Massive Benchmark highlights asm.js performance of web browsers

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 3, 2014
Updated • Nov 3, 2014

Performance or more precisely JavaScript performance has been a thing in the browser world ever since Google launched its Chrome browser to the public.

Back then Chrome was without doubt the most optimized browser when it came to the execution of JavaScript. This was a wake-up call for Mozilla and Microsoft as they started to improve the JavaScript performance and overall snappiness of their browsers as well in order to compete with Google.

JavaScript performance is not really used anymore in these days to show the superiority of a browser over others. While it is still an important metric for developers, it is not really something that end users show much interest in anymore.

This could change again with the rise of HTML5 gaming though. Demos of Epic's Unreal 3 and 4 engine that run in web browsers benefit a lot from optimizations.

This time, Mozilla is leading the field when it comes to performance. A new benchmark for asm.js has been created to highlight how browsers perform in this area.

While it is not the first appearance of an asm.js test, as Octane has one test that does that, it is taking these tests to the next level by using large source files instead of smaller ones that are usually found in benchmarks.

Considering that both the Unreal engine and the Unity engine are large codebase-wise, its large nature ensures that the test comes closer to real-world requirements than before.

If you are interested in running the benchmark on your system head over to the Massive page on Github to do so. Just click on run and wait for the test to complete.

Here are results for browsers running on an Intel Core i7, 8 GB of RAM, Nvidia Geforce GTX 470 Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and a Intel Core I5 2500k, 8 GB of RAM, Nvidia  GeForce GTX 560 Ti Windows 10 system.

Windows 7

Test Firefox 36 Nightly Chromium 40 Opera 27 Dev Internet Explorer 11
Overall 4611 1595 1611 1089
main-thread-poppler-cold 0.499s 1.712s 1.692s 1.809s
main-thread-poppler-warm 0.470s 2.051s 1.543s 1.738s
main-thread-sqlite-cold 0.122s 0.821s 0.803s 0.657s
main-thread-sqlite-warm 0.069s 0.266s 0.403s 0.640s
box2d-throughput 6.891ms 8.348ms 8.266ms 16.947ms
box2d-throughput-f32 5.577ms 12.157ms 11.959ms 37.628ms
lua-binarytrees 9.162s 15.380s 14.892s 26.903s
lua-scimark 8.775 MFLOPS 5.350 MFLOPS 5.520 MFLOPS 2.895 MFLOPS
poppler-throughput 6.557s 14.857s 14.389s 31.747s
sqlite-throughput 10.748s 59.618s 58.859s 63.024s
poppler-cold-preparation 0.817s 0.462s 0.450s 0.172s
poppler-warm-preparation 0.153s 0.445s 0.421s 0.175s
sqlite-cold-preparation 0.805s 0.988s 1.015s 3.851s
sqlite-warm-preparation 0.098s 1.007s 1.002s 4.904s
box2d-variance 2.124ms 54.117ms 53.376ms 89.343ms
poppler-variance 4.764ms 31.577ms 30.032ms 39.046ms

Windows 10

Test Firefox 33.0.2 Chrome 38 Internet Explorer 11
overall 5990 2028
main-thread-poppler-cold 0.32s 1.280s 1.090s
main-thread-poppler-warm 0.321s 1.803s 1.054s
main-thread-sqlite-cold 0.062s 0.640s 0.590s
main-thread-sqlite-warm 0.026s 0.175s 0.562s
box2d-throughput 4.893ms 6.429ms 7.686ms
box2d-throughput-f32 4.456ms 10.382ms 16.663ms
lua-binarytrees 6.518s 10.902s 17.501ms
lua-scimark 11.900 MFLOPS 7.685 MFLOPS 3.890 MFLOPS
poppler-throughput 5.245s 11.457s failed
sqlite-throughput 7.306s 42.386s
poppler-cold-preparation 0.607s 0.358s
poppler-warm-preparation 0.127s 0.329s
sqlite-cold-preparation 0.600s 0.845s
sqlite-warm-preparation 0.081s 0.849s
box2d-variance 1.122ms 53.163ms
poppler-variance 3.788ms 27.694ms

Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10 got stuck on the poppler-throughput test. Firefox beats the competition in most tests with the exception of poppler-cold-preparation where it came last.

Now You: Which browser performed best on your system?

Article Name
Massive Benchmark highlights asm.js performance of web browsers
Massive Benchmark tests the asm.js performance of modern web browsers. Run it to find out how well your browsers perform and compare results to other browsers.

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  1. RodsMine said on November 5, 2014 at 1:23 am

    Windows 7 Home Premium on Lenovo Ideapad Z580; [email protected] GHz, 8GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4000.
    FF v33.0.1 = 4659.

  2. Geek said on November 4, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    My Chromium 40 x64 portable got 2485.

  3. CHEF-KOCH said on November 3, 2014 at 11:24 pm

    Useless Benchmark product, like all browser benchmarks because theynot respect different engines which ends up with easily cheating the score to load things directly into the ram. Not one of the tools or sites respecting this.

  4. dev said on November 3, 2014 at 10:41 pm

    My firefox got 4545 overall score. Slimjet (chromium based) got a 2059 overall score. Windows7 amd x4 8gb ram ATI AMD Radeon R7 200 Series.

  5. jj said on November 3, 2014 at 6:55 pm

    For me IMHO Cyberfox seems to be about the fastest browser I have used so far.
    Next comes chromium based Comodo Dragon.
    Then Firefox.

    This is just for seed.

    Comodo Dragon works well for 99% of the time, but when it has a problem with a site then I turn to Cyberfox or Firefox.

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on November 3, 2014 at 8:00 pm

      That is your general observation right, not the result of the benchmark?

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