Ask The Readers: Mobile Access, Smartphone Coverage

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 20, 2011
Updated • Nov 29, 2012

With mobile access to Ghacks reaching new heights every month, I'd like to use this Ask The Readers post to get your opinion on a few things that I have been pondering about for a couple of months.

First issue that I would like to throw into the room is mobile access to Ghacks. There is currently no mobile version of Ghacks available. Mobile users access the same Ghacks site that desktop users access, which may be not the most appropriate version for them to view considering the differences in screen size and connection speed.

The first question that I have therefor is if you would like to see a version of Ghacks optimized for mobile devices such as iPhone or Android smartphones. Users who connect with those devices would benefit from faster page loading times and optimized layouts.

Are you accessing Ghacks sometimes from a mobile device? Let me know your thoughts about it please.

The second question that I have is about mobile coverage here on Ghacks. Roman recently send me an email which got me thinking that it would be nice to review great smartphone applications, tips, tricks and how-to guides as well as important phone updates.

I'm thinking of one article per day maximum to take into account the growing mobile niche. I was thinking of concentrating on iOS and Android coverage, but would like to get to know your opinion about it first. Do you think other phones or devices should be included in the coverage? Or would you want less coverage or no coverage at all here on Ghacks?

I'd also like to take the opportunity to ask writers who are passionate and knowledgeable in this field to come forward and apply for the job. Just leave a comment below and I will contact you. Please note that I need to take a look at a few sample articles.

Now it is your turn. Would you like to see a mobile version of Ghacks? And would you also like to see mobile coverage here on Ghacks?


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  1. Sid said on October 2, 2011 at 4:34 pm

    I would really love a mobile version of GHacks. Its also something which you may have to do eventually in the future..

  2. bazza said on September 21, 2011 at 7:11 am

    If you’re going to limit yourself to those two platform and blatantly ignore the others like they don’t exist then you might as well not bother. Besides you are unique with your pc hacks, and you do that well.

    My smartphone (windows phone 7) has no problem reading the desktop version, but a mobile optimised version that offers comments would be cool. You might as well make it html5.

  3. Dan said on September 21, 2011 at 3:26 am

    Great comments so far, there’s not much to add.

    I for one think working on and adding a mobile site is not worth the trouble.

    On my smart phone and tablet I use rss readers Pulse and gReader and news360… as I imagine many others do.

    On the occasion that I go to the full site in the browser, pinch to zoom and the full site loads just fine on my 1.5 year old Droid Incredible. I actually prefer viewing full normal sites. Just about every new smart phone is more than capable of viewing a full version website; even with flash.

    My 2 cents… The site it awesome though, keep up the good work!

  4. Berttie said on September 21, 2011 at 12:05 am

    I’m an old codger who only uses a phone to make voice calls therefore a mobile version of Ghacks isn’t something I need, but I’m sure others would find it useful.

    However, I do now own an android smartphone, so a small amount of mobile tips and tricks coverage could be interesting.

  5. Zorro said on September 20, 2011 at 7:27 pm

    Mobile version would be great. I dont visit the site from my smartphone because i hate the zoom in, zoom out thing (3 inch screen). So, looking forward to that.

  6. Anson said on September 20, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    I read Ghacks from PC usually, but if for mobile version, i would prefer if it is for Android:)

  7. Roman ShaRP said on September 20, 2011 at 2:07 pm

    Well, it was me who raised voice in favor of Android support, so here my position is clear.

    As for mobile version – I’m not devoted mobile internet user, I read Ghacks from PCs, so I don’t have need in mobile version.

  8. Daryl said on September 20, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    As with “browngeek”, I hardly ever actually visit the site, other than when I sometimes want to make a comment.

    I too use Google Reader to follow the feed via their web version if on a PC and via MobileRSS app’s if I’m on the iPhone or iPad.

    If it is easy to crack out a simple mobile version (a la WordPress) then it would be welcome, but if it a great deal of work I am happy enough as it is!

    Extending coverage to relevant Mobile matters would be interesting in view of how increasingly pervasive they are and seems a natural next-step.

  9. odio said on September 20, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    I dont use (or like) mobile devices, so i dont want see articles about this. but im dont bother in just skip articles about this.

  10. Mehdi S said on September 20, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    An android app would be nice and so would be tips for android. Not really an apple fanboy…

    You should also consider the upcoming windows7 mobile.

  11. browngeek said on September 20, 2011 at 12:28 pm

    I actually hardly ever visit the site. The only time is when I sometimes want to make a comment.

    I use Google Reader to follow the feed and its quite nicely optimised for mobile viewing.

    One thing that would be useful though, is if the ghacks twitter account was a bit more used!

  12. Bart Degryse said on September 20, 2011 at 11:46 am

    Once in a while I access Ghacks from a mobile device and on those occasions a mobile version would be welcome.
    I’m not very pleased with your suggestion to optimize a mobile site for iPhone and Android. If you spend time on making a mobile site, then do it the right way so that it is optimized for all mobile devices.
    As far as I’m concerned mobile coverage on Ghacks is not needed. There are already so many other dedicated sites that you won’t make the difference.
    I would like to see more *nix coverage though.

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