that damn message at the top of the page until i could afford to do that.
Vivadi 1.1 drops Windows XP/Vista support:
Only Chromium based Opera 36 will provide security updates for Windows XP/Vista:
My advice to people who are still using a computer with XP is just to install Linux Mint or something similar. There is only one reason not to use Linux and that is gaming, but if you’re still on XP you aren’t doing too much gaming.
If you absolutely still insist on staying with XP and you wanna use Chrome, just download the portable version. You’ll have to get a new version every time one comes out, but at least you don’t have to worry about them blocking the upgrade.
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I Edited My Second Comment But The Old Version Still Stands – This Comment System Has Some Bugs Here, Maybe ?
Well, Whenever I Can, I Like To Test All Kinds Of Free Software I Find On The Internet, And I Use 6 Browsers – 4 Of Which Are CHROME Clones.
OPERA15+ ( 1 Of The 4 ) Is My Main Browser.
Other Than That, I Visit And Receive All Kinds Of Newsletters From Sites About F1, Other MotorSports, Soccer, Technology, General News, Etc.
Thank You For Responding.
I Hate Any Person Who Mainly Uses A PC For Gaming – What A Waste.
On Another Note, Without Gamers The PC Diversity Would Be None – Thank GOD They Exist.
There Is Such A Small Thing As A Steep Leaning Curve, And The Humongous Collection Of Expertise, Drivers, Hardware And Software That Are Compatible With XP.
There Are Still Lots Of CHROME Clones Out There, And Some Of Them Have Different Agendas.
Well, really the only reason I still use Windows is because Linux just doesn’t run games reliably enough to switch. Other than that, most of the things I do are almost all within a web browser. What do you mostly use it for, development apps?
Having XP32PRO On A Dual Core Machine Is Fast Enough.
With A Volume License It Is Possible To Install XP On A Lot Of The Most Modern Motherboards, Too.
You Can Prey My Beloved OS From My Cold Dead Hands.
Re: operating systems or something
“Investing” in the latest implies a return on the investment.
Fad followers might not want to use that term.
Writing this using the WindowsXP operating system.
Some days ago I found out that the XUbuntu updater crashes when updating Chrome on one of the computers I manage. Seems they don’t offer 32 bit anymore, so the apt cannot find the package and just crashes. Nice.
Now I will have to re-install XUbuntu x64 -.- Thank you google. Well at least a new LTS is coming out in two weeks so it’s not completely in vain.
Why you use Chrome on Xubuntu when there is Chromium in repo?
Updated Flash player.
My XP computer doesn’t give a tiny spit what Google does.
Google recommended upgrading to windows ten and windows pushed people to upgrade to windows ten. Is Google getting paid to advertise windows ten?
Slimjet will also support Windows XP and Windows Vista.
@ Paul
I spotted your mention of Slimjet. It is the first time I have heard of this browser. From the comments on various forums, it seems to be pretty good. I am going to install it and try it out. Thanks :-)
The situation:
1) It’s in your self-interest for ___ (fill-in the blank) to continue pleasing you (however defined) as long as you want them to.
2) It’s not in “their” self-interest to do so.
One guess as to which prevails.
But, in a sense, both sides win – “they” do what they want, and “you” get to gripe about it forever, thereby winning a sweet moral victory.
Haha, so true
Anyone who is still running XP or Vista either doesn’t need an upgrade (they have very basic computing needs, and their old hardware continues to function adequately) or cannot afford an upgrade. The examples that come to my mind are a child who inherits a “hand me down” PC to use, or an older user such as that hypothetical child’s grandparent who just need the PC for email and basic needs. Many families just don’t have the extra resources to upgrade just to run the newest plugins.
I can absolutely understand not developing games or graphic software for older hardware. However, considering some of the ridiculous development boondoggles that Google invests in, I think it’s short sighted to not develop a secure browser version for less affluent or less tech-savvy users. Surely Google wants to data-mine their searches and emails just like the rest of us?
Please read my post above about XP usage in the UK. Thanks to the US, British and European banks trading toxic real estate loans and investing in other dubious practices, commercial and government cash liquidity is poor.
That is why there is no money to invest in new hardware and software which would cost GBP billions !
Shame if you happened to like those older OSes (I really like OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, as it runs well in a VM, and my only regular Windows VM is also XP) because they meet your needs and you simply don’t need anything else. Firefox already runs better for me on XP because of memory.
