How to disable or delay taskbar previews in Windows 10

Windows 10, just like Windows 7 and 8.x, displays thumbnail previews of open program windows when you hover over icons in the Windows Taskbar.
This can be convenient at times, especially if you have opened multiple program instances and want to quickly select one of them.
I don't use taskbar previews usually and find them even a hindrance at times. I removed the search icon and Task View icon from the taskbar for instance as I don't use these features at all.
This moved the File Explorer window next to the start menu. Guess what happens when I try to shut down the PC through the start menu? Right, the thumbnail preview of the File Explorer window overshadows the options and I have to wait for the preview to vanish before proceeding if the mouse cursor graces the File Explorer icon.
Disabling previews in the Windows 10 taskbar works similar to disabling previews in Windows 8.1 which means that you need to modify Windows Registry key values.
It is not as complicated as it sounds though; here is what you need to do:
- Tap on the Windows-key, type regedit and hit enter to open the Windows Registry editor.
- Windows may display an UAC prompt which you need to accept before you continue.
- Navigate to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced using the sidebar tree structure.
- Locate the Dword ExtendedUIHoverTime on the right and double-click on it.
- Change the value from whatever is shown to a very large value, e.g. 10000.
- Restart the PC after you have made the change.
Note: The Dword ExtendedUIHoverTime defines the hover time on taskbar items before previews are shown. By setting it to a large number, previews are not shown anymore when you just move the mouse over an icon in the taskbar. To be precise, the value entered is the time in milliseconds that you have to hover before thumbnails are shown (1000 milliseconds = 1 second).
You may want to modify the value depending on your needs. For instance, if you just want to block taskbar previews while moving over icons, you could set it to a value of 2000, 3000 or even 10000 instead which would be 2, 3 or 10 seconds respectively.

Thanks for this article, however adding this reg value does not work for me: after making the regedit change and restarting my Win 10 Home PC I still get the thumbnails when hovering over taskbar buttons… any suggestions?
I want to keep the taskbar previews on, but want to disable the LIVE VIEW when i hover over the small previews. How do i do that?
No–I was not aware that was an option. Is it difficult?
No, you right-click on Advanced and select New > Dword (32-bit) Value. Give it the name indicated in the article, and the value as well.
You need to restart the PC afterwards. If it does not work, delete it again in the Registry.
That worked–thanks!
The Dword ExtendedUIHoverTime does not appear in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced. Is it now in a different location in Windows 10?
I’m not sure, have not looked at this in a long while. Have you tried to create the key?
I use them all the time but have trouble differentiating between the currently open and other previews. This was easier in Win 8. Is there a way to make the preview for the currently open window more obvious?
Using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker you can do this and more in two clicks: show a list, a tooltip or nothing. You can even make Windows 10 taskbar icons bigger (like in previous Windows versions), and much much more.
What about making them all the same size, like in 8.1>?
I have not tried, but you could check out the following path in the Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Taskband
There you find MaxThumbSizePx and MinThumbSizePx which could be doing that. Again, not tested.