Grab your 25 Gigabytes of online storage right now

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 17, 2012
Updated • Aug 17, 2012

With cloud storage being offered by many companies, it often boils down to a person's history with a specific company and the features set that becomes available after sign up. It is obviously a lot easier and comfortable to add online storage packs or services to an existing account, than to sign up at a new hosting company. Sometimes though, the features that a company is offering may make all the differences in the world.

When you look at storage space that you get when you sign up, you will notice that most companies provide you with 2 to 7 Gigabytes of free storage for your data. And was not really an exception to that rule with the 5 Gigabyte that it provided users who signed up for a free account with.

The company is currently hosting a promotion that will get you 25 Gigabytes of free web storage instead of the 5 Gigabytes that you usually get. That's a strong argument for opening an account at the service, considering that the majority of competing cloud hosting providers do not offer that much storage. Old Microsoft SkyDrive customers get the same amount, but that is about it.

The account is for a single user only, has a file size limit of 100 Megabytes per file, supports mobile app access and simple sharing and collaboration. As far as mobile access goes, you get Box versions of Android phones and tablets, iPhone, iPad and Windows phone. The phone apps allow you to upload, view and share contents using the smartphone.

You can sign up for the free 25 Gigabyte plan on this promo page. Please note that the offer is only available to new users of, and that it is only available for non-commercial use. promo cloud hosting

To sign up simply enter a valid email address and password into the form on the page, and load the confirmation link that is sent to that email address once you click on the continue page. Once you have done that you are automatically logged into your account on the website where a short introduction is displayed on the screen.

25 gigabyte cloud storage


Please note that syncing applications for desktop operating systems are not available for free users of the service. While you can use mobile apps and the web interface to upload files, you can't synchronize files from your desktop PC with the cloud storage. That's a serious limitation that makes the service less attractive to users than comparable services that offer free syncing clients. If you just need lots of online storage and do not mind to upload the data from within your web browser, mobile apps or application add-ons, then it is definitely a service to look out for. If syncing is important to you, it is not a service that you can use in this regard.

You could however create the account and let it sit for a while until the operators of the service start offering free synchronization clients. You can alternatively use a third party solution like Gladinet to integrate the storage space firmly into the operating system.

Update: While the apps page is highlighting that desktop syncing software is only available for paid accounts, you can actually get Box Sync for Windows or Mac right from the My Account > Get Box Sync page.


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  1. Fawad Mirzad said on November 23, 2012 at 7:39 am

    Another pretty easy way to get 25 GB free space is to register through thunderbird.
    Download latest version of thunderbird and in filelink select box and click on new account.
    you will be redirected to registration page.
    you will get 25 GB storage , sync, mobile application and what I love in box. uploading through email. I recieve class lectures in my email and forward it to an email address given by box. the attachments will vo to folder of my choice.

  2. Richard said on September 9, 2012 at 6:34 pm

    In less than 30 days was modified to only 5 GB Free!!

    “Get 5 GB Free and Organize All Your Files Into Folders Store all kinds of files online, then arrange them into folders just like on your desktop.”

  3. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D said on August 19, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    Does anyone actually use these services or trust them with any information of any kind? I keep hearing that people take advantages of these offers, but what would you actually trust them with?

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on August 19, 2012 at 3:11 pm

      I do not upload any personally identifiable information. What I do not mind uploading are photos, music or documents that do not contain these information. If you are particularly worried you can use encryption to protect your data before you upload.

  4. Vishnu said on August 19, 2012 at 4:49 am

    Thanks a lot for this article got my 25GB :)

  5. Anonymous said on August 18, 2012 at 9:32 pm

    Does the 50GB account also come with Box Sync?

    No, Box Sync is available on our Business and Enterprise plans. If you’re interested in upgrading your account in order to get Box Sync, visit or contact Box sales at 1-877-729-4269.

  6. Transcontinental said on August 18, 2012 at 11:48 am

    Well, nice!
    I registered for a free Box 25 Gigabyte plan, downloaded and installed Box Sync, tested, combined an encryption application called Cloudfogger (since Free Box account does not encrypt files) to ‘My Box Files” local folder, et voila: running smooth :)
    Made my day. Thanks Martin for this most valuable information.

  7. tingshuk said on August 18, 2012 at 1:33 am

    I signed up and it shows: Bandwidth used: 0B of 10.0GB

    So is that per day or month or lifetime of account? if so it will be useless. Please advise.


  8. SFdude said on August 17, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    Signed up as a new user.
    Got the 25 GB acct. OK!

    Then I d/l the Get Box Sync exe file,
    from the BOX page link:
    ….My Account > Get Box Sync.

    But when I click to install the Box Sync exe file,
    XP-SP3 (32 bit),
    gives me the error:
    ….”can not install…”.

    I re-downloaded the Box Sync exe file again,
    but same problem.
    Error when I click the EXE: “can not install…”.

    Any ideas suggestions, out there?

    1. B. Moore said on August 18, 2012 at 12:21 am

      its probably for Windows 7 and newer….

  9. Richard Steven Hack said on August 17, 2012 at 8:58 pm

    Keep in mind that Box does not offer encryption for free accounts, only paid business accounts.

    That said, this is the largest free space available at this point, I think – which means sooner or later other services will have to start offering comparable space.

  10. Seban said on August 17, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    No problem, you’re welcome.

  11. Seban said on August 17, 2012 at 4:47 pm

    Syncing is now available to non-paying customers too. Read that yesterday.

    My Account -> Get Box Sync -> Syncing with Windows and Mac

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on August 17, 2012 at 4:59 pm

      Thanks for letting me know, really great. I have updated the article.

  12. Rirath said on August 17, 2012 at 4:37 pm

    Got it – Thanks. Been waiting for Box to do another promo.

  13. Anon said on August 17, 2012 at 3:46 pm

    There was 50 GB free account with 100 MB per file limit available to those who signed up using iPad app (may be also iPhone), so I signed up at that time (but don’t use it actively). Don’t know if that promotion still work.

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