Ghacks wishes you all a happy new year 2013
Some of you may already be in the new year, while others may be waiting patiently for the clock to reach midnight to celebrate the beginning of the new year. Looking back I have to admit that it was a year of ups and downs here on Ghacks which I can almost solely attribute to Google making that many changes that even experienced webmasters ran into troubles keeping up with all of them.
I have been working on the site for the past two months to improve it a lot, and while I'm nowhere near finished, I hope this was the right decision. I do not want to bore you with technical details, but I did reduce the amount of tags this year from about 15k to now less than 800. I did not just delete the tags obviously as it would be a bad sign for search engines, I did redirect them to the most appropriate location on site.
I also started to do a massive category cleanup which is also still underway. Categories too were redirected to the most appropriate target, the spyware category for instance was moved into security to give you one example.
Besides that, I'm also going through all articles posted here on site to clean them up, rewrite them if necessary, add alternatives to them if old programs or services are now broken or no longer available. You may have noticed that I'm trying to add more contents to each article these days, and that I removed a couple of nuisances like in-content text ads that many users do not like.
As I said, a massive undertaking that is tiring me out a lot. That's one of the reasons why I won't go out today to party. I prefer to turn off the computer in a couple of minutes to watch some television and go to bed early.
Ghacks would not be what it is without its reader and I hope that I will see you soon again here on the site, leave comments, send me tips, refer the site to others or spread its word just to help me out.
I can't thank you enough for that and hope that you will have a nice night where ever you are in the world, and that the next year will be better than the one ending today.
Thanks again. Martin out, for this year.
Hello Martin,
I wish you and all your team a happy year 2013. Even if my English is not so good, I succeed to understand what you want to say (!) in your articles and you are one of my favorite English language sites with Dottech and
My best wishes to you and your family. Keep up the fantastic work!
Happy new year 2013, Martin!!! Wish you all the best for everything. Love your site! :D
Happy new year 2013, Martin!!! :D
Thanks & Happy New Year Martin.
Happy New Year dear Martin! Yours is THE tech site that I can´t go without! Keep up the excellent work my friend!
I wish you all a Happy New Year.
I visit everyday , I like your manner in your articles, humble, never showboating , your content also hard to top , well done Martin & thanks from Australia
Thanks for everything, Martin. Ghacks has for years been one of my favourite corners of the intertubes. All the best to you and yours.
Happy New Year, Martin!
May name not be posted, but I visit here often to know how much care you put in your site.
I hope your successfulness increases in this new year, and wish you good luck on any new ventures.
Happy New Year!
Hope 2013 leaves you more time for enjoying the fruits of your hard labor.
Best wishes.
A happy and healthy 2013 to you Martin and thank you for providing us all with so much useful information. Your site is being visited daily by me.
Martin –
It is we – your daily readers, who have come to rely on gHacks as a source of valuable, reliable, enjoyable and constantly fresh and up-to-date tech information = who send our thanks and appreciation to YOU for all the hard work you put in to maintain your site.
And all best wishes for a very Happy, Healthy and Techy New Year. :-p
Thank you Martin so much for your help. Wish you a very Happy New Year.
Happy New Year from Romania! Lovely site I check it every single day
Happy New Year everyone!
And for Ghacks, keep up the good work!
Thank you very much, Martin, for nice, informative and very useful site!
I was tired, for my own reasons, too, and went to bed early :)
I hope to cooperate with Ghacks in 2012 too! :)
Good hunting for us all! :)
Martin , Happy New year 2013 .
Keeping posting such interesting articles . Awesome work done by u.
Long live
Happy new year, Martin!
Thank you for all your nice articles!!
Wishing a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2013 to Martin and his team at Ghacks as also to all those of us who are habitual visitors at Ghacks.
Thank you for all the valuable information we get here – quite a task really.
Happy New Year!
“I do not want to bore you with technical details”
Martin – Most Ghacks visitors are geeks who don’t typically consider that sort of detail “boring”. After finishing this arduous project you might consider posting a detailed, step by step article in the Web Development section.
Thank you for a fantastic year of work filled with perceptive, well-written posts that included lots of interesting reader input.
Thank YOU, Martin and happy new year to all.
