iGoogle like personal startpage

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 18, 2012
Updated • Dec 11, 2012

The personal startpage launched today as a public beta. It basically aims to fill the gap that iGoogle will be leaving once Google retires the service on November 1, 2013. It will compete with established services such as Netvibes or My Yahoo, so lets see what it has to offer right now.

Once you have signed up you can either browse through a walk through of sorts to get started creating your own personal startpage on the Internet, or skip that and use all of the features the service is currently making available. A click on catalog on the left displays the various modules that the service is making available.

The current version concentrates on social networking, news, photos and shopping related modules that you can add to your startpage.

  • News: a selection of popular news sites, including New York Times, Yahoo! News or NBC News, as well as tech blogs such as Mashable, TechCrunch or Engadget. You can also add RSS feeds to the startpage or use the search form to find a site you are interested in. Ghack's found in the search, so all is good in this regard.
  • Social: concentrates on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, with options to see updates, posts and various other account related or public information posted on those sites.
  • Shopping: Groupon, Woot and a handful of other deals related sites are available.
  • Photos: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and photos shared on Tumblr can be added to the startpage.

Each module that you add to the startpage comes with configuration options. News for instance can be filtered by categories you are interested in and words that the news need to contain.

backstitch personal startpage

You can move around the modules on the screen to suit your own taste. You can also switch to the threads tab where news are sorted by date and time and not source. You will however find that news, photos, shopping and social are not mixed but available independently on the page.

personal startpage

You can click on any item listed on your personal startpage to open it right on the site, but with options to go to the site the article was published on to access all of the contents right on the site.

reader is currently a beta product and as such likely not feature complete. It is currently missing features that I'd expect a startpage service to offer, including:

  • Import of opml files
  • Sharing options
  • Custom tabs
  • Widgets or gadgets like weather reports, calculator, currency converter
  • Internet search

It would also be nice if you could make a page public, for instance to share it with friends or colleagues.


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  1. Jon Thomas said on March 23, 2014 at 3:46 am

    A few months have passed now and I tried several options. Funnily enough, just like the poster above me I ended up at which I’ve been using for about 3 months now. It works well, it lets me do what I need to do, and it looks good.

  2. Mari said on September 11, 2013 at 7:58 pm

    It is good to have new options, especially now that the date of the closing of iGoogle is getting near!

    I have tried some options but right now I am sticking with because it has a simple design and it’s very easy to use. Another good thing about it is that I could import from my iGoogle, browsers and RSS readers, so I didn’t have to do all the work again :)
    It is great that out there exist so many options for the different tastes. Thanks for the info!

  3. Jordan Warzecha said on September 18, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    Thanks for the detailed walkthrough of backstitch! As you had mentioned we are just starting out so all sorts of feedback and suggestions are more than welcomed. We want to build a cohesive and personal experience so please do not hesitate to let us know what features we are missing: [email protected]

    I will also be around in the comments to answer any questions.

    Jordan Warzecha
    Co-Founder of backstitch

  4. Tod said on September 18, 2012 at 10:32 pm

    I think for a start, it is ok feature wise. The operators need to add more modules though soon, especially search and weather reports come to mind, and maybe tabs or a way to divide different contents on the startpage as it seems limited right now.

    1. Jordan Warzecha said on September 18, 2012 at 10:41 pm

      Thanks for the feedback Tod! We know our catalog of services is a bit light right now but we are learning a lot from our early users and are currently hard at work adding more functionality. Improved organization is also in the works!

      1. Martin Brinkmann said on September 19, 2012 at 12:13 am

        Please keep me in the loop.

  5. uStart said on September 18, 2012 at 7:52 pm

    There also is – a good replacement for iGoogle.

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