Gooce+, Add Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn To Google Plus

I find it rather difficult to spend time on all social networking sites that I have an account for evenly. The three dominant social networking sites that I use currently are Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. I never got the hang of LinkedIn and do not use localized social networking sites. If I would add those to the list, I'd probably need an assistant for my social networking activities alone.
One of the problems is that every site has its own website that you need to visit and log in to before you can use it. That's a tedious process, especially if you are like me and sign out after each session.
Update: The Gooce extension is no longer available. There does not seem to be a comparable extension available at this point in time.
The brand new Google Chrome extension Gooce+ promises to optimize the daily social networking workflow by integrating the streams of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn into the Google Plus interface.
Just install the extension in the Chrome browser, and you will notice that three new icons have been added to the top icon bar when you are on Google Plus. First the five standard Google icons from Home to Games, and then the three new icons for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
While it is not possible to mix news streams, users can click on one of the icons to sign in to their accounts to access their news streams right on Google+.
It is possible to read the latest posts, post status updates, comments, use the like and share functionality or view photos or videos right on the Google Plus site. Some links, like Facebook friend links, open up in a new tab in the browser on the social networking site directly.
Gooce+ demands quite a few permissions during first sign in. Some users might be uncomfortable with that which is understandable.
The developer has created a short video demonstrating the Chrome extension's functionality.
Gooce+ can be a handy extension for Chrome users who use at least one of the social networking sites next to Google Plus. The core benefit of Gooce+ is that it can reduce the number of open tabs in the browser by up to three. That's the best case scenario if you use all four social networking sites on a day to day basis.
Chrome users can download Gooce+ directly from the Google Chrome web store.
Hi, in Gooce+ is updated with the free extension of Persistent Login & Google Plus Share for facebook and Linkedin :)
how effective is it…i’m going to use it…
The Google Plus Search Extension of Gooce+ is now free … :)
It isn’t Gooce+ that demands quite a few permissions during first sign in but the social networks require this. This think is for all Plugin…
I would like to explain what is the service of CMIP.
Our job is the web… we analyze and trasform the buzz in information for our client. We are focused in the semantic e ontologic system with a strong competence in Social Media. Gooce+ is a piece of our Platform Mydasboard CMIP.
We identify, collect, structure and analyze all the buzz (multilanguage) to transform them into information in line with the information needs of our customers.
In my profile of Google Plus there are some example of our services ( in this case of Mydasboard Service). Here some very very sintetic analysis for examples
Our service is multilanguage and in real time….
Test me. Ask me a target ( brand, Company, Name …) and I will send you a brief analysis… :)
Thanks in advance
ehy everyone, Gooce is a promotional plugin to let people know that CMIP now can develope product solutions and new softwaew, no data selling!
it’s a new challenge for us!
follow our new features :)
Be awared your data might be sold by
That’s a great plugin, I’m using it now!
Wow, its really great. Google plus will soon take over other networking sites for sure. :-)
Well, see the permission, see what does and count one and one togehter…
What about SGPlus?
You can post to Facebook and Twitter, see your feeds inside Google Plus, etc.
Gooce+ ?
That’s the name?
I presume the name is a play on words for goose and its use
as slang meaning to to touch, poke, or squeeze someone’s bottom.
Meaning here the extension “pokes” or informs you of account activity.
I noticed the developer is an Italian company.
Italians are notorious of course for their
reputation for goosing females.