QuickMark speeds up bookmarking in Firefox

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 28, 2013
Updated • Oct 3, 2013
Firefox, Firefox add-ons

You do have a couple of options when it comes to bookmarking pages in the Firefox web browser. You can hit the shortcut Ctrl-D to display the bookmark dialog, or click on the star icon that is displayed on the right side of the browser's address bar instead to do so.

Other options include dragging and dropping links and the web address to the bookmarks bar or the open bookmarks manager.

If you use the first option, you may have noticed that it is not the most straightforward of options available. Especially the selection of a custom folder takes time as you need to click several times to select it.

If you use the bookmark star in the address bar for instance, you have to click twice on it to display the add bookmark menu. Here you need to click on the folder selection menu, and then on the folder that you want to add the new bookmark to.

Tip: If you click only once on the icon, it will be added to the unsorted bookmarks folder.

Firefox bookmarking add-on QuickMark

The Firefox extension QuickMark improves the bookmarking process in the Firefox web browser. When you click on the bookmark star in the address bar, or use Ctrl-D to create a new bookmark, you get a list of folders directly that you can file the bookmark into.

It takes two clicks therefore to add a bookmark to one of the root folders, or one keyboard shortcut and one click to do so.

That's not all though. You can type the first letter of the folder's name to jump to it right away. Once that folder is selected, you can use the arrow keys to navigate the structure. A tap on the right arrow key opens all subfolders of the current folder, so that you can select those directly using the menu as well.

If you expand subfolders, they will stay expanded so that you can file new bookmarks easily into them without having to repeat the process.

Tip: The left arrow contracts the folder again.

What you cannot do here is to create a new folder though. If you use that feature often, the extension may not be for you.


If you use the Firefox bookmark star or Ctrl-D regularly to add bookmarks to the browser, you may want to give QuickMark a try, as it may speed up the whole bookmarking process for you.


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  1. hessam said on October 10, 2013 at 1:07 pm


  2. Diogo Costa said on October 3, 2013 at 3:01 pm

    Pretty great article Martin, but let me just point out something: you should put the addon’s link somewhere in the article, so that your readers do not have to Google it or whatever.

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on October 3, 2013 at 3:42 pm

      I usually do, sorry for that. Have added it.

      1. Diogo Costa said on October 3, 2013 at 3:52 pm

        I was just making a positive criticism ;)

        And by the way, since there is another version for people wanting to add bookmarks to the bookmark toolbar, it would be nice to add it as well to the main post.

  3. XenoSilvano said on October 2, 2013 at 8:01 am

    You know what, I find it so much easier to simply drag the earth icon on the address bar of the page that I’m on that I wish to bookmark into the bookmarks button, from there I can simple right-click the bookmarks drop down menu to create a folder or right-click any of my new bookmarked bookmarks and select properties to customise them further.

    1. XenoSilvano said on October 3, 2013 at 6:37 pm

      drag the globe into the bookmarks button on the awesome bar, not the star one on the address bar.

  4. Don said on October 1, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    Tags are superior to folders. I think that’s the idea behind the simple add bookmark in Firefox. But I have to admit that I still use folders, and I hate the organization every time I add a bookmark and want to put it in a specific folder. One day I’ll change to tags.

  5. Ken Saunders said on September 29, 2013 at 6:04 am

    I also use Add Bookmark Here ². Excellent add-on.

    + Expand all fields in Bookmark Dialog.
    + Customize the position of “Add Bookmark Here” & “Open All Tabs”.
    + Remember the last selected folder when you bookmark a page.
    + Insert bookmarks from the top of Menu.
    + Add a bookmark without showing the Bookmark Dialog.
    + Single-click the Star to show the Bookmark Dialog.
    + Resize the Folder-Tree, Tags-List, Description-Field in Bookmark Dialog.
    + Customize the location of Unsorted Bookmarks Folder.
    + Show the Tags in Inline.
    + Middle-click Bookmark Star can Open Library to Organize Bookmarks.
    + Middle-click on a folder to add bookmark into the folder.
    + Auto Sort Folder By Name. (Right-click on any Folder > “Properties” > “Sort By Name”.)

  6. XenoSilvano said on September 29, 2013 at 2:13 am

    I think Mozilla intends to merge the bookmarking star icon in the address bar with the bookmark selection icon on the awesome bar in Australis, that is one change that I’m certainly not against.

  7. Karl J. Gephart said on September 29, 2013 at 1:18 am

    I still love the “Add Bookmarks Here” addon. It allows you to go right where you want to add your bookmark and click to add it to the top or bottom of your bookmarks already there. I removed the star since it takes up room in my URL bar, but it looks like the addon also allows you to control the star feature to do similar things to what you’re talking about through left, middle, and right-click options.

  8. ReX said on September 29, 2013 at 1:11 am

    Pretty good, but without displaying the bookmark toolbar and the folders inside it, it’s pretty much useless to me, such a shame.

    1. ReX said on September 29, 2013 at 2:21 am

      I went ahead and changed it around to do just that, if anyone wants to give a try and/or see if there’s any issues, feel free do to so. I wish I had a way to find out the developer’s e-mail to inform him about it though.

      Source: https://github.com/BrunoReX/quickmark-firefox
      Download: https://github.com/BrunoReX/quickmark-firefox/releases

      1. Dexter said on September 29, 2013 at 12:34 pm
  9. RG said on September 28, 2013 at 9:10 pm

    Thanks Martin.
    Bookmarking has had such poor implementation across all browsers that I have pretty much switched to using standalone bookmark programs, LinkCollector is pretty good for example.

  10. Keith said on September 28, 2013 at 6:25 pm

    Where has this been all my life?! Thanks for writing about this Martin, keep up the good Firefox content.

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on September 28, 2013 at 6:55 pm

      Will do :)

  11. yoav said on September 28, 2013 at 6:00 pm

    Wow! This is great. Amazing that such easy bookmarking has never been implemented in FF. The inability to add new folders is a problem but still, I think it will be very useful for me. Thanks, Martin!

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on September 28, 2013 at 6:07 pm

      The extension was released in September, so it is possible that it will receive an update with that functionality.

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