Web unblocker Proxmate reveals subscription costs

Proxmate, the web unblocking service that enables you to access geo-restricted content on the Internet, revealed the service's subscription costs on the newly launched website.
The service, which was provided for free previously as a browser add-on for Firefox and Chrome based web browsers, announced in October that it would discontinue the free offer and turn into a subscription service instead.
The subscription costs was not revealed back then, only that existing users could take advantage of a limited offer to subscribe to the service for $0.99 per month.
It may come as a surprise to users who signed up back then that the new subscription costs match the limited offer for the time being.
Users who want to sign up for a Proxmate account can pay $0.99 per month or $9.95 per year for that. A fourteen-day trial is available for new and existing users as well that requires only an email address (and verification), but no other data.
The pricing page reveals that these may increase after the promotional period however. Monthly subscriptions are available for $1.95 then and yearly subscriptions paid in advance for $17.95.
Proxmate supports more than 200 channels at the time of writing. These include popular streaming services such as Netflix, BBC iPlayer, CBS, Comedy Central, Spotify, Pandora, or Hulu to name a few. In addition to streaming services, it supports other web-based services that make use of geographic restrictions such as the Google Store.
The selection of channels is quite good, and there is an option to request new channels to be added to the service in case they are not supported yet.
Proxmate promises unlimited data transfer, no logging of browser activity, no ads, and lightning fast speeds.
So how competitive is Proxmate's offer?
While there are free services available that offer similar functionality, it is often the case that they are monetized in ways that are privacy invasive or restricted. Hola, a free for non-commercial use service for instance turns PCs into exit nodes and makes the bandwidth available to third-parties. It did inject ads as well on websites that extension users visited in the past.
Free TunnelBear accounts, to use another example, are limited to a monthly transfer rate of 500 Megabyte.
If you compare it to other paid geo-unblocking services, it stacks up quite well even if you consider that pricing will increase after a while. TunnelBear for instance is available for $59.98 per year and Media Hint $39.50 per year.
Web unblockers compete with VPN services as well. While VPN services are usually more expensive, they do support features that web unblockers don't. While you can use most to access geo-restricted content on the Internet, VPNs improve security and privacy while on the Internet, and may provide you with options to use other services that are blocked or monitored such as P2P or online shopping.
Now You: Do you prefer VPNs or Web Unblockers?

“Monthly subscriptions are available for $1.95 then while yearly subscriptions for $17.95.”
Should be “then whole year subscriptions” or “then yearly subscriptions”. Second one being the better choice.
sorry to be picky :P
Personally I love anonymous VPNs over Geo-services. While it’s a bit easier to detect VPNs being in use, I don’t have to worry about additional items being injected through the program or by rerouting the ad spots.
Also encrypting and securing my connection is a great bonus (especially if you can find services that don’t hinder your bandwidth speeds).
I’ve been using UnoTelly for several years. It offers a ‘smart DNS’ system. Once setup within my router, I can use on all devices (including Chromecast which has hardwired DNS addresses). It easy to switch Netflix region with their phone app. They also offer VPN’s UK and US based.
I’ve never had any issues. The service has always been reliable and reasonably priced (I think).
VPN is probably the way to go. However, I’m quite leery of longterm or lifetime offers for VPN services… or any other kind of service, for that matter. If you pay any amount and the provider later goes out of business, they don’t generally give you your money back. Buyer beware.
While I agree with that usually, I think it ultimately depends on how much money you pay for these services. If I pay $39 for a lifetime service and can use it three years, and then they go bankrupt, it was still a good deal.
I have an arrangement with a friend in Germany. I use his vpn when there is absolutely something I must watch that is blocked here in the U.S. and he uses mine. Mostly reruns of old television shows and sporting events. When I do watch Al Jazeera I prefer the non-American version. Its Kim Kardashian free!
Why not just use a VPN that has servers in multiple countries? It doesn’t cost more.
From what I understand:
Ome guy in USA set a private VPN on his computer and another in Germany does the same.
That’s not a commercial VPN so when the guy in USA need to use a connection from Europe it connect to the computer of his friend in Germany and vice-versa for the Germany guy when he need to connect from USA.
So it’s free…
I think a VPN is more reliable and configurable.I configured my firewall to block everything unless it goes through the VPN. I suppose it depends on what you need really.The vpn i use is 54 euros a year and i believe actually care about privacy,which is my main concern and as i am so interesting all the ad companies and secret agents want to spy on me whilst i watch my midget porn.
I agree with you on this one. I prefer VPN as they provide me with additional features that a web unblocker does not offer. If I’d only care about watching media, I might pick a web unblocker however.
Have you checked the free VPN from Betternet : https://www.betternet.co/ ?
They have a Chrome extension as well.
No I have not. Have you?
I am still using the free ZenMate service. The last 2 weeks though their service has significantly deteriorated. It has slowed down and one gets a lot of ‘spinning wheels’.
So far I have been happy with ZenMate although in the past they have already removed a few locations. Now only four are available. I could live with that. But what is now is happening is surely the beginning of the end of a good free service.