Happy New Year Martin! Thanks a bunch for removing the in-text ads :)
keep up the great work!
Thanks for all of this year. Keep going and give us (IT workers) a better 2013.
Best wishes for you Martin, your team and all readers from any place!
From Argentina.
Happy New Year Martin, Ghacks, & all! Where I am 2012 has finally ended for real. 2013 is a level up for me, with Ghacks as part of it. Thank you people.
Happy New Year Martin. I visit your site every day as it is one of my favorites. Here’s to a great 2013.
Happy new year 2013 to Martin & Ghacks readers! I visited 365 days per year and it’s not going to change this year. Keep up the good work in bringing us interesting articles, Martin. We all appreciate it.
From a retired senior in the US. The HARD WORK you put in your site has always been tops with me and many others I have told about…..Thank You!
Seems above your hard work, you always have time to answer questions. This is something very few other sites take time to do.
Have a Happy and Good 2013 new year. Please know that you are very much needed and appreciated!
Thanks Martin for another year full of good and useful articles on GHacks. Well done :)
And happy new year everyone :)
Best wishes for health, joy & happiness, success, humor, big laughs and many smiles !
Thank .Euh Martin. I am an french boy .,your blog ,site is a wonderfull .Thank you a lot for your valued assistance, at least I will be able to put this site online.
Happy new year 2013 to you .
PS : sorry for my langage.
Martin, I wish you a safe ending of the old year and a good beginning for the new year and hopefully a ferry healthy 2013 with again many excellent Ghacks articles.
Happy New Year to all and ghacks team
Happy New Year Martin, and also to everyone else who makes Ghacks the great site that it is. Long may it continue…
Happy New Year :) Thank you Martin
One of the best technical sites out there. Thanks Martin for all your good work, it is appreciated. Wishing everyone a peaceful 2013.
W’h’ishes (title lol) everyone a happy a new year :D
Don’t think I have missed eyeballing ghacks a single day in 2012. Thanks for the memories.
Thank you, your reviews an tips always help me.
Make sure you come back for the next year
Wish you the best
Thank you, Martin, and all the other “Ghackers” for all your deep-diving work resulting in informative, interesting, enlightening, in-depths articles. I’m happy to hear that you allow yourself a small TIME OUT! Enjoy and go party, man…
Best wishes for 2013!!!!!!
You’re doing the best work out there… Keep them coming!
Wish you the best
Thank you for a year (at least) of good tips.
Happy New Year for you, the team and everybody else!
Happy New Year!Thanks and all the best for you , the team and the readers.
Happy New Years Martin. Thanks again for a wonderfully useful site. You sound like you need a vacation – I hope you give yourself one, since you definitely deserve it.
Thank YOU, Martin, for your articles. I’m an avid rss feed reader, and I read your site daily, and always find something interesting.
Keep it going!
All the best for you and your team, and the fellow readers!
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year, and thanks for the excellent job you do with Ghacks. It is part of my daily “essential” reads. Quick, concise, and informative. Good job!
All the best to Ghacks it’s members and colaborators and a special thanks to Martin for making Ghacks what it is today.
Best quote I’ve learned from a friend..
12 Months of Happiness 52 Weeks of Fun
365 Days of Laughter 8760 Hours of good luck
525600 Minutes of Joy 31536000 Seconds of success
So wishing you all a )Happy New Year 2013.
Thanks Martin! I look forward to more Android app coverage in the future. Also nice that you seem to have put the date back at the top of the post.
Thank you, your reviews an tips always help me.
Make sure you come back for the next year :)
Thank you Martin for everything!
Your hard work will be rewarded with a large number of people who will visit your site, one of the best!
Happy New Year, Martin
and Happy New Year to all of us!
Thank you Martin, and your co-contributors, for some really helpful instruction – keeps the computer of an amateur like me going. Your body of work is excellent and very much appreciated. My new FB account gets quite a few links to your articles too.
Happy 2013 to us all.
I haven’t said it, but I’ll say it now. I read a lot of tech web sites and yours is one of my favorites. I wish I could tell you why. It certainly has to do with a very good RSS feed as I filter everything in through Google Reader. You find useful applets that I read about nowhere else. But there is something about your voice that I really like. I get the feeling you are very honest. That allows me to trust you. Happy New Year.