Box gets Screencast-o-matic integration

In today's technology-laden world many of us have an increasing need to capture images of our computer screens and share them with others for either a demonstration or simply to get a point across. The popular cloud storage app Box recognized this need and has partnered with Screencast-o-matic to make it easier.
The app does not simply capture a static image, but can record video of what is going on as you move around the screen. It also catches audio as well.
The app has now received integration with Box that allows the user to capture audio and video and then immediately share it using the cloud service. According to Box's Dan O'Leary "The Box integration also ensures that sharing content is safe and secure. I’m able to secure my links to only certain trusted viewers, track their access, and report on what content people are finding most useful".
Screencast-o-matic is cross-platform, working with both Windows and Mac computers. However, a word of caution before you get too excited -- the Box integration is for the Pro version only. However, that comes with a rather reasonable $15 per year subscription fee, so it is still not a bad deal.
If you choose to take the plunge then download the latest version of the app and begin doing a screen capture of a process or demo on your computer. Once that is completed and saved then you can choose an option for "Publish to Box" and then begin sending out the invitations to share your new creation.
The integration is good and Box is one of the more reliable and secure cloud sharing services available. If you have the need for this type of functionality then this is certainly a solid option, especially given the reasonable price for the app. However, if you rarely need screen captures then there are free alternatives and you can upload those to any cloud you wish, from Box to Dropbox, SkyDrive or Google Drive and many others.
Reliable it might be, but it’s years light from dropbox (or even gdrive). I’ve been taking ages to upload some meager MB’s and after crawling their forum for help it’salmost like talking to a wall. A guy just responds “new features in development”. Just watch the crowds over there with the same problem.
Box Doubles Down on Windows Phone and Windows 8
Building on our recent iOS and Android updates, we’re excited to drop even more mobile goodness today with new features on our Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps. Take a look at what we’ve been working on!