As for the whole burden of support thing, I don’t understand why these companies can’t clearly state their intent to deprecate. Just say, in effect, “Look, we’re really struggling to make it work on $FOO, so if that’s you still running $FOO, you’re part of the problem and you need to get ready to be dropped by $DEATHDATE because that’s when we’re going to cut you loose.” As it now stands I think the principle reason older OSes get dropped is simply an unwillingness to support increasingly marginal users, regardless of whether or not it’s technically possible to do so. I understand that time is money, whether or not it’s “Free” to the consumer, but it doesn’t change the fact that these sorts of decisions are essentially arbitrary; if they weren’t, Chrome wouldn’t work on XP or Mountain Lion now. Google aren’t the only guilty party here either, BTW: Apple are at it too, with EG iTunes or BootCamp.
What are talking about? Google did announce they were dropping XP support for Chrome in April some 5 months ago. Google is not guilty of anything and went above and beyond supporting XP. You are the one making the choice to say on XP and no one else. I find it funny that no where in your comment did you offer to pay software companies to support your OS of choice.
@MJ: This is incoherent. Please read my post again.
> Google is not guilty of anything
And if you believe that, that’s probably the reason. :)
At five months and with no clear reason why, I rest my case. Of course technology must move on, but not needlessly. The computing industry is in a little bubble of its own when it comes to liability; it’s not like your car.
Honestly, a lot of computers with Windows XP on them are so old and underpowered that they didn’t have Chrome installed anyway. On an older PC Chrome runs like a snail through mud while Firefox is still perfectly useful.
“Google recommends that Windows users upgrade to Windows 10”. Really? Do they pay for the upgrade, or do they suggest piracy?
Brand new Windows 8 upgrade discs are frequently sold off for under £20. That enables an upgrade to 8.1 or 10. Personally I’d stick with 8.1. Either way that’s good value for all those years of updates.
Since piracy is the first thing you think of, I expect you’d go that route even if the upgrade was £5. I mean why should people get paid for their work*? Software should be free*. Communism FTW*.
A PC that can run 8 instead of XP isn’t free. Linux is.
Come on, Dave, the first thing that came through my mind was to get paid by Google for the upgrade, not to pirate Windows :)
Google are not clear. As you have mentioned as well under ‘What is Google’s suggestion?’
It’s not just about 32bit linux. I am running 64bit but Mint 13 (based on Ubuntu 12.04) The same message appears. For now I have switched to Opera.
Wow Linux LTS get shafted, Mint 13 is officially supported until 2017, but look like Google doesn’t care, just one less platform to take care off. I wonder if it is the same with all LTS like Ubuntu and such.
RIP XP.. let it de once and for all. :D
If they are buying I’ll be happy to get a new computer. As of right now I can’t afford to upgrade or buy a new one. So I use Pale Moon and just started to use Vivaldi.
Windows XP came out in 2001… You haven’t been able to save the money for a new PC in those 15 years?
“Meanwhile, Sherry has decided enough is enough .. and has turned to prostitution and gambling ”
On the plus side, she’ll be running a snappy new Chromebook with all the extra cash!!!
Why would they save for a computer instead of, say, buy food, when it still properly works and it’s supported by most antivirus makers and most browsers? I could switch to XP now and do most of the things I need on it, safely. Plenty of people think about getting a new thing only when the old one is broken, and a guy I know switched from XP to 7 this year and intends to stay there. How old is 7? :-)
@MJ: Systems with Windows XP pre-installed were still being sold in 2007 (I know because I own one). So for all you know, Sherry might have waited 9 years rather than 15. Does it matter? Who’s to say? I still like my 9-year-old computer, although to be fair I sent XP packing a long time ago! ;)
Wot? Considering its XP and Vista (among others) that are affected, you should be looking at when Win7 came out, which was 2009. Maybe the new shiny WIn7 machines were all too pricey when they came out, and maybe Sherry waited for them to drop in price, saved up and then bought a very good clearance sale on some Vista PC. This might have been only 5 years ago. Sherry is extremely good with her PC, it doesn’t get thrashed with video games, or overheat. In fact, it’s only used for a few hours each evening for Skyping and email, reading ghacks, and surfing PornHub. It’s lasted very well and could easily last a few more years. Meanwhile, Sherry has decided enough is enough .. and has turned to prostitution and gambling :)
This is nothing that really surprises anyone. Maintaining support costs time and money even if the user enjoys the product without paying anything.
