How to remove Twitter favorites quickly

If you have favorited a lot of Twitter messages, either by accident or on purpose, you may at one point in time like to remove favorites again.
You may know that I run the monitoring service and I tried various marketing techniques to get the word out about it. One of them was to use a service that promised to get targeted followers.
I found out later that the service favorited all messages on Twitter that used keywords that I specified in the interface. Ended up with more than 6000 favorites in a matter of days.
While it is possible to remove favorites on Twitter directly, it is very time consuming as you need to click on each favorite icon manually to do so. I'd spend hours doing so manually which is why I decided to find an automated option instead.
Enter Unfavinator. It is a free service that provides you with the means to remove favorites quickly. First thing you need to do is connect your Twitter account to the service.
Once that is out of the way it displays the 200 latest favorites of that account. You can now click on the delete icon next to each message to remove those messages manually.
Manually? While it is quicker than on Twitter directly, I did not really like the fact that I had to click more than 6000 times to remove all favorites.
Enter Superclick. It is a free portable program for the Windows operating system that emulates mouse clicks.
Run the program after you have downloaded it to display the interface.
Here is how this works:
- Go to the Unfavinator website and move the mouse cursor over the first x icon on it.
- Hit the A button to save the coordinates in Superclick.
- Move the mouse to the generate button in the Superclick interface and click on it.
- The application generates automatic clicks on the x icon on the Unfavinator website now.
- Make sure you don't move the mouse button during that time period. Once the bottom of the screen is reached hit S to stop the generation.
- Click on the reload button at the top and repeat the process.
Tip: You can speed this up further by reducing the mouse button down for x milliseconds in the program interface.
If you have a lot of favorites, you may receive the message that the Twitter rate limit for Favorites has been exceeded. You need to wait before you can continue using the service.
Visit the apps section on Twitter afterwards to revoke access again as it is not required anymore.

I am trying this service to remove 40k likes on my twitter, but when I refresh, it shows the same tweets are still there, as well as the page only loads maybe 150 of the same likes over and over again , and the twitter like amount does not go down any
Help, or suggestions??
Thank you
I used your service but although it got rid of my favorites its still showing that I still have the same amount before i used the service
I hope you guys try my new tool to automatically delete favorites using different filters, please let us know your thoughts about it, we are just starting (and it’s free!):
Have a great week!
Try this:
$('.GridTimeline-items > .Grid')[0].remove();
setInterval(function() {
setInterval(function() {