Start Screen Pinner: Pin Anything to Windows 8's start page

Microsoft has limited the items that you can pin to the start page of its Windows 8 operating system, much like the company restricted the items that you can pin to the taskbar of the Windows 7 and newer operating system. There have been workarounds to pin files or folders to the taskbar, and it comes to no surprise that developers have found ways to circumvent the restrictions of the Windows 8 start page as well.
StartScreen Pinner is a free program for the Windows 8 operating system that you can use to pin virtually anything to the Windows 8 start page. All you need to do is download it from the developer website, extract the contents of the archive on your Windows 8 system, and start the program afterwards.
The interface displays four differing pinning options that you can select from:
- Pin a file
- Pin a folder
- Pin a Library
- Pin Special Item
Pin a file enables you to pin any file to the start page, and not only the file types that Microsoft has selected. While you can pin executables to the start page by default, you can't pin images, videos, or many document formats using the default pin to start option of Windows Explorer's right-click context menu.
A click on Pin Special Item displays a list of links to system settings and features such as the Control Panel, My Computer, Programs and Features, or the Recycle Bin. This option is useful if you want one-click access to often used tools or features, and do not like Windows 8's way of making those features available (usually either by clicking through a series of menus or by using the integrated search on the start page).
Items that you select to pin are added instantly to the start page from where they can be executed or opened just like any other item there. Start Screen Pinner is a helpful program for Windows 8 users who want to pin items to the startpage that Microsoft has blocked by default. (via Techdows)
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