Aw BS (“…not paying anything.”). Not paying anything my big fat A$$. My browsing habits are the wet dream of marketing types so do not tell me money is not being made just by me using Chrome. You think we are stupid…???
Actually it is something taking into consideration there are still a very large number of computer systems out there that are a) 32-bit only and b) still running WinXP and Vista. For a typical consumer point of view who only has to worry about a couple of computers it might not be a big deal but for people on a budget and the millions of computers in various businesses large and small still using older computers, upgrading hardware and software is not a trivial issue. In the corporate sector upgrades involve a lot of resources — time to test back end services and vital applications and lots of money to pay IT staff plus the hardware itself.
Regarding ‘Maintaining support costs time and money…’ look at the matter from larger perspective. Google has a lot of money to fund its development teams, yet companies with much, much smaller budgets, Mozilla being one of several examples, are able to support different platforms and versions. It’s not that Google can’t continue supporting the same range of systems smaller companies are able to, it’s simple opting not to. As for ‘…user enjoys the product without paying anything’ that’s also not completely true. We all sacrifice a little bit of privacy using Chrome as opposed to other browsers. Take the Tor Project for example, it’s based on a modified version of Firefox. Chrome just cannot be locked down as easily.
@Gary, I read your post, but that doesn’t matter. In terms of technology, you either keep up to speed or be left behind. I’m sure there’s a reason why countries still aren’t on Windows 98 or the likes, even though they functioned just fine and did their job on their hardware. It’s not like they don’t spend billions already on their technology. I know the US does.
@ Andrew
Did you read my post ?????
You seem to have missed/ignored the point of the contents.
The point is that it will cost multi BILLIONS of GBP to replace existing hardware and software !!!!
I am not discussing continuing support but HUGE replacement and re-trainlng costs.
In the case of Government equipment these costs will be a direct burden on the UK tax payers.
Before you counter with any comment about obsolescence, I am intelligent enough to grasp the fact that technology marches onward
@Andrew: I get where you’re coming from, but really, I can think of a zillion and one uses for a Vista system in 2016. It will only be irreperably broken when Microsoft stops releasing security patches for it next year.
We agree on the relentless forward drive of technology. I guess one of the reasons I stepped off the proprietary OS train was to give myself (and my wallet) some respite! ;)
Jason, I know, there will be other browsers out there to fill the gap. The thing is, in terms of technology, a decade is a long time. So while the OS will work just fine today (as even XP or 2000 would also), it doesn’t necessarily mean it is adequate, plus mind you that portions of it IS outdated (Ultimate, IE, and im sure other things too).
For example, if you used the same cellphone as 2006, it can do the basic needs, but not necessarily as beneficial as current technology. For me personally, I was using a Windows 2003 SE smartphone in 2006, It can still make calls, text, email, does that mean that it should be continued to be supported and I should have stuck with that? Technology moves quickly, you have to accept that support will end for some things and make due if you have to.
Also, Vista technically is steam powered (majority of power plants that give us our energy are some form of steam power), but then again, so is windows 10 :)
@Andrew: “uh, vista came out almost a decade ago. It’s three iterations older than the current OS”
That’s not as convincing an argument as you think it is. Actually there is nothing inherently outdated about Windows Vista for the majority of use scenarios,. It’s not as though it runs on steam power…. I don’t see a compelling reason for someone to upgrade before April 2017. Plenty of other web browsers to use if Google can’t be bothered to support Chrome for Vista.
@Gary, yes, but if you are planning on not upgrading then you should be planning on using old unsupported software. That’s just how it is. Everyone wants something that will last forever, but that’s not how technology works. You can either manage everything with forward thinking to build in the necessary costs, or no and be left behind because you carry too large of an upgrade bill.
You are right svim.
In the UK, the following companies/organizations use XP for their in-house/back office operations:
Banks, including their ATM machines. Currys-PC World ( largest seller of Win10 computers ! ).
Public organizations.
National Government, Local Government, National Health Service, Police, Fire, Ambulance.
Army, Air Force,Navy.
Updating hadware and software would cost GBP billions.
The reason for this is their so called “Legacy” software which still does the job!
uh, vista came out almost a decade ago. It’s three iterations older than the current OS, not to mention the market share is i believe lower than XP. As for XP, Microsoft already doesn’t support it at the consumer or business level unless the company wants to spend the extra bucks for extended support.
So with that, I don’t see why these systems would be running XP or Vista unless there is one key application that is necessary for the business. But even then, it probably can be used in virtualization much better anyway.