cPro is a third-party mobile client for Craigslist

The app cPro is a third-party client for the popular online service Craigslist. Craigslist itself makes available a mobile version of its site but no official application for Android that users can turn to.
What sets cPro apart from other applications of its kind is its immense set of features. It enables you for instance to include multiple cities and districts in searches, or browse a photo wall of results only.
When you first start the application you are asked to enter a search term and select at least one city from the list. The app supports all Craigslist locations globally, and you may pick as many as you like from the listing to include in searches.
This alone can be useful if you want to include neighboring cities in your searches among other things.
cPro review
Once you have selected a search term and city or cities, you may change additional parameters. The app searches for items on sale by default, but you can change that in several ways.
First, you can switch from finding everything that is on sale to specific items only. Then, you can select a different type of post instead, for instance housing offers, jobs or personals.
Last but not least, you may use other filtering settings that the app provides. These allow you to set a minimum or maximum price, only include offers with images, or change the default sort order from newest to "low price" or "high price" instead.
Another option provide is to simply browse a category listing without entering a search term. All results are listed by default with image thumbnails, names and the first part of the description.
You can tap on any result to display detailed information about it. This may include a detailed description, additional images, and contact information.
You may switch from list view, the default view mode, to photo row or map browser instead. Photo row displays only thumbnails, titles and locations while map view offers on a map of the selected region.
The searching and browsing is very powerful, but cPro has to offer more than that. Another interesting feature supported by the application is to notify you about new ads. This is done with a tap on the menu icon and selecting "notify of new apps" there.
If you are browsing all items for sale for instance, or search results, you can set up notifications so that you receive word of new ads as soon as they are published to Craigslist.
Other interesting features include favoring listings and adding notes to them, using maps and getting directions, and an "already-seen" indicator that helps you skip listings that you have already taken a look at.
You may also post to Craigslist using the application. This works in under a minute once you get the hang of it (depending on how much you write), and requires an account.
If you sign in to an account -- you can use multiple accounts with the app as it supports that -- you get full account management options that include reposting and editing ads.
Closing Words
CPro is a handy application for Craigslist users who browse the site regularly or at least occasionally. It is without doubt superior to the mobile version of Craigslist thanks to its rich set of features that it makes available.
A premium version is available featuring unlimited favorites, notifiers and saved searches.

Do not buy Cpro. They now charge you to post.