WhatsApp: use WCleaner to free up space

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 30, 2013
Google Android

WhatsApp is a messaging application for various mobile operating systems that users of said systems can use to communicate with each other without having to pay the exorbitant fees that phone providers charge for SMS, MMS and other messaging services. All you pay for is the Internet bandwidth that is being used by the application, and maybe a couple of Dollars for the application, but that is about it.

You can use WhatsApp to chat with one or multiple of your friends, and use it to send multimedia contents such as videos, images or voice notes as well. While that is a great feature, and less costly than sending images via MMS for example, it also means that you will accumulate quite some data on your phone if you and your friends or contacts are actively sending media contents to each other. I'm not saying everyone is, but when I check my friend's lively group, it is not seldom that I see hundreds of new messages after a couple of hours of not using the phone.

The size of storage that WhatsApp requires can grow quickly if your friends have a tendency of sending you photos or videos on a regular basis.

WCleaner is a free application for Android devices that you can use to backup and delete WhatsApp data.  The application displays the total size currently used by WhatsApp media when you start it. It divides media into image, audio and video media as well as backups.


wlceaner delete whatsapp media

The number of files for each type is listed here as well, but unfortunately not the size it occupies. While it is usually fair to assume that the video files are larger than the audio or image files, it may not always be the case. A tap on a group displays the files it includes and the size of that group. Here you can select some or all files for deletion, or simply check up on the media that is currently being stored on your phone.

You can alternatively open any file that is open in group view, or save it to another location. This can be useful if you want to keep some but not all of the media files. A tap on the trashcan on the other hand deletes all files of the selected group right away.

The app is ideal for heavy WhatsApp users who receive lots of media files on a regular basis. It may also be interesting for users who want to save some media files they have received for backup purposes and delete the remaining ones. (via)


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  1. Dhruv said on April 1, 2013 at 1:44 pm

    Is WCleaner available in iOS too ?

  2. Ajay Singh Bisht said on March 31, 2013 at 8:42 pm

    Whatsapp also creates a default folder in your phone’s memory. This folder can be accessed by your phone’s gallery and you can easily delete the Whatsapp media files from here. Is there something much better about this app ?

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